Chapter 37

I stretch, yawning. Though I'm aware I'm in Sans' bed, I don't feel awkward or anything.. Probably the crush. Speaking of which.. I look down to see a familiar comedic skeleton. He's stripped his hoodie, and is laying in bed donned in a simple, white t-shirt. It has an orangey stain on it right by his mouth. I notice myself staring, and mentally scold myself. Sans begins to stir. I get up, putting my hoodie on. He sits up, yawning. Sans' eyes meet mine. He freezes, dropping his arms. A lazy smile forces itself onto his skull.

"Hey. Sleep well?" He asks.

"Great. You?" I ask back.

"Decent. So.. Let's grab some Grillby's, then do the little rematch, shall we?" Sans offers.

"We shall. Race you there." I smirk, well aware that Sans isn't decent.

"First off, you got a head start, second.." Sans smirks. "Throw me a bone, I just got up."

"You've had a skeleton of time to get your boney butt up. Besides, it's not my fault you've got a thick skull." I retort, smirking as well. Sans pulls on his hoodie, struggling as the strings get caught on his skull.

"Welp," Sans winks, standing up. I realize what he's about to do, and quickly teleport to Grillby's, positioning myself in a barstool. Grillby jumps slightly, dropping his rag. Sans soon materializes as well, glaring playfully.

"What?" I feign innocence.

"C'mon, I was gonna do a whole thing there!" Sans whines.

"Not my fault you couldn't ketchup. Speaking of which," I turn to Grillby. "We're here for breakfast."

"I don't se-" Grillby trails off, looking behind him. I turn around to see fading blue sparks that look to be arranged in letters. They fall too quickly to be readable. I look at Sans, who glances away, smirking. He turns to Grillby.

"I'll have some non alcoholic ketchup, and some of your delicious scrambled eggs." Sans beams. Grillby shakes his head.

"Well, I for one would rather see some action than play along with your game." The flame elemental states, a smirk creeping onto his face. "(Y/N)," Grillby glances at Sans before focussing on me. "The sign said, 'Play along'. And the reason that those Sans chose to portray those words were because he wants you little hangout to go perfect. The reason being is his cru-" Before Grillby can finish, Sans grabs my arm. Soon enough, we're standing in his kitchen. Sans turns blue.

"We'll just make something ourselves." He mutters. "That backstabbing matchstick-headed cigarette.." I hear him mutter. I stifle a snicker, hiding my smirk with my hand.

"I can make pancakes." I offer. Sans immediately shakes his head.

"No. I'll make eggs. Simple enough. You're staying over, you aren't cooking." Sans affirms. He smirks, looking at me. "Besides, wouldn't want to ruin your pretty face." He flicks my nose, leaving me momentarily speechless. I regain my composition.

"First off, my face is anything but pretty. Second," I put my hands on my hips and glare a him, trying to keep a straight face. "Alright, sexist."

"N-No, I-" Sans stutters. He then double checks my expression, his face visibly relaxing. "Nah, I'm just tryna impress you with my cooking skills. They'd have Gordan Ramsey shook." Sans says the last part in a James Charles voice. I laugh unattractively, smirking.

"I'm sure they would." I agree, teasingly. "I mean, what you lack in battle skill you must make up in something, right?"

"Tha-" Sans pauses. "Nah, I'm more of a well rounded sorta guy." He grins, cracking two eggs into a dented metal bowl. He stirs them with a fork, adding salt and pepper. The fork isn't very effective. Without fully mixing the eggs, he puts them onto a pan. Sans pours some oil overtop, heating up the stove. I watch, curious. He leaves it for a good two minutes before starting to mix it around. There are some brown bits, but overall it looks pretty good. Until he flips it again. There's an uneven balance of yellow and white swirling around each other. Sans flips it back.

"Gordan Ramsey sure would be impressed." I smirk. Sans grins.

"Fork you." He says back playfully.

"Oh, now I've got a bone to pick with you!" I smirk. "You're in for a real battering."

"Stove at my funeral, they'd say I'd pasta way?" Sans shoots back. I stifle a chuckle.

"No one'd oven be able to argue." I joke, cheekily smirking.

"I guess you could say I really egged you on." Sans puts the scrambled eggs on a plate, bringing two smaller ones to the table. "Speaking of which, bone appetite!" He bows dramatically, teleporting a bottle of ketchup from the fridge. I catch a glimpse of the label, covering my grin with my hand. It's the prank ketchup.

