Chapter 27

I wake up, stretch, and do my usual morning routine. I toss on the hoodie from yesterday, giving it a sniff. It doesn't smell like dog crap, so we're good. I apply makeup, trying not to smudge it. My phone beeps. I check it.

59 missed messages from 'Unknown' I click on 'Unknown's profile.

Unknown: Hey, it's Ace. The one whos life you saved, haha.
Unknown: U gonna answer orr..??
Unknown: Like 4 real. Did you die? Do you want me to get Sans or someting?
Unknown: I'm genuinely concerned. The rest of the messages are of the same design. I sigh, typing an answer.

Me: Sorry, I fell asleep. This is (Y/N). Sorry I didn't text you back, haha. I switch her contact to 'Ace'. I notice that I also have quite a few missed messages from Sans.

Bonehead: Tomorrow, when I go over, we need to talk.
Bonehead: By the way, I'm going over at 10.
Bonehead: Ace called me over.. If she murders me, write a pun on my gravestone.
Bonehead: Sooo.. While Ace and Lumie and me were talking, Ace mentioned that she thinks that you died.. So did you?
Bonehead: You're probably sleeping actually. I'll tell her that.
Bonehead: She didn't believe me.. Yay. Welp, seeya at 10. The messages end there. I type a reply.

Me: oof.. A 'Talk'? I'm scawed.. But yeah, 10 is fine. And yeah, I fell asleep.. I'm pretty sure i didn't die, but I'm not 100% positive. Seeya at 10! I shut off my phone, grabbing a bowl of cereal.

The box is almost out. As in, there's literally, like fifteen cheerios and a bunch of dust. I sigh, making a mental note to go shopping. Once I'm done eating, I check the time. Nine fifty. Guess I must've overslept. I sit on the couch, twiddling my thumbs. I wonder what Sans is going to talk to me about.

Maybe he'll confess his crush on me.. No. Don't be naive. Sans could never like me. And I already know that he doesn't. I sigh. Great.. Now I've depressed myself. A blue flash occurs in my perpheral vision.

"Heya. There's.. Uh.. Something I want to talk to you about." Sans teleports onto the couch, taking a seat next to me.

"Sure, shoot. What is it?" I encourage.

"Well.. Uh.. I don't think that we should be friends anymore." Sans squirms in his seat. I look at him, my mouth gaping.

"What? W-Why?" My voice cracks.. Did I do something? It's probably something I did. He hates me. My crush hates me. Sans hates me, and I don't know why.

"Because- Look, you're not making this any easier." He booms. "It's because you're too good for me. You won't hold grudges against me, you won't yell at me unprovoked. It.. Our friendship isn't good for either you or me."

"Sans, I.. I don't understand. Is it something I did..?" I ask, heartbroken.

"No, no.. It's.. Look, I jus-" Sans starts.

"No, Sans. This is stupid. Y-You can't just.. Take our friendship away from me because of your pride or whatever!" I shout, half in tears. "What's the real reason?"

"That is the real reason." Sans puts on a blank face.

"Like, was it something I did?"

"You didn't do anything. I just don't want to be friends anymore." Sans states simply.

"But why? W-Was it something I said? Did you not want me to call you to Grillby's yesterday?" By now, tears are running down my face. I try to stop them, and I'm only half successful. My eye lights up, and the tears are reduced to a trickle.

"Look, I-" Sans starts.

"Sans, just tell me. I'll leave you alone after this, ok? Just.. I want to know where I went wrong." I choke out. Sans' eye starts to glow, his left pupil disappearing.

"I told you everything you need to know." He says harshly.

"No," My bottom lip quivers. "You didn't." I state stubbornly. "C'mon, Sans. I'll help you. I-I'll change. Let me salvage this friendship." I beg. Sans looks away, his eye flame growing.

"Look," He growls, glaring at me. "Stop making this difficult. There's nothing to salvage- This friendship is over. We can contact each other through mutual friends- I've already blocked your number. You're not good for me." I start to cry again. Sans looks at me.

"B-But.. C'mon. There has to be something I did tha-" I start.

"No. There wasn't. Just.. Leave me alone, and accept that I don't want to see you again. Ever." Sans adds darkly. He glares at me, both his pupils gone. With one blue flash, he disappears, leaving me sobbing in the living room.

