Chapter 43

"Welcome.. To MTT Restaurant!" The waiter states loudly, gesturing at the surrounding area. "You two must be Sans and (Y/N). Your friends made an online reservation." I glance at him. He seems to be a taller version of the smoking cat monster in the fast food area, the only notable difference being the uniform.

"Yeah, yeah.. 'Friends', heh.." Sans mutters spitefully.

"Anyways.. They booked you a special, private room normally reserved for special occasions. So.. Uh.. I'll take you there.." The waiter squirms nervously under Sans' irritated glare. He leads us through the restaurant to an area at the back, taking us through a nicely decorated door.

"Wonder how much they splurged on tryin' to get us together. This place seems fancy." Sans comments, gazing at the expensively framed artwork on the wall.

"Yes.. Well, I'll be back to take your orders in a bit. Get comfortable- I'm under strict orders not to let you leave until at least 2 hours pass." He remarks somewhat strictly, taking us to a table seated for two. We take a seat, a scowl still prominent on Sans' skeletal face.

"Thanks." I say, trying to be decently polite.

"No problem, miss." He grins, bowing slightly. "Well, anyways, I must be going. I'll be back in a bit. Your friends paid quite a bit to get your food delivered."

"Bet they did.." Sans mutters, scowling. The waiter clears his throat, bows, then strides out of the room.

"I'll be back in a bit." He calls, closing the door in a singular, swift motion.

"Right.." Sans mutters, leaning closer to me. "Do we humour him, or did you want to teleport to Grillby's?"

"Uh.. How about we chill here, then go to Grillby's after?" I suggest. "Seems like Ace and Undyne might take it out on the waiter dude if we waste their money." I mention, smirking slightly at the thought.

"Fine," Sans sighs, leaning back in his chair dramatically. I raise an eyebrow at his overly irritated nature.

"Why's this bothering you so much? Is the idea of being on a date with me that bad?" I ask, only half joking. He'd probably rather be with Frisk, right now.

"Nah, I just.." He pauses slightly, looking away. "I've got something that I need to do."

"Wouldn't Grillby's interfere with that, though?" I ask, somewhat offended by this fictional scenario I've built up in my head.

"Uh.. I've actually got something I need to plan out at Grillby's." Sans says, looking back at me. "May as well hang out with you, heh.. Better than this money-wasting craphole." He mutters.

"Yeah.. We should choose what to eat." I motion at the menus in the middle of the table. Sans grabs one, trying not to knock over the neatly placed vase of flowers on the table. A faint shout can be heard in the distance, followed by the echo of laughter.

"They're probably doing the comedy routine out there." Sans remarks, scrolling through the menu. "The dude sucks- He's some guy from Waterfall. All he does is make dirty jokes, and pretend to kill people. He also overuses the 'Weird flex, but ok' meme WAY too much." He rolls his eyes, smirking.

"Yeah.. Didn't you used to work here?" I ask, flipping through my own menu. There's just a bunch of combo meals used to fill the pages- Mixtures of steak, sandwiches, and steak sandwiches. The only drinks are the Starfaits, as well as various sodas.

"Still do. I've got a contract- They'll give me a thousand bucks if I complete 10 acts. The people here are so starved for entertainment, they'll resort to my puns for a laugh." Sans snorts halfheartedly.

"You should finish it." I remark, putting down the menu. "Get some extra cash, as well as something to do."

"I've already done it. Multiple times, actually. It's gotten old, by now. Same customers, same reactions." He sighs, leaning back in his chair.

"Yeah, but.." I think for a moment. "Have you ever gotten your friends to see your performances?"

"Nah," Sans waves off the idea. "They wouldn't like it. The kid came, at one point, when they were trying to drag out the time before they had to do the little save-load thing with killing Asgore, and even they found it boring. Said that my comedy's better when it's not forced, heh.. And they're right. I'm better at puns when I'm talking with friends, and jokes don't flow when I'm alone." Sans muses.

"Maybe.." I remark. "So what're you going to order?" I inquire.

"Ketchup, 2 Starfaits, and I'll have a burger at Grillby's." He answers. As if by cue, the previous waiter comes in to take our order.

"Have you decided what you want?" He asks, standing at attention.

"Yeah, uh.. I'll have a bottle o' ketchup, and two Starfaits." Sans answers, leaning back in his chair.

"We don't have any ketchup, and-" The waiter starts, scribbling on his notepad.

"I'll pay for it, just get me a bottle." Sans butts in, raising an eyebrow as a form of challenge.

"We, um.. We don't have ketchup as a condiment option." The waiter strains, slightly sheepish.

"You- Fucking, what?" Sans states loudly. "What do you put on things? What the- What restaurant doesn't have fucking ketchup?"

"Language." The waiter says meekly.

"I don't fucking care!" Sans shouts, glaring at the waiter. He takes a breath in, gripping the table. "First I'm forced on a date I don't want to go to, and now I can't even get any ketchup." He mutters, glaring at the embroidered tablecloth.

