Chapter 41

A/N: Before we start, I just want to clarify something. I specify (Y/N)'s age in this chapter. Now, I know this may be controversial or something, but I felt that it was better than just saying (Y/A) (Your age).


Just.. Idk, change it in your brains if you'd like. For now, though, (Y/N)'s gonna be 18, but technically 20 'cause of the resets. Because I said that she was in high school and lives with her parents, soooo... Yea. Sans'll be 19, but technically 21.

I wake in the embrace of Sans' strong, skeletal arms. I yawn, trying not to wake him. Slight snores come from Sans, his body vibrating slightly with every one. That's when I realize; I'm not in my sleeping bag. I'm in Sans'.

I flinch, slightly unnerved by this new development. Sans shifts slightly, taking a deep breath in, exhaling slowly. How did I get in here? Did Sans..? I blush at the thought.

"(Y/N).." Sans mumbles, snuggling into my shoulder. He yawns, and his sockets shoot open. Sans flinches at my wide eyes staring back. I avert my gaze, blushing furiously.

"Hi.." I mumble, my voice almost inaudible.

"(Y/N)! I.. Uh.." Sans fidgits with the sleeping bag zipper desperately, trying to separate us.

"Um.." I reply, embarrassed. Without warning, the zipper snaps open, sending us quickly apart. Sans' hand grazes a.. Private area as he's yanked away from me.

"Fu- Fudge, uh.." A bright, blue dust covers Sans' cheeks, his eye sockets wide. I try not to let our eyes meet.

"So." I state simply, trying to keep my voice steady.

"(Y/N), I'm.. Uh, I know this looks like.. I'm not a pervert!" Sans rambles, his eye lights darting around the room.

"Sans, it's fine." I state, gazing at his panicked form. His eye lights dull slightly, and his blush lightens.

"Right.." He mutters, looking down.

"Did.. Did something happen?" I ask, the idea popping into my head. Maybe something reminded him of Frisk, like last time.. I blush at the memory of our heated makeout session.

"W-Well.." Sans looks down. "It's.. Just night terrors. I got.. Well, I got scared, and I was half asleep, and you were.. You were there." He finishes quietly. I put a hand on his shoulder, trying to force an empathetic expression onto my face.

"What were the night terrors about?" I ask, concerned. Sans focuses on the ground, reaching for my hand. I take his boney hand in mine, giving it a squeeze.

"They were.. Well, you were in them. A lot of them." Sans admits. "It's usually either the demon possessing or.. Or killing you." His voice cracks slightly. "In some of them, I.. I'm fighting the demon, and when it's about to kill me, you.. You jump in, and.." Sans sniffles, burying his face in my shoulder. I flinch, surprised by his abrupt action.

"It's.. I'm ok. The demon isn't in this reset, remember? You said it's only here in the Bad run, and after everyone goes to the surface." I soothe, humming comforting words into his ear.

"I'm.. Frisk's soul was black. The colour of corruption. Hate, greed.. It's only slightly better now, and it won't be better for long. I'm afraid that.. Maybe that corruption was the demon. That they.. They finally took over the kid's soul, and they'll take this all away from me." A blue, translucent tear runs down Sans' boney cheek, leaving a wet trail.

"Knowing.. Well, based off of what you've told me, Frisk doesn't seem like the type to give in easily." I smile warmly at him, hugging him.

"Thanks.. You're amazing." He murmurs back. "Literally. Snow joke." I playfully punch his shoulder, our hug separating. I yawn, leaning against his shoulder.

"What time is it?" I ask, checking my phone. "6 AM. Great." I smirk sarcastically.

"Oh, really?" Sans groans, a grin on his skeletal face. "Well, I can't very well get back to sleep now; I've already had my morning cry." He smirks, pulling the Nintendo Switch from earlier out from a fold in his sleeping bag.

"First off," I start. "You slept with tha- Wait.. I slept with that there?" I eye the switch dubiously. Sans chuckles.

"It was on my side, snow need to worry." He snickers.

"Tibia honest," I smirk before continuing. "I thought you were telling a fibula. About the.. Uh.. It's existence?" I end in a question, trying to make the pun work. I laugh, shaking my head. "Wow, that pun really fell flat." I point at the ground, trying to purposefully make a terrible pun.

"Hey, did I ever tell you the joke about the broken pencil?" Sans asks. I smirk, knowing the joke.

"Never mind, it's pointless." I finish, grinning. "Hey, I invented a new word!" I exclaim, my smirk growing bigger. "Plagiarism." Sans and I both chuckle.

"Y'know, an apple a day really can keep the doctor away." Sans smirks. "But only if you aim it well." I let out a bark of laughter, my dark sense of humor enthralled.

"A pun, a play of words, and a limerick walk into a bar." I smirk. "No joke ." Sans thinks for a bit, a smirk slowly growing on his face.

