38 & THANK YOU!!

A/N: So. I'm doing this as part of a chapter because I don't want to make a seperate chapter as just a thank you thing. So. *Takes breath*

THANK Y'ALL SO MUCH FOR 2K READS!! As a present, I'll go edit some of the first chapters. Like, I was looking through them and JESUS POOP THEY ARE BAD!! Like, I swapped tenses faster that I swap moods, and the writing.. I shudder thinking about it. So sorry if there's a bit of delay on this chapter, I'm gone fixing up my writing.

Like, really. I think I just pulled those words RIGHT OUTTA MY ASS, and they suck dong. I didn't even know what I was doing back then.

*Tears up* This story has really help me expand my writing talent. So thanks a lot.

ANYWAYS!! ONTO THE ACTUAL WORDS!! Like, jeez, shut your butt, we signed up for the story, not this baloney.

"Sure." I shrug, nodding. Sans offers me an arm, which I take. I know I can teleport on my own, I just.. Want to tou- Be close to Sans.. Jesus, I'm a freak. We arrive at Grillby's. Sans' eye immediately turns blue. He walks up menacingly to the bar, glaring at the flame elemental. Grillby's flames crackle.

"Sans." He hums, keeping a fairly calm demeanor.

"Matchstick." Sans growls in reply. "You know damn well why I'm here."

"Perhaps. But, you can't argue that, had I finished my sentence, you would've been mildly contented." Grillby muses. Sans' eye-flame flickers slightly before going back to its previous size.

"You still should've asked me, first! I-I'm not ready! If I was, I would've done it myself." Sans states, turning slightly blue. "A-And the ketchup! You have literally no fucking excuse!" Sans accuses. I sit down on a barstool, watching the exchange.

"Well, at the time of its creation, you had just emotionally murdered one of my best employees. I wasn't going to let you off with a mere bottle of syrup." Grillby smirks. "And besides. Had you the brains to check the back, you would've received a clear warning of the ingredients." Grillby points out, visibly fighting a smile.

"Th- WHO CHECKS THE BACK OF A FUDGING KETCHUP BOTTLE!" Sans roars, giving Grillby a death glare. The flame elemental raises his hands in mock surrender, a smile slowly growing on his face.

"Yes, yet you won't try anything, because you know full well the power I hold over you, especially considering our present company." A hint of amusement is present in Grillby's voice. Sans sends a last, spiteful glare at him before dejectedly taking a seat next to me. I snicker in response, quickly silenced by Sans' glare.

"We'll have two burgers, a ketchup, and a beer. Put some frogging vodka in my frogging ketchup, or else I will frog you up." Sans growls, glaring at Grillby. I snicker.

"Frog? Interesting choice of language, there." I tease.

"Thank you. I frogging appreciate it." Sans says, his voice still hostile. I laugh at how silly he sounds. Sans bares his teeth before joining me in laughter. Grillby grins in the background, making our food. He pours some vodka into the ketchup, handing it to Sans, who snatches it out of his flaming hand.

"It'll be on the house." Grillby grins, mischief dancing in his eyes. Sans looks at the ketchup dubiously, inspecting the back. Grillby looks at me, gesturing for me to say something. I catch on, snickering to myself.

"C'mon, Sans, don't be weird. Who checks the back of a fudging ketchup bottle?" Grillby and I look at each other, unable to contain our amusement. Sans glares at the floor, his eye aflame.

"Frog you guys both ten times over." He hisses, taking a swig of ketchup. Grillby smirks, handing us our food. He takes a beer out of an iced container, handing it to me. I open it.

"Race you." I nudge Sans, waiting for him to grab the bottle before beginning to chug my drink. He chokes on the ketchup somehow, creating the illusion of coughing up blood. I chug the rest of my beer, jokingly patting him on the back.

"You good?" I ask, my voice half genuine.

"Thank you," Sans drawls, his voice practically dripping with sarcasm. "For caring about my wellbeing. It's greatly appreciated. And yes. I am good. Just.. Sansational." Sans jokes, cracking a smile. I grin. He chugs the rest of his ketchup, grinning at me.

"So.. What now?" I ask.

"Depends." Sans shrugs. "You wanna get drunk, or you good with being tipsy and just hangin' out?" Sans asks, his voice only slightly slurred.

"Well, I don't really feel like a hangover at the moment, so let's just be tipsy." I decide. "Where did you want to hang out?"

