(Chapter Four-A Message From White)

'Shortly after Blue had shown Chip thr simulation room she took him back to her personal quarters to rest, even though it seemed to only consist of her blue throne'

'While Chip didnt feel tired his eyes had begun flashing a dull red color signifying he had low battery'

Blue: "Are you comfortable?" 'Blue asks curiously as she sits on her knee's'

'Chip is currently sitting on the metal floor next to Blue's throne, his eyes flashing every so often'

Chip: "Its no bed but I think I'll be fine for now" 'Chip says waving his hand'

Blue: "Well, if you wake early or require anything I shouldnt be far, if I do leave I shall let my Pearl stay to look after you" 'Blue says standing up and walking to the front of her throne'

'Once Blue sits down in her throne she sighs to herself feeling somthing she had never expected to feel. She felt relaxed, for some reason she felt as if all her energy had been drained from her over the past two days yet she didnt feel the slightest bit unhappy'

B.P: "My Diamond, are you allright?" Blue Pearl asks quietly noticing her Diamond's low energy state'

Blue: "Oh I am fine, I just feel......I believe the organic creatures call it "Tired" am I saying that correctly?"

B.P: "I believe so My Diamond, however it is rather unusual that you are feeling this way. Should I call Yellow Diamond?"

Blue: "Oh no I believe I will be fine....perhaps I should rest for a moment, see what it feels like. Perhaps it will help" 'Blue says as she rubs her eyes momentarily'

B.P: "What would you like me to do in the mean time My Diamond?"

Blue: "Watch over Chip for me, I would stay awake but I would rather him not see me in such a weak state" 'Blue says earning a nod from her Pearl'

'Blue sighs to herself with a tired Chuckle as she does her best to get comfortable in her throne'

Blue: "How strange the last star cycle has been..." 'Blue says in a drowsy voice before she closes her eyes, her head being propped up on her hand'

'B.P sits down beside Chip as she was told to, the Young Meamorin/Diamond hybrid had already fallen asleep, the parts of him that glow have started dimming or growing brighter as if intune with his breathing'

'B.P stops for a moment looking at Chip, a small smile covers her face before she activates one of her screens with a file on it'

' The file name reads "The Blood Diamond" and beside are two buttons, one says "Open" and the other says "Delete"

'She stops for a moment before looking back to Chip and then to the now sleeping form of Blue Diamond, she then presses the delete button causing the file to glitch before vanishing'

'B.P then creates a new file she names "The Neon Diamond" after noticing the neon blue glow Chip's diamond has at its center'

'B.P then turns to Chip expanding her screen slightly before she begins to drag one of her index fingers across it creating a line'

'Time seems to pass relatively quickly, as Blue seems to have woken up as she is currently stretching her arms, the usual dark spots under her eyes seeming much brighter than usual'

B.P: "Welcome back my Diamond" 'B.P says standing up her screen still facing Chip'

Blue: "How long was I....unconsious?" 'Blue asks rubbing her eyes momentarily'

B.P: "You have been asleep for five hours, twenty three minutes" 'Blue Pearl says causing Blue's eyes to widen in slight surprise'

Blue: "Atleast I still have time to finish the reports on the latest batch of Pyrite" 'Blue says activating a screen infront of her'

B.P: "How are you feeling My Diamond?"

Blue: "Actually, I am feeling very refreshed, I believe I understand why the organic beings "sleep" now" 'Blue says as If she has had an epiphany'

'Blue turns her head to her Pearl noticing the screen facing Chip, a half drawn sketch visible on it'

Blue: " What is it you are doing?" 'Blue asks curiously noticing the half made drawing'

B.P: "I am creating a new file, a replacement for the Blood Diamond file, I have labeled it "Neon Diamond" 'B.P states turning back to her screen continuing the drawing'

'Blue tilts her head slightly at hearing the new title, she then leans around the throne just enough to see Chip, smiling softly at the sight of the sleeping hybrid'

Blue: "I take it he is resting well?" 'Blue ask her Pearl curiously'

B.P: "Yes My Diamond, he seems to be having a rather peaceful rest" 'B.P says with a small smile'

'The door to Blue's room opens showing Yellow standing on the other side with her Pearl, a slightly confused look spreading across her face when she notices Blue's slightly drowsy state'

Blue: "Oh, hello Yellow, how are you?" 'Blue asks with a quiet yawn'

Yellow: "I-I am fine, are you alright Blue?" 'Yellow asks with a hint of worry in her voice'

Blue: "Oh yes I am fine, I am actually feeling much better than usual" 'Blue says standing up'

Yellow Pearl: "My Diamond, there seems to be some.....thing resting against her throne" 'Yellow Pearl says shuddering as she notices Chip leaning against Blue's throne'

Yellow: "Actually Bloo.....CHIP is the reason I am here" 'Yellow says managing to correct herself'

Blue: "Actually My Pearl already came up with a Diamond name for him" 'Blue says as B.P stands up her small smile still present'

B.P: "If you choose to except it, I thought the name "Neon Diamond" suited his new personality best" 'B.P says with a polite bow causing Yelloe Pearl to tilt her head in confusion'

Yellow: "Actually....that works rather well" 'Yellow says looking at Chip noticing the unconsious state he is in'

Yellow: "Why is he unconsious? Is he alright?" 'Yellow asks lowering her arms from their crossed position'

Blue: "He is resting, Metamorin's require to preform a action they call "Sleeping" it is rather refreshing actually" 'Blue says with a smile growing on her face'

'Yellow blinks a few times in surprise struggling to form a proper response'

Yellow: "You...."Slept"" 'Yellow asks in a slightly stunned voice causing Blue to nod her head lightly'

Blue: "Pearl, could you wake him for me?" 'Blue asks her Pearl who nods softly in response'

