(Chapter Three- A Plan Is Formed)

'Night had fallen quite some time ago, shortly after Chip had been subdued Steven and Peridot arrived back on the surface with a rather banged up looking drill, the drill did not work but instead Steven managed to put the entire thing into a massive bubble'

'Lapis Lazuli had just woken up inside the barn and is currently sitting beside a unconsious Chip looking rather confused, she has her head leaned over his as she curiously examines the large crack on his face'

'She remembers seeing him for a moment after being released from the mirror but otherwise seems confused as to what he is'

'Lapis gently traces her left hand over the large crack on Chip's face curiously only for her hand to be shocked by a small bolt of energy'

'Lapis quickly brings her hand back feeling the jolt of energy hit her hand, A light whirring sound comes from Chip followed by a few clicks as he comes back online'

'Chip opens his eyes only to quickly bring his head up evidently smacking his into Lapis sending the both of them to the ground in pain'

Chip: "I'm getting real sick of waking up like this....." 'Chip mumbles to himself in a irritated voice'

'Lapis stands up rubbing her head trying to get rid of the stinging pain, Chip quickly stands up backing away from Lapis unsure of if she is a enemy'

Lapis: "Wait! Wait! I dont want to fight!" 'Lapis says nervously as she raises her hands to protect her face'

'Chip lowers his hand he had pointed at Lapis before placing it on his head as he slumps against the wall, a small trail of blue liquid leaking from the crack across his left eye'

Lapis: "Y-Your that Metamorin Jasper wouldnt stop talking about!" 'Lapis says backing up'

Chip: "Guess I left a impression on her..." 'Chip says chuckling tiredly'

Lapis: "What do you want with me then? I'm not going back to her!"

Chip: "Good cause I dont have anything to do with her, nor do I want too" 'Chip says sighing as he shakily stands back up'

'Lapis looks at Chip unsure before she turns to the large hole in the Barn's wall from when Peridot escaped'

'As Lapis is about to fly away the barn door opens showing a curious looking Steven'

Steven: "You guys are awake!" 'Steven says smiling before Lapis stands infront of him as if protecting him from Chip'

Lapis: "Be careful Steven..."

Steven: "From what? From Chip?" 'Steven asks chuckling lightly clearly amused at the confusion'

Lapis: "So he....isnt a threat?" 'Lapis asks curiously lowering her arm'

Steven: "No! Chip's a Crystal gem! Or...Crystal robot? Eh I'll figure somthing out" 'Steven says as Lapis turns back to the Opening in the barn, her water wings appearing on her back'

Steven: "You're leaving?"

Lapis: "I can stay here Steven, I dont belong on earth, I never have..."

Steven: "Its okay, I understand, I just wish we could have hung out more, i feel like I get to see you only when somthing horrible is going on" 'Steven says with a small smile'

Lapis: "That's just how it is with me" 'Lapis says smiling tiredly before walking outside'

Lapis: "Steven thank you, goodbye...again"

Steven: "Bye..."

'Lapis quickly flies off leaving a bumbed out Steven with a very disoriented Chip'

'Chip reaches upto his left wiping away a small bit of the Blue liquid before looking at it and sighing'

Chip: "I'm bleeding blood...." 'Chip says in a quiet yet clearly annoyed voice, Steven giggles lightly at Chip's delayed reaction before grabbing his arm and walking outside'

Steven: "C'mon, the others will probably wanna see you" 'Steven says casually while dragging Chip to the nearest warppad'

Chip: "What happened?"

Steven: "Pearl told me you lost controll fighting some big robot thing, Garnet took what was left of it somewhere safe" 'Steven says causing Chip to look down slightly'

Chip: "So Mum was the one to knock me out I take it?"

Steven: "I think so, I wasnt there"

'After a short while Steven and Chip arrive back at the Beach house, Pearl and Garnet being the only ones awake since Amethyst rather enjoys her sleep'

Steven: "Were back!" 'Steven proclaims proudly as the warp stream ends'

Pearl: "Oh good! You're just in time for tea!" 'Pearl says happily as Chip and Steven sit down on the Couch'

Garnet: "How are you feeling?" 'Garnet asks Chip curiously'

Chip: "I feel....Okay" 'Chip says while looking down trying his best to avoid eye contact'

'Pearl looks from Chip to Garnet with a slightly worried expression on her face before Garnet places a hand on Chip's shoulder'

Garnet: "You are many things Chip, but a liar is not one of them" 'Garnet says with a soft smile'

Chip: D-Did I hurt anyone?" 'Chip asks in a whisper, his voice beginning to tremble slightly'

Pearl: "Well...I suppose getting shot by a energy cannon does hurt, but it didnt cause any long lasting damage" 'Pearl says trying her best to soothe Chip's nerves'

Steven: "Yeah! See? No problems!"

Chip: "But...I could have hurt someone....i-" 'Chip says beginning to ramble, his voice had begun to shake, his eyes seemed to begin to glitch and stutter, error signs and messages appearing in them'

Garnet: "But you didn't, you didnt attack us on purpose. Most Metamorins struggle with their combat mode. And yours is exceptionally powerful" 'Garnet says while she softly holds Chip's hands in her own'

Steven: "Yeah, you're kinda like me, you have to learn to use your powers and you dont know what all of them are!" 'Steven says excitedly'

Pearl: "Precisely, you mustn't hold yourself accountable for things you can not controll, however you CAN learn to controll it" 'Pearl says earning a warm smile from both Steven and Garnet'

Chip: "I-I shouldnt fight anymore. You were right, I wasnt ready...I'm still not ready"

Garnet: "No, you are ready, it was my mistake to not believe in your abilities, you managed to fight off a Metamorin Howitzer. By yourself might I add" 'Garnet says with a hint of regret in her voice'

Pearl: "That's right! It would take an entire squadron of Quartz soldiers to do what you have done!"

Garnet: "And that is somthing to be proud of, dont you think?" 'Garnet asks turning to Steven'

Steven: "Yep! I know for a fact I wouldnt have been able to beat it, most of my powers are for defence" 'Steven says turning to Chip'

'Chip looks down, while he has calmed down he clearly is still upset about what had happened'

'Pearl hums to herself before turning to Garnet while Steven distracts Chip'

Pearl: "He seems to have a minor self doubting problem"

Garnet: "Yes he does, ever since the Homeworld Invasion he has been on and off with it but this is the worst I've seen him" 'Garnet says her voice laced with worry'

Pearl: "Maybe there is somway to help him we havent tried...." 'Pearl says in thought'

'Garnet places a hand on her Chin in thought. Moments later she stops as a confident grin crosses her face'

Garnet: "Or maybe instead of doing somthing to help him, we find someone who knows how he feels.." 'Garnet says turning to Pearl'

Steven: "Guys?"

Pearl: "I think I have the same idea..."

Steven: "Guys..."

Garnet: "I know where she will be tomorrow so maybe we c-"

Steven: "Guys!" 'Steven says loudly finally catching the two Gem's attention'

Garnet: "Yes Steven?"

'Steven simply points to Chip, he is currently balled up with his knee's against his chest, his eyes are closed while his breathing has gone quiet and soft'

Garnet: "Processing emotions has always been tiring for him" 'Garnet says chuckling before she lady's Chip down'

Garnet: "Steven, tomorrow I need you to go back the the Barn and wait at the silo"

Steven: "Why?" 'Steven asks curiously'

Pearl: "There will be someone there who may be able to help Chip"

Garnet: "I shall stay with him tonight, he will stay asleep much longer if I am here"

Steven: "Okay. If you think it'll help!"

*To be continued*