He said that you're not good enough for him. He never wants to see you again. He doesn't want you to ever talk to him. The depression in my head taunts me. It's right.. I'm not good enough. And I never will be. I sigh, running to my room. I try desperately to fall asleep. Maybe Gaster can help me.. Or at least train me until the next restart. Then, I'll be stronger. This restart was horrible; By far, one of the worst ones I've had.

I've experienced almost as much emotional pain as the fourth one.. When I first tried to kill myself. It worked.. And the next reset, I bawled my eyes out. This time doesn't top that. I roll over, looking at the ceiling. Tears rush down my face. Sans hates me.. And I don't know why. No. I do. It's because I'm not good enough for him. It's because he doesn't ever want to see me again.. I cry even more.

Slowly, I drift back into sleep, gentle sobs wracking my unconscious body.


I wake up in the void. I think. Out a window of this.. Lab that I'm in, I see the familiar obsidion walls.

"Greetings, (Y/N). Care to tell me what happened?" Gaster appears, seemingly out of no where.

"S-Sans said that he doesn't want to be my friend anymore. He says it's because I'm not good for him, and he's not good for me." I start to cry again. Gaster rubs my back, his black sleeves sending tingles down my spine.

"He always had a habit of running from his problems." Gaster muses. "It'll be alright. He'll either come back, or he won't. Either way, it's not your fault." He says consolingly.

"But.. Why, then? Why would he just.. Dump our friendship?"  I quiz. "Why not just tell me that he's mad at me?"  Gaster sighs.

"See, Sans doesn't like to face his feelings.. He's not used to having a friend.. Or whatever it is that you are to him. He's.. Very fragile. I'm sorry that you are the current victum to his shenanegans." Gaster seems irritated.

"Right.. Thanks, Gaster." I smile at him. "Can we start our training now?" I ask hopefully.

"With pleasure. First of all, I'm going to teach you how to read people's souls." He instructs.

"What's that?" I ask curiously.

"Well, much like Sans, you have the hidden ability to read someone's soul traits without touching their soul. You will also be able to find their stats. Since touching souls is generally very.. Intimate, it's a powerful ability to have. Sans makes full use out of it. I expect you will, too." Gaster summons a book, the holes in his hands glowing purple.

"So.. Most monsters can't do this?" I ask.

"Correct." Gaster confirms, nodding. He hands me the book. "Flip to page three hundred forty-six. Read the passage. Try to read my soul." He instructs. I skim over the page. It says something about.. Won't happen automatically, and much practice is needed. This seems like a welcome challenge. A beanbag appears in the corner of the room. I plop down on it, assuming that it's some sort of void magic. I study the passage, looking at Gaster. I make my first attempt. I see a flicker of white text above his chest, which quickly fades away.

"Very good." Gaster praises. "Now, try to channel your magic a bit more. Like when you light up your hand. Summon that rush, and direct it towards your brain. Focus on reading my soul." I follow his instructions. The white text pops up again. There's more of it, and it's somewhat clearer. I squint at it.

"Soul type, none. Ability To Kill, fifty-nine." I read aloud. Gaster smiles at me.

"Very good. Now, try to focus on my past. See my sins, my faults, my weaknesses.. Find my Execution Points."  He murmurs quietly. I concentrate for a while. More text pops up yellow, positioning itself above the white text. I squint to see it. It solidifies itself, reducing it's blurriness.

"Execution points; Ninety-four." I murmur quietly. I reread it turning to Gaster. Before I get a chance to question him, he begins to speak.

"It was an experiment. I was trying to extract determination from monster's whos souls had small concentrations of it. I retrieved the Determination, but the subjects were lost. The Determination extract was used to create you and Sans. That's the only time I've killed." Gaster explains.

"Okay.. Did I do it? Am I good? Can we move on?" I ask, excited for some new combat moves. Gaster smiles at my enthusiasm.

"You'll need to practice once you go back to the Underground, but yes. We are done for now. You may return home now." Gaster instructs. My smile drops.

"Can you just.. Give me another lesson now? I.. Really don't want to go home right now." I ask, looking down. Gaster shakes his head.

"Your friends will worry." He responds.