"Oh, I get it now." He states, still grinning. "Someone asked me what the best thing about Switzerland was. So I said, 'Well, the flag is a bit plus'." He smirks, chuckling. I laugh, too.

"Hey, how do you know what Switzerland is?" I ask, curious.

"Internet, I guess." Sans shrugs. "Why?"

"So.. Can't you guys interact with humans if you've got the internet?" I state. Sans shakes his head.

"See, what we've got isn't really.. Well, it's not fully the internet." Sans explains. "Alphys managed to get a signal from the human world from one of her machines, and she programmed a thing to reupload everything onto our internet. So that's pretty nifty, I would say." Sans shrugs.

"So you aren't using the human internet then." I ask, looking for clarification.

"Nah. Just a copy of it." Sans finishes, pulling out the Nintendo Switch. "Wanna play Minecraft, now?" He asks, smirking.

"Sure.." I look at the console's set up, curious. "How does it work?"

"I, uh.. Actually don't know, heh.. All I've done on this thing is put on our world." Sans says, somewhat sheepishly.

"Oh, so we're just winging it." I voice my thoughts, grabbing a controller. I turn it over in my hand.

"I'll.. Uh.. Open the game, and we'll go from there." Sans states, loading into Minecraft. He joins the world, opening a split screen. Sans has his gear, while my inventory is blank.

"Sans?" I say, trying to get his attention. He glances at my screen.

"Oh.. Yeah, uh.. It's a different device so your stuff isn't with you." He explains.

"Right.. Where's home?" I ask, my fingers in an uncomfortably awkward position as I try to move my character. I figure out how to look around, seeing the shell of a large, wooden mansion in the distance.

"Oh! Uh.. Hi, I see your character." Sans uncrouches, displaying his gamertag.

"Yeah." I look at the cleverly placed wooden beams. "Nice mansion." I point out. Sans smirks.

"Thanks. I got it from the internet, the home of all great tutorials." He steps off the beam he's standing on, his character taking five hearts of damage.

"So.. What do we do?" I ask.

"Uh.. I don't know. We could.. Maybe.." Sans trails off. "Here, how about we.. Stock up on concrete. It should be fairly easy to do on this platform; Don't see how it could be a challenge." Sans shrugs.

"Do we have any powder?" I ask. "C-Concrete powder, I mean. Not drugs." I instantly correct myself. Sans chuckles.

"Yeah, I was grinding earlier, and- Wait, not.." Sans flushes blue. "Like, grinding in games means to play for a long time and do boring stuff. Not.. I wasn't-"

"Yeah, I get what you mean. I know video game vocab." I state, chuckling slightly at Sans' flustered state.

"Right.. So, anyways, I got a lot of concrete powder. I was thinking that we could maybe make our friends in pixel art." He suggests.

"What's pixel art?" I question.

"It's where you place blocks, and they make, like, a picture, and-" Sans glances at my confused expression. He pulls out his phone, searching up 'Pokemon pixel art'.

"So.. Just blocky pictures?" I ask, looking for clarification.

"Basically." Sans confirms. "Only we'd have to make the designs, seeing as.. Well, no one's going to want to make pixel art of us- Barely anyone knows we exist, heh." Sans snorts.

"Right. So.. How about I make the designs, and you do the.. Concrete work?" I suggest, trying to get out of using the controller.

"Sure." Sans begins to repeatedly place concrete powder in a sort of water trap. "Here, do you have a grid?"

"A.. No, but I can get one at home." I think for a second. "Speaking of which, I really need a laptop. I'll go buy one after the sleepover."

"Alphys'll be able to get you one for free. She gave me mine, Undyne hers, and she even offered to make one for Papy. He, of course, turned it down- Insisted on keeping the cruddy one in his room. Something 'bout memories, heh.." Sans speaks while playing. I watch, not doing anything.

"So.. Yeah, sure. I'll bring it up at breakfast." I smile. "Thanks."

"No problem, kiddo." Sans exaggerates the 'kiddo' thing, winking at me.

"What did I say about the pedophile thing?" I smirk, watching a slight blue dust coat Sans' cheeks.

"Well, if you're a kid, which in the pedophile scenario you would be, I would also be a kid. 'Cause logic." Sans states, doing jazz hands.

"First off, that makes no sense. Second," I look him up and down. "Wait.. How old are you? Ironically, I don't think I've ever asked you that."

"I'm.. Uh.. 19, but technically 21. You?" Sans asks back, focused on the concrete escapade.

"I'm.. What do you mean, 'technically'?" I ask.

"With the.. Resets and all. I've existed for 21 years, but physically, I'm 19." Sans explains.

"Well, I.. I guess that would make me 18, but technically 20." I think for a second, doing a quick equation in my head.

"Nice." Sans murmurs, crafting a new pickaxe. He seems to have the hang of the controls. I watch him for a second.

"How old is Papyrus?" I say suddenly.

