(Chapter Four- A Promise Broken)

'For nearly two hours straight Chip had been wandering around the massive Blue Arm shaped ship as it sailed through the stars'

'Blue had told him to look around the ship, do his best to keep himself entertained while she was piloting it'

'He had seen nearly every tech related aspect of the ship, the reactor room, control systems and even a onboard relay system'

'He is currently looking out a large window star gazing, his eyes practically sparkling as he watches the stars fly by'

'Chip seems to be completley mesmerized by the colors speeding by the window to the point where he dosent hear nor feel the loud and heavy footsteps walking towards him'

Blue: "It is truly beautiful is it not?" 'Blue asks softly snapping Chip out of his daze'

'Blue had indeed found him, she had also crouched down slightly to get a better look through the window'

Chip: Y-Yeah......I never thought I would ge to see this" 'Chip says turning back to the window, a look of awe still on his face'

'Chip's expression quickly changes to confusion before he turns back to Blue, who has a soft smile on her face as she looks out the window'

Chip: "Wait....if you're here who's piloting the ship?"

Blue: "Oh no need to worry, this ship has a auto piloting system" 'Blue says looking back down at Chip'

Chip: "So why'd you come looking for me?" 'Chip asks curiously'

Blue: "Well you have been gone for quite some time. I was worried you may have gotten lost as we are approaching our destination" 'Blue says softly before looking back at Chip, her expression softening slightly when she notices the nervous look on Chip's face'

Blue: "Do not worry, I will make sure you are safe, I gave you my word" 'Blue says holding her hand out letting Chip climb onto it'

Chip: "You cant really blame me for being nervous....I'm going somewhere that I consider hostile territory.."

Blue: "While yes you may be in danger if you came by yourself. I believe being by me may convince other Gems you are not a threat" 'Blue says in thought'

Chip: "I'm still going to hide though"

Blue: "Oh absolutley, we cannot let you be seen if possible, If Yellow were to find you...." 'Blue says her voice trailing off, a slightly worried expression on her face'

Blue: "But that is not going to happen, this will work, one way or another you will get the repairs you need" 'Blue says hesitantly as she raises her cloak'

Blue Pearl: "My Diamond....we are approaching the planet" 'Blue Pearl says as Chip climbs up into the cloak near Blue's head'

'Chip's eyes widen slightly as he takes in the sight of the gem homeworld, the planet is quite literally split in two, with four large rings around it'

Blue: "Make sure you cannot be seen, we shall be leaving the ship momentarily" 'Blue says as the ship begins its landing sequence'

'As the ship lands it rocks back and forth momentarily causing Chip to use his hand thrusters to balance himself before he manages to hide once more deactivating the thrusters'

Chip: "Here we go...." 'Chip says as Blue boards her palanquin, the palanquin quickly disembarks from the ship and begins walking across the large runway like path, the cheering of Gems can be heard all around'

Blue: "You are doing very well" 'Blue whispers quietly to Chip being able to practically feel the fear radiate from him'

Chip: "That still dosent help the fact that I could be found out at any moment..." 'Chip whispers back causing Blue to hum as the Palanquin enters a large building'

'Chip places his left hand on the side of his head causing his eyes to flash blue for a moment as he scans the area'

'His eyes widen as he looks at the mini-map in the top left corner of his hud, the entire area around himself and Blue is practically swarming with Gems, even if he was in full health he wouldnt be able to escape through flight'

'His eye's slowly begin turning a mix of red and purple, his right arm twitching and opening into separate different transformation modes'

'Chip quickly grabs his right arm with his left trying to stop the panic induced transformations best he can, he is quickly brought back to reality by Blue standing up which in turn causes him to grab onto the cloak as to not loose his footing'

Blue: "You can come out now, we are in my quarters" 'Blue says causing Chip to step out from the cloak into the pitch black room'

'Chip uses his thrusters to fly out away from Blue surprising the Diamond slightly'

Chip: "Why's it so dark?"

Blue: "I do not know.... usually the lights come on themselves" 'Blue says as Chip flies around the room, his blue thrusters the only source of light in the room'

'The lights flash on causing Chip to turn back to Blue his eyes going wide with a vibrant shade of purple'

Yellow Diamond: "What....is this about Blue" 'Yellow Diamond can be heard saying from behind Blue causing her to turn around wide eye'd'

'Yellow Diamond can be seen standing against the wall, a very unhappy look on her face'

Blue: "Y-Yellow!" 'Blue says turning around fully'

Yellow Diamond: "I asked you a question Blue, what is that....THING doing here?!" 'Yellow asks raising her voice on the brink of yelling'

Blue: "I-Its not what you think. He has been damaged. If I didnt bring him here to get repairs he would have-"

Yellow Diamond: "I dont quite care! Your obsession with those filthy....human pests was bad enough! Now this?!" 'Yellow Diamond yells angrilly her hands crackling with arcs of yellow energy'

Blue: "I couldnt just let him die! He-"

Yellow Diamond: "Why not?!" 'Yellow Diamond yells interrupting Blue'

Blue: "BECAUSE THEY ARE ALL WE HAVE LEFT OF HIM!" 'Blue yells loudly before covering her mouth causing Yellow Diamond to tense up, her expression seeming to grow cold'