"Uh.. Here, lemme get my phone." I stand up suddenly. "I forgot I need to text someone about a.. Uh.. Thing." Real smooth, I mentally scold myself.

"Um.. A thing? Who'd you kill?" Sans winks. He looks me up and down, trying to force a stern look onto his skull.

"A thing. Gimme a sec. Don't.. Don't eat without me, kay?" I quickly teleport to my bag, grabbing my phone. Quietly, I log in, starting a voice recording. This'll be good. I teleport back. "M'kay, I'm done." I stuff my phone into my pocket, leaving the microphone exposed. Sans looks at it suspiciously.

"Right.." He trails off. "Well, I'm going to pour some egg on my ketchup." He smirks, shaking the 'ketchup' bottle. Weird.. It doesn't sound like syrup, or look like it. What did Grillby do..? I spoon some egg onto my plate, trying not to stare. I notice some odd colouring in the ketchup.

"Um.. The egg is good." I offer a conversation starter. Sans puts a tiny speck of egg onto his mound of.. Something. I take a bite of the egg. Other than the uneven texture, it's pretty good.

"Heh, thanks. This ketchup's good, too." Sans smirks, taking a bite. His sockets immediately widen, and he runs to a trash can, spitting out his mouthful on the ground next to it.

"You good?" I say, halfway worried. Syrup wouldn't do this. Sans teleports a glass under the sink, filling it up. Blue, translucent tears fall from his eyes. His cheeks take on an unusual green flush. As he snatches the glass from the sink, it slips out of his hands, spilling on the floor. It doesn't break somehow. Sans lets out a strangled cry, his breathing uneven. Like, seriously, what did Grillby do?

"Water.. Fuck." He curses. A string of profanity leaves Sans' mouth. I smirk slightly at the vulgar language, getting him a glass of water. He slurps it up hungrily, immediately getting more.

"What was that?" I question, slightly amused. He glares at me.

"Some douchebag's idea of a prank." Sans growls. He grabs my phone, positioning his mouth at the microphone. "By the way, fuck you, Grillby, ten times over." He hisses, turning to me. "How much of a part did you play in this?" He demands warily. I hold my hands above my head.

"Ace and I told him to replace it with syrup or something. Not.." I look at him sheepishly. "What was that, anyways?"

"Hot sauce and.. Something." Sans shudders, his voice somewhat shaky. He presses the stop button on the recording. "Like, seriously. Grillby's really screwing me over today, isn't he?"

"Well, to be fair, that bottle's from, like, forever ago." I point out.

"Still." Sans mutters. I finish the eggs, teleporting my plate into the sink. Sans does the same with his,

"So.. The spar?" I remind him.

"Right.. Here, grab on. I've got a place." Sans offers me his arm. I grab it, clinging onto the slightly sweat soaked fabric of his hoodie. We arrive at an unfamiliar area. It doesn't remind me of any area I've seen. There's tall, yellow pillars leading up to a sturdy roof. Huge windows run across either side of the ominous looking corridor. Sans flinches.

"You good?" I ask gently.

"Y-Yeah. There's just a lot of.. Memories here, heh." Sans laughs weakly.

"We can go somewhere else, if you'd like." I offer. He shakes his head.

"No. This is good. I'm not ruining this with my stupid phobia." Sans growls, teleporting just after the third pillar. He gulps, moving his location to the fourth. I stay where I am.

"If you're sure.." I trail off doubtfully.

"I'll atta- No, y-you go first." Sans directs. I shrug, lighting up my eye. I approach him, unsure of my first move. I jut some bones out of the ground and walls, forcing Sans to jump. I then summon some blasters. Sans teleports out of the way quickly, ducking under a cleverly placed skull.

"50-Love. You're move." I smirk, trying not to seem worried. If Sans wants to do this, it'll only make him feel worse if I stop him. He puts on a serious face, attacking me with multiple blaster. They go off as soon as he places them. Without much effort, I teleport out of the way, my reflexes strangely enhanced. He slams me against a wall, jutting bones out of it. I jump off of it. Teleporting to the ground below. Sans stumbles back, seemingly awestruck with his newly acquired power. He then smirks.

"Heh.. This'll be interesting." Sans states, giving me an unnerving look. (Megalovania intensifies, lol.)

"Sure will be." I shoot back, placing blasters everywhere. It doesn't take up much energy. I direct moving bones to where I predict Sans will teleport. He gets hit twice, grinning.