"How abou-" Sans stops for a second, glancing at the eagerly listening fire elemental. "How about I just take you there. Otherwise this cigarette's gonna turn it into a whole thing.. Probably tell Undyne and Alphys, too, knowing la- What he'd probably do if.. Uh.. If this happened." Sans covers up his slip. Grillby, luckily, doesn't seem to either notice nor care.

"Sure." I shrug, grabbing Sans' outstretched arm. Without much difficulty, he teleports us into an area that is unfamiliar to me. It's almost completely absent of colour, grey stained houses looming in the background. Sans looks around, teleporting us in front of an elevator. He goes in, motioning for me to follow. I do, slight hesitation in my movement.

"Where is this?" I ask warily. Sans presses some buttons, and the elevator begins to shake rapidly, jostling us violently.

"Tha-at was Ne-ew Home." Sans replies, his voice somewhat shaky due to the intense movement occuring around us. I choose to be quiet until the elevator stops, which proves to be awhile. The ride spans a fair amount of time before screeching to an abrupt halt.

"Why.. What was that?" I demand, partially breathless. Sans gives me a sidelong look, his expression slightly sheepish.

"That was, um.. The Core elevator, heh. It's known for being kinda rough." Sans responds. "We're in the Core, now. One more elevator ride, and we'll be in MTTs Resort. It's-" Sans starts.

"Oh! Yeah, I've been here before!" I interrupt, recognising the name. Sans looks at me, slightly surprised.

"When?" He asks.

"Oh, I was chatting with a random person on my phone, then we hung out for a while." I reply smoothly, fully aware of how odd my dialogue sounds.

"Um.. Burgerpants?" Sans asks, partial disgust evident in his voice. He teleports us to another elevator, stepping in. It's not as shaky as the last one, and soon enough, we arrive on an ozone surrounded bridge.

"No. Who's that?" I ask in response, slightly confused.

"Uh.. A person. Was it.. No. You.." Sans pauses, squinting at me. "You didn't hang out with Mettaton, did you?" I bark out a chord of partial laughter.

"Nah, the dude works for him though." I brush off the idea, grimacing slightly. "From what I heard, Mettaton doesn't seem like.. The type of person who I'd like to make friends with." I try to word my sentence carefully in case Sans and Mettaton know each other. Sans lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank God." He says, adding a slight dramatic tone to his baritone voice. He meets my eyes, a flash of doubt running through his face. "Who.. Was it, then? Must've been someone who works backstage or somethin'.." Sans mutters, his eyes not leaving mine.

"His name was X." I reply.

"Who?" Sans' face goes blank.

"Gay cat shapeshifter? Wants to be a fashion designer? Works as Mettaton's outfitter?" I offer some defining traits. Sans' tense posture relaxes slightly when I mention that he's gay.

"Oh.. Yeah, I think that Alphys mentioned him once or twice." Sans nods his head in partial relief. "She said she felt sorry for the guy, that he has to put up with Mettaton's antics, as well as his constant need of clothes."

"Yeah," I laugh slightly. "So.. Where did you want to take me?" The alcohol has worn off, and to my relief, I'm left without a headache. Sans doesn't seem tipsy anymore, either.

"Uh.. Here, there's a fine dining area. I sometimes do comedy routines, here.. Though I've stopped in recent resets." Sans leads me down the bridge, leading us into the MTT Resort. I vaguely remember the layout from the last time I was here, though Sans seems to be taking me to uncharted territories.

"You should perform, soon." I suggest. "You're probably really good, and I'd like to hear your routine." I probe further.

"Ah, I dunno.. It's been a while." Sans awkwardly rubs the back of his head. His sockets widen, and he teleports us back to the lobby.

"What?" I ask, slightly worried.

"Uh.. There's no food in the fine dining establishment, heh.. We've gotta order here." Sans leads us to a counter, where a cat monster is snoozing. Sans pokes him, the cat monster yelping in response.

"Wha- Oh, hey, comedian." The cat monster drawls. He lights a cigar, shoving it in his mouth. He takes a puff, blowing smoke in our faces. I instinctively flinch away from the fumes, trying not to breath any in.

"Hey, Burgerpants. We'd like two Star Parfaits, and two Legendary Sandwiches." Sans orders. He turns to me. "Unless you want to eat burnt steak or a bunch of sequins, this is the best option." Sans murmurs, his lips hovering by my ear. I nod, half smirking.