Yellow Diamond: "This...is Pink all over again" 'Yellow Diamond says raising her hand towards Chip as it crackles with energy'

'Blue quickly slaps her hand away as a bolt of energy fires from it causing it to hit the wall with a small explosion'

Yellow Diamond: "B-Blue?" 'Yellow Diamond asks noticing the suddenly dark turn Blue's face had taken'

Blue: "You will NOT touch him" 'Blue says, darkly, her voice trembling slightly as tears begin to fall down her face, one arm outstretched infront of Chip'

'Yellow Diamond grits her teeth while she clenches her eyes shut, Blue's eyes widen before she is struck with a bright yellow bolt of lightning throwing Blue across the room only to collide with her large blue colored throne, large cracks forming on it from the impact'

'Chip fly's back wide eye'd as Yellow Diamond turns her head to face Chip, a cold expression on her face'

'She sighs before raising her hand towards Chip and firing off a blast of lightning at him'

'Chip swiftly dodges the bolt of lightning before his back opens up letting out a few sparks, Yellow Diamond's eyes widen slightly as Chip's shoulder mounted cannons activate with a green glow'

'Chip fires off a blast from them colliding with Yellow Diamond causing a large green explosion to erupt infront of her covering her in smoke'

'Chip's eyes flicker for a moment as his thrusters spark, causing him to fall slightly before he regains his balance'

'Chip bangs his hands on his head for a moment before he looks back up just in time for a bolt of lightning to fire out from the cloud of smoke'

'Chip's eyes widen as the bolt of lightning pierces through the left side of his chest, Chip plummets to the ground as the smoke clears showing a rather angry Yellow Diamond standing across from him'

'While she seems rather fine she clearly took some damage from the blast that connected with her visible by the scratches and scorch Mark's on her'

Blue: "No...." 'Blue says rushing over to Chip gently picking him up in her hands

'Chip's eyes had begun to flicker weakly, a stream of glowing blue blood can be seen dripping from Blue's hands. A large hole can be seen on the left side of his chest, remnants of what was his reactor can be seen sputtering and stopping as Chip loses power'

Blue: "H-Hold on, it will be allright, I gave you my word..." 'Blue says channeling some of her energy into her hands doing her best to stabalize Chip'

Yellow Diamond: "Come now Blue, we have things we must attend too" 'Yellow Diamond says callously as she turns around'

Blue: "Leave....." 'Blue says quietly as tears begin to flow from her eyes'

Yellow Diamond: "What?" 'Yellow Diamond asks in confusion turning her head to Blue'

Blue: "I said LEAVE" 'Blue says looking up at Yellow Diamond, her diamond shaped irises glowing a vibrant blue color, shortly after a blue aura explodes out around her covering the entire room'

'Yellow Diamond's face contorts as a few tears gather in the corners of her eyes, her legs can be seen shaking slightly from Blue's aura'

'Yellow Diamond looks as if she is about to say somthing but decides against it and leaves the room silently'

'Silence passes untill Blue's aura calms back down, Blue Pearl peeks her head out from behind the damaged throne catching her Diamond's attention'

Blue: "Pearl, take him to the Peridot's inside the advancement sector....it may not be too late" 'Blue says handing Chip to her Pearl who carefully picks him up'

Blue Pearl: "Of course my Diamond" 'Blue Pearl says nodding before she hastily walks outside of the room'

'As Blue Pearl does her best to be quick yet discreet about taking Chip to her destination she can tell she is getting looks from the passing gems as she walks into a yellowish green sector'

???: "Ugh you Era two Gems are so slow! You gotta pick things up!" 'A feminine voice can be heard saying with a inpatient and hyper voice'

Blue Pearl: "Excuse me" 'Blue Pearl says walking into the room'

'The room has five separate Peridots inside, however one of them is much different than the others'

'While the others wear limb enhancers this one is naturally taller, her hair also seems to be a bright shade of green instead of yellow, her fingers can be seen stretching as she taps on multiple different screens'

???: "Oh my apologies, what do we owe the pleasure of one of the Diamond's own Pearl's being here?" 'The taller Peridot asks curiously walking towards Blue Pearl'

Blue Pearl: "My Diamond has requested you to save this Metamorin, he is on the brink of a total shut down" 'Blue Pearl says placing Chip's motionless body on a table'

'The Peridot walks over to Chip humming slightly as she looks at one of her screens'

???: "You may have gotten him here just in time, it seems his body has hardly any reserve power left" 'She says pressing her hand onto Chip's chest causing it to open up with a few sparks and a hiss'

???: "Now let's see what we have... here?" 'The Peridot says noticing the large black cube inside of Chip's chest, the usual red Diamond glow having vanished due to lack of power'

'She presses her hand onto the box while she uses her free hand on a screen, she then presses a few buttons on the screen causing the box to hiss as air is released from it'

'The box opens up into a large four pronged claw, the contents of the box let's out a shimmer as if light were reflecting off of it'

'Once the Peridot gets a view of the contents of the box her eyes go wide, with a excited smile crossing her face'

*To be continued*