"I'll tell you when I hit one HoPe, which isn't always anymore." He shouts gleefully. He copies my attack with a different pattern. I predict where he thinks I'll teleport, trying to make my moves wild.

"FaiTh. We changed our soul chemistry or something, remember?" I playfully remind. As I'm dodging, I shoot blue and normal bones in Sans' direction. Weird, I didn't know I could shoot blue bones. They just sorta came out. The bones create a pattern that isn't easy to dodge. Sans' attacks subside. I watch him, smirking. Without warning, a white light comes into my vision. I teleport quickly, only to land in a pit of bones. I stand up, groaning.

"Yeah. Unlike you, my brain works." Sans taunts, grinning. I smirk, getting up. I wipe away the crimson liquid that flows from the wounds in my side. I've dealt with worse.

"What brain?" I wave a finger back and forth. "You so totally missed a chance for a pun, there. That means punishment." I joke, sending more blue bones at Sans, slipping in the occasional blaster. There's always a heart shaped gap in the bones, where Sans can teleport when the blasters appear. Weird, it's like the universe doesn't want me to do a completely unavoidable attack. I increase the speed of the blasters. Sans takes substantial damage, bones sticking out of his jacket. He groans.

"Touche." Sans sputters out, hissing in pain. He grabs his shoulder, trying to pull out the bones. He doesn't succeed. I make them dissipate, not wanting to put Sans through torture. Multiple bones appear at my feet, vibrating with a strange energy. I notice a blue one in the corner. Before they have a chance to penetrate me, (Lol, penetrate. I'm so mature. As soon as I wrote that, my brain just died) I teleport over to the blue one, landing slightly above the ground. It punctures my foot, not getting further than that.

"I won't go down that easy." I smirk, sending numerous blasters in Sans' direction. He dodges them all, sending bones over to me. While teleporting away, I slam Sans into a pillar, jutting bones into his backside. Blood comes pouring out. He teleports away, chest heaving.

"Close. Not quite, though. It appears I have enough faith to keep me going." Sans smirks, sending blaster in my direction. They form a circle around me. More and more cascade in, forming three large circles. I frown, sending a bone attack towards Sans. He grins, dodging it.

"Best prepare for a bad time.." Sans' voice comes out quiet, making me nervous. Suddenly, all the blasters begin to fire, only a small square of safety remaining. I teleport there, not before getting hit by about five blasters. I'm aware of the wounds, but I'm so pumped with adrenaline that the pain is barely noticable. As I follow the square, I send blaster after blaster towards Sans, copying his design, but with a slightly different sequence. I have faith in my ability to beat him.

A small, pink orb floats infront of me. I involuntarily grasp it, a surge of warmth rushing through me. I can do this. I fire the blaster, my energy rejuvinated. Sans dodges all but one of them, the white beam hitting his midsection. He hisses in pain.

"One health, I give in." He groans, tucking himself into a fetal position on the floor. I immediately cease my attacks, rushing over to him.

"You good?" I ask worriedly. He simply moans in reply. I conjure up a healing flame, focusing on how much I lo- How close I am to Sans. It comes out fairly large, a pink aura wavering on its surface. I direct it to Sans' injuries, my own wounds feeling better as well. Somehow, our clothes mend themselves, the frayed blue threads of Sans' hoodie magically weaving back together.

"Yeah." He replies. "Nice power you've got there, heh. But that was kinda unfair. You had soul power, I didn't." He points out, smirking.

"True. But then again, you had knowledge, I don't. You've been able to experiment with different attacks way more than me." I shoot back.

"I guess." Sans shrugs. "I'm hungry. It's lunchtime, wanna go to Grillby's? I'm ready to give that dickhead a piece of my mind. I hope Papyrus isn't there."

A/N: So yeah, sorry for the lack of updates, I'm sick and something else is going on in my brain. BUT!! I put in some things in this chapter that are akin to the game, and for that I applaud myself.

The third pillar applauds you. (Catchphrase in Progress)

EDIT: Ok, so I wore my glasses, and immediately I thought of this word. 'Congradjulations'. And I'm feelin' kinda loopy 'cause I'm sick and all, so I don't know if that's even a word, or if I'm crazy, or even if I spelt it right. Then I started saying it over and over, and now it sounds a whole lot less like a word than it did before.

Edit 2: Jeesh, I'm reading this to refresh my memory of the last chapter and lemme just say, past me: It's 'Congratulations', yes it is a word, and to my audience, I promise I'm not a crackhead.
