(Chapter Three- Beach House Chaos)

'Mid day, usually the Crystal Gems are busy on a mission or somthing of that sort, Today however they are taking the day to relax and recover after Defeating Malachite aswell as containing the Cluster'

'Steven had spent some time with Peridot to see how she was doing with the repairs on the Barn and is currently making his way over to the Silo as instructed by Garnet the previous night'

'As Garnet said she is currently keeping Chip preoccupied, he had woken up much earlier than she expected so she decided to distract him by getting him to fix things that Amethyst "Accidentally" Broke'

'Once Steven arrived at the Silo he looks around slightly confused due to the lack of people around, Once he looks up his eyes go wide in both shock and confusion'

'Lapis is sitting on top of the silo, her legs brought up to her chest while she stares off into the distance'

Steven: "Woah! Lapis!"

'Steven climbs up the Ladder of the Silo, Once he reaches the top he slowly slides across the tin roof unti he safely can sit down next to Lapis'

Steven: "I thought you left?"

Lapis: "I was leaving but then I realised I have nowhere to go, who knows what they would do to me back home after what I did to Jasper, I cant go back to homeworld and i cant stay here..."

Steven: "Sure you can"

Lapis: " What?"

Steven: "You can totally stay here! It dosent have to be *here* here, you can live anywhere!"

Steven: "You don't even have to stay in Beach City if you dont want too! You can stay in Surf City, Sea City, Aqua Town, Bayburg. And that's just the places I know off the top of my head!"

Lapis: "Really?"

Steven: "Yeah! I could show you around!"

Steven: "I only really know the tri-state are, but my phone has a global positioning system!"

Lapis: "Oh... okay let's go look.." 'Lapis says hesitantly'

'Lapis let's Steven climb onto her back before she flies off into the sky using her water wings'

'Lapis slowly flies over the country side admiring the view around her, Steven shakes his head snapping himself out of his sight seeing before he finally speaks again'

Steven: "You could live out here in the country side! Just you connecting with nature!"

'As Steven and Lapis Fly around back at the Beach house Chip is being held back from Amethyst by Garnet, Garnet seems to be having a rather hard time containing herself as she can be seen straining herself to not laugh'


Amethyst: "I dunno man! I was just using it and it stopped working!" 'Amethyst responds hiding behind the kitchen counter while Pearl does her best to collect herself'

Chip: "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU THE TV WONT BE THE ONLY THING I HAVE TO FIX!" 'Chip yells his eyes flaring a bright orange causing Garnet to finally break and start laughing loudly'

'Pearl quickly follows suit just not as obviously, she is holding her hand over her mouth muffling her laughter While Garnet sits down still holding onto chip'

'Garnet manages to calm herself down enough to take some deep breaths while she does her best to hold onto Chip'

Garnet: "Amethyst isnt the one who broke the TV!" 'Garnet says inbetween her breaths causing Chip to stop squirming and turn to her'

Chip: "What?"

Pearl: "We kept short circuiting it to keep you distracted, Steven had to go do somthing so we figured we should distract you" 'Pearl says wiping her eye'

Chip: ".....what"

Garnet:"We didnt expect you to get so fired up about it, but it was certainly amusing" 'Garnet says finally calming down fully, Chip's eyes have gone wide twitching every so often'

Chip: "WHAT" 'Chip says loudly as his eyes turn a bright blue with the bottom half being a dark red'

Amethyst: "You uh,you okay there buddy?" 'Amethyst asks creeping out from behind the counter'

Chip: "SO freaking sick of EVERYTHING" 'Chip says in a irritated voice Causing Garnet to chuckle to herself'

Pearl: "Oh my that's certainly new" 'Pearl says still smiling'

'Chip's eyes twitch before his hair erupts into blue and red flames producing a crackling sound'

'Garnet simply runs her hand through Chip's hair quickly putting the fire out leaving his hair to smoke as he very slowly calms down'

Chip: "Just so you know, this means war" 'Chip says turning to Garnet who simply grins innocently'

Amethyst: "Yes! Prank war!"

Pearl: "This wont end well..."

Garnet: "If I let you go now are you going to try and prank someone right away?"

Chip: "That's debatable" 'Chip mumbles to himself while he crosses his arms'

'Garnet hums to herself before unwrapping her arms from around Chip letting him stand up'

'Amethyst walks out from behind the counter fully stopping next to Chip'

Amethyst: "Do we need to plot our revenge?"

Chip: "But of course" 'Chip says with a mischievous grin crossing his face'

Garnet: "Nothing that can damage property or yourselves" 'Garnet says instantly shutting the two trouble makers down'

Amethyst: "Ugh you're no fun" 'Amethyst says walking out of the house'

Chip: "So what is Steven doing exactly?" 'Chip asks curiously as he jumps up to Steven's "Room" and starts fixing the TV for the final time'

Garnet: "That's not for us to say yet"

'Chip suspiciously looks at Garnet before he transforms his arm into its welding mode'

Pearl: "Hold on a second, when was the last time you ate?" 'Pearl asks turning to Chip'

'Chip stops for a moment his eyes turning turquoise, After a moment of thinking Chip shrugs his shoulders before continuing his work'

Pearl: "No wonder you've been sleeping more often! You havent been providing fuel for your reactor!" 'Pearl says causing Garnet to narrow her eyes at Chip from under her visor'

Garnet: "Apparently I was wrong, you can lie" 'Garnet says causing Chip to tense up'

Chip: "Fix now eat later" 'Chip says as he opens up the TV's casing'

'Garnet walks upto Chip and picks him up over her shoulder causing him to drop the casing to the Tv'

Garnet: "No, you need to take care of yourself"

Chip: "B-But the TV!"

Garnet: "Shhhhh, no TV, only food" 'Garnet says grinning to herself'

*To be continued*