"Hey, it's fine if you don't want to be on a date with me." I offer meekly, slightly disappointed.

"Well, I don't." Sans states, his voice reeking with the aftermath of anger. "I need to go to Grillby's to pla- To do something. I don't care if you come or not, I need to get out of here. It's already interrupting my afternoon." He growls, a scowl still prominent on his skeletal face.

"Fine. If you really don't want to be on a date with me, then you don't have to be. Go do whatever the fuck you need to do." I snap, slightly irritated.

"Fine! I will." Sans retorts, glaring half at the waiter, half at me.

"Fine. Go then." I say, my voice slightly softer.

"I will." Sans states, disappearing with a flash. The waiter looks at me, pity obvious in his eyes.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" He asks, purely out of politeness.

"I'm fucking dandy. If you don't mind, I'll be going now- No point eating a romantic lunch on my own." I scowl at the ground, frowning. Without warning, the door bursts open.

"Hey! I watched the security footage." A familiar voice enters my consciousness. I turn to see X, his expression worried.

"Yeah.." I trail off, still somewhat shocked by the situation.

"It's fine. Don't worry- From what I've heard, Sans is an asshole. Even if it's only once in a while that it shows. His good parts don't erase the clear fact that his personality is obviously shaped like a rectum." X states blankly, the corner of his mouth twitching.

"Thanks." I say, not up to defending Sans' name. "Y'know, I'm probably overeacting. The whole situation was probably nothing." I sigh, my anxiety kicking in.

"No!" X protests, shaking his head. He takes a seat across from me, looking me in the eye. "From what I saw, Sans was being pissy about something small, got really mad about nothing, and took his anger out on you. Besides." He flashes me a smirk. "The fact that you like him probably made it worse when he said he didn't want to be on a date with you."

"No, I-" I start to protest, giving up halfway through. I let out a heavy sigh. "How did you know that?"

"Well, Alphys comes through every once in a while, so.. Yeah, she chose me to be her rant-to-and-hug dude." X states with a shrug. "Anyways, he probably didn't mean it. His anger issues just took over or something, and he said things he didn't want to say. Besides, even to a gay guy.." He shoots me a reassuring grin. "You seem like an awesome gal. I'm sure Sans regrets it right now, and is probably cooking up a great plan to apologize."

"Thanks, I-" I begin. I glance back at him, narrowing my eyes. "Hey, didn't you become a fashion designer?"

"Well, the money you gave me helped to buy resources, but it's not enough to pay rent." X states, slight sarcasm in his voice. "I still need this job in order to do basic things. Like, sure, the money helped a lot, but I still need to make the outfits, find someone to mass produce them, and get famous. And I've done neither of those yet." He explains, grimacing slightly. "So, for the time being, I'm stuck in this craphole."

"Oh." I reply simply.

"Welp, enough 'bout me. We gotta get you in a quiet area." X states loudly, shooting the waiter a look. The tall, cat monster clears his throat, striding spitefully out of the room.

"I just.. I don't know what to do, X. You know I like him, and he.. He just doesn't seem to like me." I stutter out, fighting to keep my voice normal.

"Well.." X thinks for a moment, taking a seat where Sans used to be. "If he really doesn't like you, I'd personally just give up. Either you each go your seperate ways, or he finds out, 'Hey! She's actually really sweet, cute, pretty,' which you ARE," X states pointedly. "And then he'll like you back. For the time being, however.." He smirks, grinning. "Party all you want. Sleep around, date.. Live your life to its fullest."

"But.. I can't just cut him out." I say, my face twitching. "He's, like, one of my closest friends." I point out in partial dispair.

"Take a break." X waves off my point. "You so totally don't need that skele-bitch to be happy." He states with a snort.

"Ok.." I say, my voice wavering slightly. "Ok!" I state, somewhat louder. "I, (Y/N), will go to Grillby's and flirt with someone." I dramatically pledge.

"Good!" X exclaims, smirking. "I'll go with you."

"Don't you have-" I start.

"Nah, I finished all my work for today." He states, grinning. "And no one cares if I'm not sitting on a crate backstage. So let's go to this.. Uh.." He doubletakes, glancing back at me. "Where is Grillby's, exactly?"

"Oh my God." I exclaim, putting a hand to my heart dramatically. "You don't know where Grillby's is?"

"Nah, I haven't really been out of Hotland much, and I barely ever go to Waterfall. Is it in that snowy place" X asks.

"Yeah, Snowdin." I point out. "I live there."

"Great, so you can take the dude- Or girl, I ain't judging- To your place instead of hooking up in a booth because trust me, hunny, that's not a good idea." X states sassily.

"I'm not even going to ask.." I chuckle, shaking my head. "So when do you want to head out?"

