Chapter 15

"Oi! You two! Get your butts downstairs!" Undyne's voice cuts through the air. Sans and I both jump, his bony shoulder hitting my face. Undyne pounds on the door aggressively. 

"Ugh.. Um.." Sans sits up, me holding my head in pain. "Ah.. Sorry. We.. Fell asleep?" He asks.

"Yep. Guess so." I hum. Sans looks down awkwardly.

"Right. Uh, well.. I think that we should go meet.. Undyne.." I get up, Sans following. We teleport to the kitchen, hearing Undyne still at our door.

"Hey!" I shout. She jumps, and runs over to the living room. Sans and I collectively teleport right next to her.

"You punks really shouldn't do that.. You'll make someone accidentally murder you out of fear." She says, her voice irritated.

"Ya know.." Sans whispers. "She actually almost did that once.. I just barely escaped." I smirk.


"Agreed." Undyne spits. "You know, if you don't work, you won't get paid. And you won't be able to pay off that hefty tab of yours."

"I've been doing a ton of work." He smirks, and I know what he's about to say. "A.. Skeleton." Papyrus looks irritated, and Undyne rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Just.. Can you actually try? If a human falls down, you'll need to actually help, and if you're rusty, you won't be able to." Sans smiles. I guess he knows that humans won't fall down.. Ever.

"Sure thing, bucko." He winks at me, face contorted into a face smile.

"Good," Undyne snaps. Her eyes light up. "So.. Lemme get this straight. You two were cuddling on the couch, then disappeared into Sans' bedroom for 2 hours.. And took a while to get downstairs. Explain." She stands, arms crossed, smirking. Sans turns blue, putting his hood up. My ears burn, and I feel a blush coming on. I put my hood up as well.

"We.. We weren't.." I stutter.

"Whaddabout the time that you and Alphys-" Undyne cuts him off.

"Don't you change the subject! What did you and (Y/N) do up there?" Her grin grows. "Or are you.. Not comfortable sharing it?~"

"We were listening to music. And playing video games." Sans says, not missing a beat.

"Yeah, right." Undyne scoffs. She pulls out her phone. It's identical to mine. On it is a picture of Sans' arm around me. Sans swipes at it. Undyne pulls it away. "Not so fast! I'll delete it if you tell us what really happened."

"Fine." Sans groans. "We slept together." His eye sockets widen, and his face is basically a blueberry. My face turns bright red. "N-Not like that! Like.. We fell asleep! Somehow!"

"Mm Hmm.. Don't believe you." Undyne taunts. She opens an app that vaguely resembles Instagram. Sans and I watch, wide eyed, as she posts the picture. Sans swipes at the phone again, and Undyne puts it in her pocket. Immediately, her phone starts to buzz erratically.

"Undyne.. Was that really necessary?" Sans groans. I bury deeper into my hood.

"Yes." She deadpans. Papyrus is grinning in the background.

"(Y/N), let's go game. I'm done." Sans grabs my hand and teleports into my cottage's living room. I look out the window, which is caked in frost. I start to shiver. Sans does as well. I check the thermostat. It doesn't seem to be working.

"Uh.." I flick the lights on, which fails. Sans and Papyrus' electricity was working, so I'm not sure why mine isn't.

"Crap.." Sans swears.  "Our generator.. We shouldn't overwork it.. Let's see.." He zones out, muttering numbers. I wait patiently. He looks at me. "Uh.. Ya wanna stay with us? I don't think that you wanna stay in a.. Cold cottage." He stares at the floor.

"Sure." I shrug.

"Really? Didn't think you'd wanna, after.. Last time." Sans studies the ground. I flinch at the mention. "Uh.. Here. I'll take you there." He teleports us back to his living room. I can hear Papyrus in the kitchen with Undyne, who immediately rushes out to greet us.

"Did it quickly that time, eh?" She grins. Sans and I both retreat back into our hoodies. He teleports me to an area of the house that I don't recognise.

"Uh.. Here. This is the guest room. Sorry about Undyne.. She's weird." I look around. The room is fully decorated in black.

"Great. How exactly do I get here?" Sans teleports over to the hallway.

"Here. It's through my room. Take the key." A key appears, as if by magic, on a previously absent keychain. When I go up to the door, it opens somehow.. I'm slightly confused, but I don't mention anything. He leads me over to his closet. Behind all the almost identical blue jackets, there's a black door. Like his room, it unlocks somehow, leading to the room I was in before.

"Uh.. Thanks." I say. He cracks a smile.

"No problem, kiddo."

"Not a kid." I mumble. "I'm gonna get my stuff and.. Move in temporarily. Also, how long do these.. Storms usually last?"

"I-I'm not sure." He confesses. "There.. Uh.. Usually isn't a storm."

"Oh." I say. "Alright. I'll just.. Get my stuff then, I guess." Sans looks like he's concentrating on something. "Do you want to go to Grillby's later? I'll pay," I offer, in a feeble attempt to lighten Sans' mood.

"Yeah, sure, kiddo. You'd best go pack, the weather'll only get worse." He says, only paying half attention to me. I sigh, disappearing into me signature (F/C) flames.

When I get to my cottage, I immediately start to shiver. I teleport to my closet and grab my black winter parka, putting it on. I summon a suitcase that I found in the storage, beginning to stuff it with clothing and toothbrushes and such. Swiftly, I close it and teleport back to the dark room, where I organise my things. And by organise, I mean shove everything wherever is convenient. I teleport downstairs, checking the clock. I notice Undyne and Papyrus still in the kitchen, making.. Whatever it is that they're making.