"The only person who'll remember after the reset isn't my friend." I spit, glaring at the ground. "And besides; I'm really excited to try to learn new things. Please?" I beg. Gaster struggles to answer, eventually relenting.

"Fine. But don't blame this one me." He warns. My grin rejuvinates. Gaster chuckles.

"Thank you tons!" I grin. Gaster clears his throat.

"So- We'll start by teaching you how to control gravity. Sans can do it, and you have the potential to. Papyrus can as well, although Sans is more experienced. After that, I'll teach you how to heal. Both Sans and Papyrus also have that power, although I never got around to teaching it to them." Gaster speaks quickly. I grin, nodding like a bobblehead.

"Can we start?" I ask.

"Turn to page one fifty-seven." He instructs. "Again, read it through, then practice on me. I don't think it'll take too long for you to get it." I follow his orders, reading the page as quickly as I can. I murmur the words slightly under my breath. I stand up, turning to Gaster.

"Ready?" I warn. Gaster nods. I summon his soul, grabbing hold of it with my magic. I move it around. It turns purple, a fiery aura surrounding it. I pause for a moment, studying it's inticing flares. I then push it towards the wall, the same way that I would move an object. The soul moves much faster, causing me to unintentionally slam Gaster against a wall. I teleport to him, offering a hand.

"Perfect. I think you've got it. Now onto healing. Be warned; The reason that I didn't teach this to the skeleton brothers was because this offers a fair amount of challenge. Though I don't doubt your abilities, this will take some time and effort to perfect." Gaster warns. I sit back on the beanback, sinking into it's soft embrace. It supports my weight, sagging slightly.

"Great. I love a challenge. What page?" I ask, eager. Gaster smiles.

"Four hundred ninety-two. Like always, study the passage thoroughly before testing it on the subject. I'll be back." Gaster says. He vanishes slightly, leaving me confused. I shrug it off. The passage is confusing. It says to channel my energy in a way that doesn't light up my eye. I'm not sure how to do that. On the side, it tells me to 'imagine that you're about to teleport. Not away from danger, but just because you want to go somewhere. Then, think of someone you care about. They're hurt. Your hand should start to glow a mixture of green and your magic colour.'

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. Surprisingly, channeling my magic seems to work. Now.. Who do I care about? My first thought goes to Sans.. My crush. My friend. I take a breath, shaking off the memories. I focus on Papyrus. His weak, innocent form, on the ground in front of Shyren. A burst of energy runs through me, the feeling.. Chilling. It's not unpleasant, just.. Unexplored. I open my eyes to find a tiny, purple flame. It has cyan streaks, creating a beautiful pattern. Occasionally, a green aura will pulse outward from it, expanding it's mass. Now, it's the size of my normal flame. The green aura stays. I stare at the flame, transfixed. It tickles my skin, feeling minty. Like if you smeared toothpaste on your hand.

"Perfect." Gaster's voice startles me. The flame grows slightly, before shrinking down to normal. "You must be very able if you got it this quickly. I have prepared a test subject for you. This monster has fallen down. It grew too old, and passed in it's family home. It fell from a high place when it teleported into here. When monsters fall down, they sometimes end up here, by the way. Anyways, they can't feel the wound, and their body isn't fighting the infection. I don't have healing magic, so you'll have to assist. If it fails, it's not a big deal." Gaster reassures. I look at the frail, ghost-like body.

"I'll do my best." I say, determined. I focus on the monster, thinking of all the pain it's went through.. All the emotional pain it's family went through.. I just want to make it right. I have faith that I can fix this. Suddenly, a shower of rose pink sparks roar from the flame. As if by instinct, I bring it towards the monster. A light pink aura surrounds them, a purple sheen evident on it's surface. Their eyes open. I stumble onto the ground, exhausted. Gaster looks impressed. I feel.. Drained. My breathing slows, the same as yesterday..

"(Y/N)! Wake up! I-I'm sorry.. I'll work on stamina next time. I'm sorry I don't have the things I need to do it now. Well, goodbye for now. I'll see you in a week." I try to take a breath, but it fails.. Teleporting.. Fading.. Tingles.

A/N: OK I KNOW SHIT ENDING BUT WHEN IS IT NOT! I need some sleep.. I've had a DAY!!! Goobyee. (Catchphrase in Progress)