"Oh, don't even think about that, yet." X smirks. "It's only, like 1 o'clock. We gotta get you prepped. We leave at.. Let's see.." He mutters something under his breath, glancing at me. "We'll go at six." X announces.

"5 hours? Just to prep?" I ask in partial disbelief.

"Yep." X states, popping the 'p'. "C'mon!" He shouts, grabbing my arm. "We've gotta go!"

"Uh.. Ok?" I ask, still uncertain. He drags me through the restaurant, earning some weird looks from both the comedian and the audience. Once we emerge from the other side, X leads me into a room down the corridor on the right. He locks the door behind us.

"Voila!" He states dramatically, throwing his arms up. "Welcome to my designing area." I look around in awe. On the shelves, there's a large array of clothing, organized by colour. Makeup scatters the shelves, a large vanity in the back.

"You made all of this?" I ask breathlessly.

"Well, uh.. Just the clothing. I had the materials, and I don't really do anything else during my free time." He replies bashfully. "Anyways.. Imma pick some outfits for you, and you choose whichever ones you want, kay?" X rummages through the piles, pulling out some clothing.

"It's really great. Like, all the clothing looks super well designed. You've got some talent." I remark, gazing around.

"Thanks.. Here are your options!" X announces, waving at four outfits he's arranged on the floor. "Pick your favourite."

I gaze at the first one. It's a black, leather jacket with a beige shirt inside. There are studded high heels that look like a pain to walk in, accompanied by some short shorts. The second one is a pair of black jeans with the same beige shirt as before, only with a golden design on it. It's accompanied by a long, grey and (F/C) jacket that flows down to the knees.

The third is slightly different, with a short, black dress accompanied by some finely embroidered leggings. It shows a bit too much cleavage for my liking. For shoes, it has some partially short, black heels that look decently comfortable. The fourth one is similar to the second, only the jacket is white at the top, and blue at the bottom. There are red stripes on the sleeves, and it looks like it could reach slightly below my waist.

"They're all really great.." I muse, deciding.

"Oh! Uh.. For the fourth one!" X exclaims suddenly. "I actually designed this one just for you. You can just.. Take it, uh.. Pick something else too, though. Don't want you stepping up looking casual."

"Ok, then.. I think I'd like the second one, just with the short, black heels." I decide.

"Perfect!" X claps his hands, grabbing an outfit of his own from a pile. "Now, change in the dressing room by the back. I'll do it out here." He instructs, taking off his jacket. I quickly rush into the changing room, not wanting to invade his privacy. I change, (Lol im too lazy to add any description..) And go back into the main room.

"About freaking time!" X snorts. "You look good, by the way." He comments.

"Thanks, you too.." I say, my gaze wandering to his outfit. He's in a dark magenta shirt, some flowing fabric hanging off his left arm. For pants, he's rocking a pair of the same colour short shorts, the fabric tight.

"How do I look, really? Now that you've actually seen it?" He sasses, calling me out.

"Um, well.." I say, surprised. "Really nice. I like the colour, and the loose fabric is a nice choice." I comment.

"Thanks.. Now for makeup!" He squeals, rushing me over to the vanity.

*Le time skip because I don't know how to write about makeup, and I don't even want to bother trying.


Okie moving on*

X finishes, admiring his artwork.

"Ok, open your eyes." He instructs, grinning. I oblige, staring at my reflection. My mascara is done perfectly, and my golden eyeshadow dots up towards my eyebrow flawlessly. The concealer is applied wonderfully, my face looking flawless. For lipstick, he's applied a light coral, the colour complementing the blush.

"It's really great!" I complement, bedazzled by my reflection.

"Yeah.. Check out mine!" X instructs, a smile on his face. I turn to look.

His makeup is done wonderfully. The concealer covers up any and all blemishes, making his face look smooth and shiny. On his right eye, a rainbow pattern covers his face, reaching the corner. His mascara is done similar to mine, and his left eye has been left untouched. For lipstick, a perfectly applied black dresses his plump lips, complementing his dark eyes.

"Really good!" I praise. "You're, like, super great at designing."

"Thanks.. It's only, like, 5.. So let's just go early and see who's there!" X exclaims, running his hands down his sides.

"Kay.. Grab on." I say, offering him my arm. He grasps it, holding tight. I teleport us right outside of Grillby's,  X stumbling forward.

"Ok, um.. That was.. Wow, uh.." He says, breathlessly trying to regain his balance. He eventually stops wobbling, clearing his throat. "Well, uh.. Let's go!"

Ok, I've just been, like, stress writing because apparently that's a thing I do now. This chapter is severely unedited- Like, I didn't even bother to do a grammar check- So if you catch any errors, let me know.

ALSO! Fair warning.. Tomorrow's April Fools day, soooo.... Just be aware of that when I post the chapter. IT WILL NOT BE CANON!!!!

Welp, seeya in hell, haha!!! *nervously glances at my sinful brain, and berades self for writing the April Fools chapter* (Catchphrase in Progress)
