Chapter 17

I wake up to a blue flash, and a huge hangover.

"Breakfast time, kid. I made us eggs." I look at him, surprised. He looks back, smirking. "Okay, maybe I didn't make then. I might've gotten them from Grillby, who's so fond of you, he'll divert from the menu." Sans shrugs. "We'll never know which." I chuckle, climbing out of bed. Sans looks at me, a blue dust coating his cheeks. I look down, noticing that I'm in some rather.. Revealing pyjamas. You can see almost all of my leg, and the baggy sweater I'm in shows off my cleavage. 

"Sorry!" I squeak. "I'll go change!" I teleport into the closet, which was a huge mistake. The rack on the top nearly collapses. I teleport it back into place, ridding my hair of hangers.

"Uh.. No problem, kiddo! You good in there?" He calls.

"I'm fricking dandy." I shout back, a hint of amusement in my voice. Sans chuckles. I slip on a long sleeved hoodie pullover. It's black, as per usual. I put on some semi see through leggings underneath, as well as knee high socks. I don't usually wear anything other than a hoodie and pants, so I'm semi uncomfortable showing my leg skin. I walk out of the closet. Sans snorts.

"You, uh.. Got a little something.." He teleports over to me, pulling out a hanger from my hair. "Right there." His face is very close to mine. His breathe smells like ketchup and liquor. I squirm uncomfortably at our closeness. He realizes how little personal space I'm being given, and teleports back to his previous spot.

"Uh.. So breakfast?" I ask. Sans is turning into a blueberry, surprisingly not hiding in his hood.

"Yeah.. The eggs that I may or may not have made. Let's go eat the possible fruits of my labour, shall we?" He offers his arm to me.

"We shall." I grasp on, flying through blue. On the table is a note from Papyrus. It tells us that he's training with Undyne, and won't be back until late. Sans rummages around in the fridge, pulling out some scrambled eggs. He pours us two glasses of water, handing one to me.

"Here ya go. Take however much you want." He nudges the plate towards me. I scoop some onto my plate, teleporting ketchup to the table. Sans takes a tentative sip of water. I teleport another plate onto the table, placing it in front of Sans.

"You have some, too! I feel bad, eating your food while you just drink water." I smirk. "And besides, you just.. Staring at me while I eat is, no offence, kinda creepy." Sans cracks a half smile, scooping a bit of egg onto his plate. He nudges it to a corner, drowning it with ketchup. I raise my fork to my mouth, chewing carefully. It tastes kinda good. As I'm chewing, my tongue hits a certain point in the mouthful that tastes like pure salt. Which it probably is. I deduce that Sans made it, seeing as Grillby wouldn't make that error. I fight through, tears burning my eyes.

"Like it?" Sans asks, hopeful.

"Ith good. Thanths!" I say, my mouth full. I flash him an egg covered grin. Sans forks up a huge wad of ketchup, placing a tiny speck of egg on top. He bites into it, looking content. I finish off my plate, teleporting it into the sink. Sans licks off the remaining ketchup on his plate, putting the egg back onto the egg platter. He doesn't bother taking care of the dirty plate.

"Wanna play Minecraft? Or.. You know.. Do whatever?" He asks, trying to make his voice dull.

"Uh, how about we watch some YouTube, then play Minecraft, then watch Netflix." I suggest. Sans looks confused.

"What's Netflix?" He asks. I drop my jaw comically.

"Sans, I'm ashamed. It's only, like, the epicenter of entertainment!" I exclaim. Sans smirks, shrugging.

"Tibia honest, the only entertainment I socialize with is YouTube and video games." I sigh dramatically, grabbing Sans and teleporting us to the couch. I boot up my Xbox, launching Netflix.

"Okay, what do you want to watch?" I ask him.

"YouTube." He smirks, leaning back in his chair. "You did kinda say that we wouldn't do this Netflix thing until later." He points out.

"True.. What do you want to watch on YouTube, then?" I ask, somewhat dejectedly.

"Whatever  you want." Sans shrugs.

"Uh.. Can we continue watching that Markiplier animation we were looking at before Undyne.. Yeah?" I ask, my voice ending in a squeak. Sans chuckles.

