(Chapter Three- Controll)

Pearl: "Oh stay still!" Pearl yells while firing lasers from her spear at Chip'

Chip: "But the whole point of the training is to NOT get h-" 'Chip says dodging her attacks mid air only for Amethyst to wrap him up in her whip and throw him to the ground'

Amethyst: "Sorry man you were wide open!" 'Amethyst says smiling as Chip stands up untangling himself from her whip'

Chip: "Oh that's how its gonna be huh?" 'Chip says raising his fists'

Amethyst: "Oh yeah" 'Amethyst says readying her whip'

'Chip is swiftly cut off by Garnet kicking him in the back with a sneak attack, Chip is sent flying through a boulder shattering it into dust'

Pearl: "Very nice" 'Pearl says as she stands next to Garnet'

Garnet: "He wont be down for long" 'Garnet says with a smirk as she crosses her arms'

'Sure enough out of the smoke Chip appears Charging at the group, his eyes having turned a vibrant red'

Chip: "If I get kicked one more time I SWEAR TO GOD!" 'Chip says before flying towards the group of Gems, his thrusters firing off a vibrant red color'

Amethyst: "Woah! Flashy eyes!" 'Amethyst says before bring swiftly kicked into a tree proofing her from the force'

'Chip swiftly lands behind Pearl catching her spear with one hand all without looking, Chip turns to look at Pearl showing his eyes having changed to a mix of red and yellow'

'Pearl chuckles nervously before being launched backwards by a fist to the chest, Garnet had been standing by watching in surprise, Chip had just defeated two out of the three of them in mere moments'

'Chip turns to Garnet his eyes turning blue with smoke flowing off of them, a confident look on his face'

Garnet: "Your control over your combat mode is growing, I'm impressed" 'Garnet says summoning her gauntlets, a proud smirk on her face'

'Chip rushes towards Garnet, their fists clash producing shockwaves with each collision, Chip brings his right arm backward with it positioned to punch Garnet'

'Garnet readies herself only for Chip's wrist to open with smaller thrusters on the sides, they activate rocketing his fist forward into Garnet's Chest sensing her rolling to the ground, mid roll Garnet glows before falling un-fused'

'Once Ruby and Sapphire stop rolling they sit up in a daze before looking at their hands in confusion'

Ruby: "Huh?" 'Ruby says confused before standing up still disoriented'

Sapphire: "It would seem he hit us so hard we involuntarily unfused"

Ruby: "That....was....awsome!!" 'Ruby says enthusiastically throwing her hands in the air'

'The group's attention is quickly stolen by Amethyst reforming with a bright purple glow, once reformed she falls on her back taking in a very deep breath'

Amethyst: "I...AM ALIVE!!" 'Amethyst says loudly as she sits back up'

Pearl: "Please be a little quieter, my head is still spinning" 'Pearl says as she holds her head in one hand, Chip holding her other one as he helps her up'

Sapphire: "When did you learn you could do that?" 'Sapphire asks curiously as she gently traces her fingers over Chip's right wrist'

Chip: "Just now...actually" 'Chip says chuckling slightly'

Sapphire: "I would say I'm surprised, but I honestly should expect you to learn so quickly" 'Sapphire says with a sigh'

Ruby: "Yep! That's our metal head!" 'Ruby says proudly while standing with her hands on her hips'

'Chip looks at his right wrist, the thrusters still open and flaming with blue energy, before he decides to close them'

Chip: "Sorry for making you defuse. That wasnt my intention" 'Chip says softly, his proud expression dropping slightly'

Ruby: "Dont worry about it! That was awsome!!"

Sapphire: "Indeed, you have gotten much stronger, I'm proud of you"

Ruby: "We both are!" 'Ruby says squinting at Sapphire a expression of fake pout'

Sapphire: "Of course love, of course" 'Sapphire says giggling to herself while shaking her head'

Pearl: "You certainly caught me off gaurd using your defensive capabilities and combat capabilities at the same time, it takes a long time for normal Metamorin's to get to that skill level" 'Pearl says once she had regained her balance'

Amethyst: "If I had a spine I'm pretty sure it'd be broken....." 'Amethyst says sitting up with a groan of pain'

Steven: "Sneak attack!" 'Steven yells as him and Connie come charging out of a bush, they both have warpaint on their faces, Connie charges with her sword while Steven charges with his shield'

'Steven and Connie ar simply held back by Chip placing a hand on each of their heads'

Chip: "You dont yell "sneak attack" when you try a sneak attack Steven" 'Chip says chuckling to himself'

'Steven and Connie sigh lowering their weapons, a look of defeat on Steven's face while Connie has a look of annoyance on hers'

Connie: "I told you..." 'Connie says rolling her eyes while Steven falls onto his knee's dramatically'

Steven: "Oh woe is me! My perfect plan thwarted by my foe!" 'Steven says before falling face first onto the dirt'

'Chip tilts his head with his eyes turning a turquoise color, Moments later Garnet is fused once more standing behind the confused Metamorin'

Garnet: "Allright Drama Queen, time to get up" 'Garnet says smiling softly'

'Connie giggles to herself while pulling Steven to his feet'

Garnet: "As for you Young man, How did you unfuse Ruby and Sapphire?" 'Garnet asks leaning down to Chip's eye level'

Chip: "I dont know, when the thruster's activated I just sorta felt a rush of energy pulse to my fist" 'Chip says while looking at his right hand'

Chip: "It wasnt like when I get angry, it was....calm, controlled"

'Garnet smiles softly before Chuckling to herself, once she stands up fully she places a hand on Chip's head'

'Chip smiles brightly, his eyes turning bright green, the blue glow behind his teeth doing the same, his large fang like eye teeth, turning a simmilar shade of green'

Garnet: "D'aww, how can someone have so much power and be so adorable?" 'Garnet says causing Chip to produce a happy string of beeps'

Amethyst: "And here I thought he was growing up!"

'Pearl sighs before dragging Amethyst away'

Amethyst: "What?"

Pearl: "You ruined it, you ruined the moment and we're leaving" 'Pearl says clearly disappointed'

*To be continued*
