Chapter 7

Ok, so I should be studying, but I got bored. So I'm here, eating pretzels and writing Sans fanfiction. But let me tell you, 'THESE ARE SOME GODDAMN GOOD PRETZELS!!' (If you get this quote, I love you.)

As I'm about to defeat a Behemoth in Dauntless, I can hear my phone buzzing from my bag. I pause the game, and check it.

Grillby: (Y/N), would you mind starting your first shift? We have over 80 customers here, and most of them are asking for you. Text me your answer.

I'm about to tell him I don't really feel up to it, but then I remember all that he's done for me. My house, my phone.. I can't say no.

You: Sure! What time?

Grillby: In around an hour. The exact time doesn't matter.

I make my way to my closet, changing into something formal. I spot the jacket I wore to Sans and Papyrus', and a twinge of pain runs through me. I grab a black jacket, and hastily close the closet door. Swiftly, I grab some sheet music I picked up at the general store. There is one Gabbie Hanna song, 'Medicate', which I've heard. The other two I don't recognise, and the titles are smudged. I thumb through the sheet music book I picked up as well. They're mostly popular pop songs, such as 'Bad Guy', 'Seven Years Old', and 'Honestly'. I pick out a few which I know how to sing; Mainly Gabbie Hanna's stuff. I pull my hair into a side ponytail, and teleport to Grillby's, not bothering to check the time.

"Ah, (Y/N)! You're early!" As soon as my (F/C) flames fade away, Grillby rushes out of the bar door. "Thank you for showing up. You can begin whenever you'd like."

"No problem!" I glance into the bar. "It.. Looks pretty packed in there!"

"Yes, our business is picking up. Like I said before, the majority of them are here for you." Grillby hold the door open. "Come on in." I walk into the bar. Grillby quickly assumes his position as bartender, giving me a warm smile. I take a seat at the piano bench. Same as last time, I play a C Major chord. Only this time, the bar silences. I take a breath, and prepare to play.

Sans' P.O.V (Weren't expecting that, were you?)
I sigh. Since the conversation with (Y/N), I've been feeling kind of down. Not that I'm not always feeling down, nowadays.

"SANS, YOU REALLY SHOULD GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. YOU'VE BEEN HERE ALL DAY!" Papy's right. I should stop sulking. Why should I even care what (Y/N) thinks? She's just like them. Insensitive, and oblivious to my feelings.

"Alright, bro. I'll go to Grillby's." Before he can tell me not to get too drunk, I teleport by the front door. Usually, you can hear bar chatter. Now, it's just quiet. There's a soft melody playing, with a voice singing. Maybe Grillby unsuspended our jukebox privileges. I walk through the door, expecting to be cheered for. Ever since the jukebox incident, I've been somewhat of a celebrity in Grillby's. Instead of applause, I'm greeted with a hoarse voice.

"Dude! Get out of the way! I can't see!" The dog monster cranes his head towards the stage, where a girl in a black hoodie is playing piano. The bar is transfixed. I move closer to the front. Great. Of course (Y/N)'s ruining my bar experience. I go up to the front and order a diet alcohol. (It's a magic world shhhhh..)

Since the resets began, I've been trying to perfect myself, because everything that I've changed about my body stays the same. For example, I still have the scar from.. That time. Currently, I'm working on my weight, though it doesn't seem to be working. I don't know what I'll do once I'm perfect.. Maybe write a novel or something. There's only so much you can do in two months. I can't help but wonder, though, if maybe it's time to stop. To just.. Give up. Stop trying. It's not as if anyone'll miss me.

"Sure, Sans. That will be 3 dollars, please."

"Put it on my tab." That's what I say everytime I come here, now. My tab will just be erased, anyways.

"You know, someday you're going to have to pay that off." He raises a flaming eyebrow. Before I can respond, he hands me my beer. "Will you take a 'Sans special', too?" Let's see.. A bottle of ketchup is 112 calories, and I didn't eat breakfast or lunch. So if I eat this, I'd still be able to have 278 calories for supper without ruining my schedule.

"Sure. Tab, again." I grumble. The music stops.

"Why do pirates make excellent pianists?" (Y/N) yells. "Because they operate on the high Cs!" The bar erupts in laughter. The same way they used to when I told a joke. That pun wasn't even that funny. She mockingly takes a bow. Her (E/C) eyes catch mine, and she visibly flinches. She immediately resumes her smirk, and looks back at the piano, sitting down on the newly cleaned bench.