"Sure thing, buddy." He flicks through YouTube, reaching the search menu. He looks up 'Markiplier Fnaf 3 Animation'.

"So.." I trail off, waiting to ask my question. "How far.. Exactly.. Did Undyne take you and Frisk?" I ask warily. Sans puts down the remote.

"She.. Uh.." Sans blushes. "First of all, she tricked drunk-us into hooking up, so.." He coughs. "That's.. Yeah. She also tried to trick us into being together as much as possible."

"Hmm.. Interesting." I murmur. Sans plays the video. A brunette man stars to talk to Phantom Balloon Boy. My friends and I stayed up all night during a sleepover once, just playing through all the Fnaf games. I was surprisingly good at them, which I like to rub in their faces. I smile at the memory.

"Heh.. Admiring the view?" Sans snaps me out of my daydream just in time for the character on screen to repeatedly say the f word. I notice I've been staring at Sans for the last while. I look away, a (F/C) blush covering my cheeks. Again, I wonder why it's (F/C) instead of normal. Sans' cheeks are also dusted with blue. I retreat into my hoodie, focusing on the video.

"You know, the lights may be blaring, but I'd like to think of that as a symbolism for the red hot burning love I feel for you.." The character's having a conversation with Springtrap. Sans and I burst out laughing. He looks at me.

"You know Fnaf?" He questions. I smirk.

"I beat all the games up to Pizzeria." Sans whistles somehow, clapping. On the screen, Springtrap is heartbroken.

"Nice. I gave up at Fnaf 2."

"Tibia honest," I smirk at my bone pun. "I found Fnaf 2 fairly easy."  Sans scoffs. "No, really." I press. "Only a.. Bonehead like you would struggle." Sans and I chuckle. Autoplay chooses another video.

"Alright boys.. If we can survive this video without saying the word 'Penis'.. I'll get us some ice cream." Sans and I burst out laughing, turning the video off. He puts his arm around me.

"Y'know, what I said when I was drunk is true.. You're the only person I feel I can.. Connect to since the kid." Sans says. I smile at him, showing my teeth.

"And you're the only person I feel I can connect to since ever!" I say. Sans chuckles, reaching for my hand. He squeezes it, his bony fingers touching mine.

"Welp, yeh've got me now." He turns to look at me. "And I'm not ever going away." I blush at the remark. His eyes are full of affection, his left eye flickering yellow. I smile at him.

"Same here." I answer. Sans returns my smile. We sit together for a while, Sans' arm around me in an oddly comforting way. He lets go of my hand to play with my hair.

"You're really pretty, y'know, (Y/N). Ever been told that?" My ears heat up. I'm pretty sure that Sans can see them. He chuckles.

"No, actually. Thanks." I smile at the genuine complement. Sans hums, fingers weaving expertly through my (H/C) locks. An icicle falls outside, startling us. Sans falls off of the couch, bringing me with him.

"Sorry!" He exclaims. I squirm, accidentally rubbing against his pelvis. I realize and teleport to the couch again, a (F/C) blush coating my cheeks. There's a blue glow coming from his.. Area. He notices me looking, and blushes.

"Uh.." I start, trying to think of a way to lighten the mood. Sans buries his head into his hoodie. I do the same.

"Sorry.. I'd better go.. Take care of this." He seems embarrassed. A flash of blue enters my vision, and when I blink, Sans is gone. That was.. Interesting.

A/N: So I have a test to study for, as well as a MOUND of homework to do. So I won't upload until, like, Friday night maybe.. Sorry about that. Also, my friend recently told our friend group that she had a crush on Sans, and everyone in our friend group was like, 'Ew!! Gross!!' And I'm sitting here, listening to their reaction.. I left the girl a note recommending some good fanfics. Anonymous, of course.

Oh and also I had a frigging FULL BLOWN PANIC ATTACK during music class. Which was nice.

Also, someone gave me a great idea in the comments. So thank you for that.

Anyways, just remember; FIGHT TEH CORONA WITH TEH CORONA!!1!!! *Catchphrase in progress*