"16.. Wait." Sans' character stops moving. "He's technically 18, isn't he?" Sans muses.

"Wait.. Oh my god, he is." I smirk at the thought of an adult Papyrus.

"I.. Jesus, the thought of my baby brother being a.. Being an adult.." Sans dramatically shudders. "I.. I wonder what he'd be like." He muses wistfully.

"Well, we'll just have to wait 2 years to find out." I smile at him, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Right." Sans states, a waver of uncertainty remaining in his voice.

"Look, Sans." I face him, making eye contact. "I promise that I will never reset or.. Or ever load a save without your permission." I state.

"Yeah.. Yeah, I know that.." Sans trails off, looking back at me. His sockets widen, and his eye turns slightly blue. "Thanks, (Y/N). Have I ever told you that you're the best?" He mutters, looking down.

"No problem." I offer him a small smile. "It's the least I can do. You're.. You're kind of my best friend, I guess." Sans' eye stops glowing, and a twinge of sadness can be seen in his expression.

"Yeah. You're mine, too." He says back, forcing a smile onto his face.

"You okay?" I ask, seeing past his facade.

"Yeah. It's just tha-" Sans starts.

"HEY, LOVEBIRDS! GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE, AND OFF OF EACH OTHER! WE'VE GOT SOMETHING PLANNED!" Undyne's loud voice punctures the comfortable atmosphere. Sans and I both flinch.

"Be there in a sec!" Sans shouts. He looks back at me. "Welp, Undyne wants us, so.."

"Don't think you're getting out of this. You're telling me what's wrong eventually." I warn playfully.

"I hope so.." He mutters before disappearing into a blue flash. I mentally note his odd behavior before teleporting downstairs. I join everyone at the table, a plate of freshly made pancakes in the middle.

"I'm here." I state, sitting next to Sans. I eye the pancakes hungrily, glancing at the syrup and ketchup on the table.

"Alright! So! I finally convinced Alphys to let us do something fun.." Undyne drops her voice dramatically. "We get to play.. DODGEBALL!" She woops. "No rules, two teams. It's after breakfast, so you bitches had better hurry up and eat!"

A/N: Ok, so I'm back at the end. There are quite a few announcements that I have to make. One is that I'm looking for a new cover!!

So, I know that there won't be enough people who want to make me a cover to do a contest, but if you send me a cover and I choose it, you'll get a shoutout. I'll also shoutout everyone who made me a cover, so.. Yeah.

Second is! Wait..


Ok, so this book is drawing to a close, and I need to make (Y/N) and Snasy boi get together. And I have 3 ideas on how that could happen. I'm more biased towards one, but if people really want a different one, just tell me. THIS IS A VOTE, BY THE WAY!!

1. Sans says that he has a crush on (Y/N). She doesn't say anything because she's shocked, then Sans gets all embarrassed and leaves. She then goes to Ace for help, and Ace tells her to contact Sans. She contacts Sans, and asks him to come over. He does, and (Y/N) tells him that she likes him. They make out, then Sans comes to the conclusion that (Y/N)'s just saying that to make him feel better. He then leaves again, like a JACKASS. (Y/N)'s left in tears, Ace yells at Sans, and then (Y/N) goes to Sans house. She does a full on love confession, they kiss, then go on two dates then become boyfriend girlfriend. Then the main story will kick in.

2. Sans plans something at Grillby's and acts all secretive. He also gets pissy about (Y/N) calling him a friend, which confuses (Y/N). She then gets kind of mad at him for being a BITCH, Grillby calls her into work, she goes into work and VOILA! There's Sans. He confesses his crush, everyone celebrates, (Y/N) accepts. They teleport to a romantic place in Waterfall, where Sans elaborates on his love confession. They go on one or two dates then become boyfriend girlfriend. Then the main story will kick in.

3. Someone makes a move on (Y/N) while she and Sans are hanging out. Sans gets all pissy and tells the dude to fudge off. (Y/N), somewhat hostile, asks him what his problem is. He refuses to tell her. She then doesn't talk to him for a while. Sans takes off his hoodie, the dude comes back and comments about her 'bodyguard', and Sans snaps and screams at him, making a scene. (Y/N) just goes like, what's your problem, dude? You aren't going to date me, and I'm not going to end my love life with you, so if you could BACK THE FUCK UP that would be swell! Then Sans sits there, all shocked. She realizes what she said, teleports home, and cries. Sans texts her, asking her to meet him on at the librarby. They meet, (Y/N) gets all apologetic, then Sans does his little full on love confession. He goes all romantic like and asks 'Can I kiss you'? Then he does, and a video is shared on the internet. They go on one or two dates then become boyfriend girlfriend. Then the main story will kick in.

SO YEAH tell me which one you guys want!! And always remember.. WHEN IN DOUBT, FUDGE THE GROUND!! (Catchphrase in Progress)