'B.P leans down to Chip gently placing her hand on his head'

B.P: "It is time to wake up My Diamond, Yellow Diamond wishes to speak to you" 'B.P says causing Chip to shake his head momentarily as he can be heard whirring and beeping while his hud boots up'

'Chip shakes his head quickly as he opens his eyes, which flicker momentarily before his glowing blue Diamond irises appear'

Chip: "Hey B.P, whatsup?" 'Chip asks in a drowsy voice as he rubs his eyes'

B.P: "Yellow Diamond wishes to speak with you" 'B.P says helping Chip stand up a small smile once again on her face'

'Chip stands up reaching his arms upward as they open up in several different places before closing again'

'Chip then turns to Yellow as he cracks his neck, Yellow Pearl quickly stiffens at the sight of Chip's Diamond only to quickly preform the Diamond Salute'

Chip: "Hey Yellow, Whay can I do for you?" 'Chip asks putting on his most formal voice as possible causing Yellow to roll her eyes with a small smile'

Yellow: "I came to inform you of a event you shall be taking part in. For the first time in thousands of years White has actually directly spoken to me" 'Yellow says causing Blue's eyes to widen'

Chip: "Alright, what's the event?" 'Chip asks nervously rubbing his arm'

Yellow: "White has informed me that you will be participating in a form of....combat trial, she neglected to inform me what sort. It shall be the chance to prove yourself worthy of being a Diamond" 'Yellow says causing Blue's face to turn to one of worry'

Blue: "He is but a child, surely if we talk to white we can figure somthing out?" 'Blue says her worry becoming much clearer'

Yellow: "I'm afraid not......White was very specific with this, she already has plans for it" 'Yellow says causing Blue to clasp her hands together looking down'

Chip: "Well it shouldnt be too bad, I've been through worse. Besides I've been in my fair share of fights!" 'Chip says doing his best to sound confident'

'Blue looks down at Chip, a nervous smile on her face, Yellow however has a rather interested look on hers'

Yellow: "Is that right? What did you use in your fights?" 'Yellow asks curiously crouching down to Chip's level'

Chip: "Oh, I used a rocket propelled Warhammer, I didnt really like using the blaster and weapons systems I had before" 'Chip says quietly rubbing his left arm with his righ hand'

Yellow: "Why exactly? Wouldnt they be more effective in combat?" 'Yellow asks a hint of confusion in her voice'

Chip: "I-I just didnt really like using them......" 'Chip says as his eyes flicker grey for a moment, his eyes showing a unease for the topic'

Chip: "They just had a very......dark feeling to them" 'Chip says causing Yellow's eyes to widen for a moment'

'Yellow looks as if she was about to say somthing about the topic before deciding against it as she stands up'

Yellow: "Well, would you care to show me some of your skills? Perhaps if you can improve you will have a easier time during the trial" 'Yellow asks curiously causing Blue to look up'

Blue: "You mean to have him fight at the arena?" 'Blue asks slight annoyance in her voice'

Yellow: "It would be nothing more than a sparring match with one of my Citrine Gaurds" 'Yellow says turning her head to Blue'

Chip: "Sure, It could be fun, besides it would be the perfect opportunity to test out my new nanotech upgrade" 'Chip says looking at his arms before turning to Blue as if asking permission'

Blue: "Oh allright.....if you feel upto it" 'Blue says with a sigh a small smile forming on her face'

Yellow: "Perfect, let us go to the Arena, I am quite looking forward to learning how skilled you are Chip" 'Yellow says as she begins to walk away with her Pearl'

Blue: "Come Pearl, we shall go with them" 'Blue says as she begin's to walk away'

'Chip floats into the air holding out his hand for B.P, She hesitantly takes his hand letting Chip fly her up onto Blue's shoulder placing her down softly before landing next to her'

Yellow: "How are you feeling now that you have had your....."Sleep" I believe it was called?" 'Yellow asks Chip curiously'

Chip: "Well I certainly feel a lot more stable Physically, it's going to take me a while to get used to my Gem though" 'Chip says quietly'

Blue: "That is to be expected. While I am not exactly thrilled about you fighting in the arena it could be a good chance for you to activate your Diamond Powers" 'Blue says catching Chip's attention'

Chip: "Wait I have Diamond Powers?" 'Chip asks curiously catching Yellow's attention'

Yellow: "Yes, all Diamonds do, as you are...regrettably aware my abilities involve energy projectiles"

Blue: "While my abilities are more emotionally based I too can form energy based projectiles, they arent nearly as potent as Yellow's though" 'Blue says softly as she continues walking'

Chip: "So what are mine then?" 'Chip asks curiously'

Yellow: "Quite honestly we arent sure, Blood Diamond only ever used parts of his powers due to his technological abilities" 'Yellow says in thought as she crosses her arms'

Chip: "Huh, that's cool I guess" 'Chip says tilting his head'

B.P: "If I may be so blunt, Your abilities My Diamond may be related to your mother's" 'B.P states causing Chip to stop in confusion for a moment before he pieces the puzzle together'

Chip: "Oh, you mean like Blue's" 'Chip says chuckling nervously'

Blue: "Yes, due to my gem being used in the creation of yours our abilities may be simmilar" 'Blue says with a slightly quieter voice as she sighs'

Yellow: "We shall figure that out in the future, we are close to the Palenquin hangar" 'Yellow says causing Chip to sigh to himself'

Chip: "So I take it most of homeworld dosent know about me?"

Blue: "For the most part you are correct, however I'm sure rumors have begun to spread"

Yellow: "You shall be officially announced at the Combat Trial, for now you must prepare" 'Yellow says looking over her shoulder at Chip'

Chip: "Right...."

*To be continued*