"This one is for a certain person in the audience. He knows who he is." (Y/N) sits on the piano bench, getting ready to play. When she starts, it's.. Partially decent. I fake a scoff, not wanting to show her that I'm impressed. When she begins to sing, my eyes move to hers. She stares back steadily.

"Laying in the bed that I've made all alone. Guess I'm not surprised, honestly. Praying in my head that you stayed, and I hope that you'll miss me eventually." Is.. Is this her way of apologising? Hah. As if I'll forgive her that easily. "People want to talk when I'm not around to hear.. Really they don't know what I'm made of. People keep on walking so far away from here. Clearly I'm the one they're afraid of." Trying to guilt trip me, huh. It ain't gonna work.

"One after the other they're always come and gone. Maybe I'm the monster monster that's been here all along. They're dropping like flies whenever I'm around, so used to goodbyes there's comfort in the sound. Maybe I'm the monster that's been here all along." Ah. So she's not here to apologise, just to say something spiteful. My face contorts into a frown. I have to admit, I was looking forward to breaking her heart. I chug the ketchup, wiping my mouth. I chant the calorie count in my head by instinct, starting to plan out tomorrow. Suddenly, I remember; How much alcohol did I have last night? It could've messed up my schedule! Maybe I should skip supper tonight, just in case. The piano tune shifts to a softer and sadder tune.

"Turned away as a youngster, continued through my all. Even by a stranger for no reason at all. Taken from my school, my brain ridden of bliss, forcefully pushed from my mental state to this. I don't want to be the monster that's looked down upon." The bar bursts into applause after she sings the final word. "Why can't skeletons play church music? Because they have no organs!" She says, her gaze fixated onto me. She takes a bow, her (E/C) eyes not leaving mine. After hearing the end of the song, I feel.. Somewhat guilty, which is confusing. I shouldn't be feeling sympathetic towards her, she's an inconsiderate monster! I chug the rest of the ketchup, then teleport back home, very drunk.

I'm greeted with purple moss, which is unusual. I make a mental note to ask Papyrus to get rid of it. I rush through the house, not noticing the surroundings. The floor is swaying, along with the walls.. I wonder why that is. I stagger over to the couch and close my eyes unconsciously, passing out.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

As soon as I finish my shift, I order a shot of vodka and a beer from Grillby.

"Um.. Could you maybe put the vodka into some nutella? Thanks."

"Why would you want that?"

"Because it tastes good." I say bluntly. Grillby chuckles, his flames sizzling.

"You sound like Sans. You two should hang out sometime." I force myself to chuckle.

"I don't think so.. We don't have much in common."

"Really? I think the opposite. You're both jokesters, you both like puns, and you both like putting vodka into condiments because it tastes good."

"I meant our personalities. And besides, he's a jerk."

"(Y/N), Sans has been through a lot.. Don't judge him too harshly. I've noticed his joyfulness declining rapidly for no reason.. He might have a mental illness." Grillby sighs. "Don't be so quick to form opinions. I've found that doing so decreases the accuracy of your view on someone."

"Ok, sure.. How much are the drinks?" I say, trying to change the subject.

"Free.. Call it an employee bonus." Grillby winks, then slides the beer to me, along with a plastic cup of Nutella.

"Thanks. I'm going to head out now. Bye." I instantly disappear into my signature (F/C) flames. The lights to my house are on for some reason.. That's weird, I wonder why. As I make my way to the kitchen to enjoy my alcohol, I find a blue figure curled up on my couch. I move to get a better look.


A/N: Do you guys like me writing in Sans' P.O.V? Tell me your opinion. Btw, STORY TIME!

So there's this guy in my class.. Let's call him Geoffrey. So basically, he and I are the 'smart kids' in my class, therefore always silently competing. We both don't really pay attention, but still get good grades, which pisses off the teachers. There are like.. 3 tests coming up, which SUCKS because I know all the material after just a bit of studying, so class is boring. Geoffrey and I were just fooling around during class, when SOME dude.. Let's call him Fritz.. He comes up to me and is all like, "You should be studying." And I'm all like, no u. And he says, "Don't be a smartass." And then he walked away. Btw, Fritz is a STUDENT TEACHER so he's supposed to be nice!! So then Geoffrey just cracks up, along with his goons, making me feel like a FOOKIN' IDIOT!! So yea fun times.

Well, anyways.. let's play GUESS THE QUOTE!! 'I fell in love the same way you fall asleep: Slowly, then all at once.' Byee.

Edit: This chapter SUCKS. I won't edit it too much because I got things to do but.. GHSGDFFDFDV Y DID I WROTE LIKE THIS. I probably won't do many more P.O.V switches because I'm bad at them. So yea *Catchphrase in progress*