"We..?" The cat monster, or Burgerpants, as Sans called him, peers down at me. "Oh. Got yehrself a galpal, have ya, comedian?" Burgerpants smirks, twirling the cigar in his fingers.

"Not my girlfriend, first off. Second, can we just get our food? I'm feeling kinda.. Burned out today." Sans smirks. I fight to keep my expression blank. Burgerpants merely chuckles, prepping our food.

"Nice one, comedian." He smirks, handing us our Star Parfaits. He gets to work prepping the sandwiches, which takes a bit longer. Sans and I stand awkwardly together, waiting for out food. Burgerpants eventually hands us the Legendary Sandwiches, putting them neatly on two paper plates.

"Welp, seeya sometime, comedian and galpal." Burgerpants smirks. "Oh, and a word of advice, just cause I'm bored; Don't end up like me, comedian's galpal. Heck, I've wasted my whole life, and I'm only 19."

"That's.. Uh.." I trail off, my certainty fading.

"Well, seeya round sometime, BP." Sans waves, saving me from the social awkwardness that had befallen the conversation. He tosses Burgerpants some coins, which the cat monster gladly accepts. He grabs my hand, leading us into the dining establishment. I fight to contain my blush, looking down at our intertwined hands. There are a few other monsters seated at various tables, some glancing up at us, and some sparing us no mind.

"Where.." I pause, noticing how loud my voice sounds. "Why don't they serve food here?" I whisper, embarrassed by the loud outburst that I had previously made.

"Uh.." Sans shrugs. "I dunno. But, anyways. Lettuce take a seat." Sans smirks at the joke, leading us towards a table for two. He then flinches, teleporting us to a different table, taking a seat there. I decide not to question it, taking the empty seat. Sans hands me my food, gently nudging my hand as he does so.

"Bone appitite." I chime in, not wanting to waste the opportunity.

"Nice one." Sans points out, biting into the sandwich. I take a sip from the Star Parfait, enjoying the way the flavours melt together on my tongue. (Just so you know, I have no idea what a parfait is, lol.. Imma just assume it's a milkshake.)

"Hey, why'd the tomato turn red?" I smirk. "Because it saw the salad dressing." Sans chuckles.

"Before we enjoy this food, I'd just like to say I loaf you." Sans jokes, turning blue as the smile slowly drains from his face. I blush slightly, trying to laugh it off.

"What's a sandwich's pet peeve? A traffic jam!" I joke, forcing myself to chuckle. Sans smirks, the blue slowly fading.

"We're such weirdoughs." Sans jokes. I smirk.

"Until the batter end." I reply. We both chuckle, simultanously biting out sandwiches. Sans is almost done, while I've just started. I take another bite right away, not wanting this to be awkward. Sans sips his Star Parfait, smirking cooly.

"Y'know what they said when I was made?" Sans smirks. "A star has been born." He takes another sip of Star Parfait, snorting. Some of it pours out of his nose slightly, and I burst out laughing. Sans' eye sockets widen as he grabs a tissue, hastily wiping it off.

"Comedy gold, truly." I wipe off a fake tear, smirking. Sans and I both finish our sandwiches, picking up our Star Parfaits. Sans teleports our dirtied plates into a nearby trash bin, standing up. Our parfaits are in disposable cups, so it shouldn't be wrong to bring them home.

"Well, I had fun, uh.. I'll text you sometime?" Sans offers.

"Yeah. I had fun, too." I reply, smiling.

"Seeya later." Sans turns, lighting up his eye. He turns back. "By the way, thanks for the date." He winks, teleporting away. I feel curious eyes travel to me. Blushing, I teleport home, putting my Star Parfait in the fridge.

I just went on a date with Sans.. And I liked it.

A/N: OKIE I'M BACK!! Sorry its been, like, a week since the last update. I coughed, like, twice, and my parents took the opportunity to make me stay home from school. I've been sleeping a lot. And overdosing on Minecraft. I mean, I probably don't have the coronavirus, so imma take advantage of having paranoid parents and just sleep as much as possible, lol.

All joking aside, though, try to stay safe. Do blah blah, and remember to blah blah blah.. I'm sure you've heard it before. Just remember to follow the spiel.

And remember: FIGHT TEH CORONA WITH LE CORONA!!!!1!! (Catchphrase in Progress)