"Yeah! Mash those tomatoes! Pretend that they are your enemies, and POUND THEM INTO OBLIVION!" Undyne yells. I.. I don't even want to know. I teleport into my room, grab my gaming equipment, and plug it in. It's in the essentials part of the bag.

"UNDYNE, ARE YOU CERTAIN THAT THIS RECIPE IS SUPERIOR TO MY OWN? THERE ARE NO OUTSTANDING FEATURES THAT I HAVE NOTICED THUS FAR!" I can still hear fragments of Papyrus' voice through my headphones. I boot up Dauntless and initiate a hunt. I occasionally wonder why I can use internet in the Underground, but I suppose in a world of magic, anything is possible.

"Heya." Sans says, teleporting onto the couch. He makes me jump, which kills me in the game.

"Yeah?" I ask, my screen loading back into the lobby.

"Wanna play a game?"

"Sure. What game were you thinking?" I respond.

"Minecraft. You.. Uh.. Know what that is, right?" He asks.

"Sort of," My voice is slightly raised due to whatever's going on in the kitchen. "I played it a bit, then I died." He pulls out a blue controller with ketchup stains, plugging it in.

"Well, you could say that I'm a bit of an expert, seeing as I've defeated the Ender Dragon in Survival twice," He gloats. I have no clue what the Ender Dragon is, or the significance of beating it.

"Uh.. Sure. So you know how to play? Can you teach me?"

"Sure thing, bucko. Here, I'll make a world.." He grabs my controller and clicks a few buttons. He names the world, 'Sans and (Y/N)'s Partial Epicness'. I raise an eyebrow.

"Partial epicness?" I question.

"Partial epicness." Sans confirms. He selects, 'Create World', and hands me the controller. I load in, and see a skeleton standing next to me. It looks like the skeleton I saw that fist night, only it has a giant grin, and Sans' signature hoodie.

"Uh.. That's you, right?" I watch warily as the character punches down a tree and creates a.. Table of some sort.

"Yep. Start getting wood, I'll get some stone. I'll getcha an axe in a second." Sans digs a staircase into the floor, and takes out a wooden tool and digs out some grey stuff. He makes his way back to the crafting bench, moments later tossing me something called a 'Stone Axe'.

"Uh.. So I just.. Break the tree?"

"Pretty much." He confirms. I look out the window to see heavy snowfall, then begin to hesitantly break a tree down. It drops an 'Oak Log'.

"Alright. What now?" I ask, looking at Sans' half of the screen. He's breaking a grey block with some black stuff in it.

"Just keep getting wood. We'll make a house soon." He instructs. I do as he says, and soon he emerges from the dark cavern with some fire in his hand.

"Alright." He tosses me 16 'Torches', and I put them into my inventory. "Here ya go. Take the wood and craft about half of it into planks.

"Um.. How?" I chuckle awkwardly.

"Look at the Crafting Table." I change my character's view to be pointing at the wooden thing. "How act like you're building something." I do, and a menu pops up. "M'kay, now click on that thing," Sans points towards a wooden object. "And select it until half of your logs are gone." I do, which gives me two 64s.. 128.

"Right. What now?"

"Toss me a stack." I assume that one 64 is a stack, seeing as it has its own inventory slot. I toss it to him shakily, the controls still unfamiliar.

"Great, now-"

"YOU TWO! DINNER! COME AND EAT!" Sans looks at me.

"We can just.. Ah.. Dispose of the food, and go to Grillby's as planned."

"Sure, how do we dispose of it?" I say, somewhat reluctantly. I'm used to not wasting food, but I don't want to seem weird to Sans. He smirks.

"Just.. I'll show you." He teleports to the kitchen, and I follow. I'm greeted with a surprised looking Undyne, and a smiling Papyrus.

"Here you go, punks. Now, Papyrus and I are going to go and train. Enjoy dinner. You're welcome for the free date, by the way." Undyne smirks. Sans and I blush. I see my reflection in the clock, and my cheeks are (F/C). Wonder why.

"I'm.. We're not dating. I'm not into her that way." Sans stutters.

"Sure. Keep saying that." Undyne winks. "C'mon Paps, let's go!" They run out the door, giggling like schoolchildren.

"Right.. Like I said, Undyne's weird." Sans mutters spitefully. "So, what you do is you teleport four fifths of spaghetti off your plate, like so." He demonstrates, and I copy. "Then yeh've gotta make it look like you've eaten some. So smudge around the sauce, and break a few noodles." I try not to make our plates look identical. "Then you just teleport the rest into a corner, along with the stuff you got rid of earlier, and blast it away." He incinerates both of our excess, and wipes his hands.

"Ok. Let's.. uh.. Go to Grillby's." I suggest. Wasting food really doesn't sit well with me. I look at the scorched corner solemnly.

"Yeah. Let's." He teleports both of us to the bar, me taken by surprise at the sudden swarm of blue in my vision. We walk in to see the bar almost empty.

I wonder how our dinner will go..

A/N: Ok I know, I didn;t end it great. But in my defense, I'm sick and dying and tired, even though it's only, like, 9 PM. So yeah, imma head to sleep. Seeya in hell! *Catchphrase in progress*
