(Chapter One- It's You? Part one)

'The Crystal Gems are currently all standing in the Beach house's Living room with varying degree's of panic on their Faces, Pearl looks utterly horrified while Amethyst and Steven simply look uneasy, Garnet has her usual Stoic expression on her face yet her worry can still be felt by everyone in the room"

Pearl: "We have to evacuate Beach City! if homeworld really is on thier way here all those humans are in danger!"

Garnet: "Agreed, Steven you should evacuate the City"

Steven: "What why me?" 'Steven asks clearly confused'

Garnet: "Because you know these humans, you can sympathize them so in turn they will sympathize with you, you got this" 'Garnet says in a confident tone Causing Steven to nod proudly before rushing out of the house'

Amethyst: "What about Chip?" 'Amethyst asks causing Pearl to nervously hum to herself While Chip sits quietly looking at the ground'

Garnet: "He will fight with us, his strength will be valuable in the future" 'Garnet says with a confident tone in her voice obviously trying to brighten Chip's mood'

Chip: "Wont I just get in the way? I mean I'm nowhere near as experienced as you three" 'Chip says softly causing Pearl to frown as she turns to Chip'

Pearl: "Nonsense! You are more than capable of fighting, you are likley the strongest Crystal Gem! next to Garnet that is" 'Pearl says with a assured tone in her voice'

Garnet: "Besides we got you somthing that might help" 'Garnet says causing Chip to look up in confusion'

'Garnet reaches under the couch before pulling somthing out from underneath, Garnet stands back up with a small smile as she holds out what looks like a large holster for a Warhammer or great sword'

'Chip's eyes light up excitedly as he stands up taking the holster into his hands, He straps the holster onto his back before picking up his Warhammer and placing it in the holster'

'Chip let's out a string of excited Beeps before it turns into Child like giggling, Chip Hugs Garnet tightly causing the larger Gem to stagger momentarily, Pearl smiles softly before Chip and Garnet they both pull her into the hug aswell'

Pearl: So I take it you like your present?" 'Pearl asks causing Chip to nod his head softly with a smile'

Garnet: "Allright Crystal Gems! Let's get ready!" 'Garnet yells out causing the three Gems left in the house to rush outside quickly being followed by a nervous but excited Chip'

'Chip was stationed as the lookout while the other Crystal Gems prepares the laser light cannons in a row of three, Moments later Greg had driven up in his van taking a very upset Steven out of town before the Homeworld Gems arrive'

Chip: "I kind of feel bad..."

Pearl: "Why would you feel bad?"

Chip: "Well Should you have sent Steven away? Couldnt he have helped?"

Pearl: "Its for the best, Steven isnt a fighter, he would much rather solve things with words" 'Pearl says in a somber tone'

Chip: So why am I here then? I cant fight! I can only defend myself! I cant fight offensively!" 'Chip says as his eyes begin to turn bright purple'

'Garnet places a hand on Chip's shoulder causing him to look back at his adoptive Gem mother'

Garnet: "You can do this, trust me" 'Garnet says with a soft smile causing Chip to hum anxiously'

Chip: "This feels wrong, why so soon..." 'Chip says as he thinks to himself, a few loud beeps ring out through him causing him to look up just as a massive green hand like ship parts the night sky'

Garnet: "They're here!"

'Pearl pulls out a walkie talking before pressing the button as she holds it upto her mouth'

Pearl: "If every porkchop was perfect we wouldnt have hot dogs" 'Pearl says into the walkie talkie simultaneously confusing Chip and activating the Laser light cannons'

'The Laser light cannons fire forming a bright pink rose as the blasts combine, upon impact the hand Ship opens its palm dispersing the blast'

Chip: "Ahhh crap" 'Chip says disapointedly causing Pearl to bop his head'

Pearl: "Watch your language young man" 'Pearl says sternly before her and Amethyst run onto the Beach, The two of them preform a Fusion dance and fuse into opal, Opal Forms her Bow before drawing it back and firing'

'Upon impact the barrage of Arrows do next to no damage to the ship causing Both Garnet and Opal to freeze'

'Chip's eyes widen before he takes a deep breath, his chest begins sparking with blue arcs of energy'

Garnet: "Atleast Steven is safe" 'Garnet says before she notices particles of sand floating upward'

'Garnet turns back to the ship noticing how close it's gotten, Chip has his mouth open as it has begun sparking bright blue  before he collapses onto his knees breathing heavily'

'Steven can be seen running up behind the Gems with Lion behind him, Once Opal notices she Unfuses into Amethyst and Pearl'

Amethyst: "You came back!" 'Amethyst says happily'

Pearl: "Steven what are you doing?!"

Garnet: "There's no time for this! Just get behind us!" 'Garnet says after helping Chip to his feet, Garnet stands infront of Steven and chip protectively'

'The ship stops just above the water before it turns over to its palm is facing the sky, the index finger of the ship slams onto the sand showing Peridot standing with a larger buff looking Gem'

???: "This is what you need my help with? Seriously?" 'The taller gem states in a gruff voice clearly disappointed'

Peridot: "Jasper! They're the ones destroying my Machines!" 'Peridot says harshly'

'Jasper sighs darkly before walking forward'

Jasper: "This looks like a waste of my time" 'Jasper says before reaching behind herself'

Jasper: "Hey get over here!" 'Jasper yells as she pulls Lapis Lazuli out from behind herself'

Steven: "Lapis..."

'Lapis looks down in shame as Jasper looks out at the group'

Jasper: "This is their base?"

Lapis: "Yes....it is" 'Lapis states in a ashamed tone of voice'

Garnet: "You need to leave IMMEDIATELY"

Amethyst: "Yeah step off!"

Pearl: "This is not a gem controlled planet!"

'As the crystal Gems attempt to intimidate the homeworld Gems Jsaper and peridot jump off of the ship and onto the sand being followed by a reluctant Lapis Lazuli'

Jasper: "Neither of seen Rose Quarts? Shame I was looking forward to beating her into the ground!" 'Jasper says darkly causing Steven to shudder'

Jasper: "This is all that's left of her army aswell? Some lost defective Pearl, a puny overcooked runt, and THIS shameless display?" 'Jasper says as she lists off each of the Crystal Gems, once her eyes land on steven she hums to herself curiously'

Jasper: "What is that?" 'Jasper asks pointing at Steven while Chip stands hiding behind Garnet with his right hand on the handle of his Warhammer'

Peridot: "It calls itself Steven" 'Peridot informs coldly'

Lapis: "He's just a human H-He's not a threat at all! He isnt one of them" 'Lapis says causing Jasper to roll her eyes'

Jasper: "I know what a human is you dont need me for this just-" 'Jasper says before her eyes widen as she looks down at Garnet's feet, inbetween Garnet's legs Jasper can see Chip's legs causing the robo-boy to face palm himself'

Jasper: "Get out here! I almost didnt notice you" 'Jasper says loudly causing Chip to hesitantly walk out from behind Garnet, his hand still on his Warhammers handle, Chip's eyes are glowing a bright yellow that seems to pierce the Green glow the ship is producing'

'Peridot's eyes widen at the sudden newcomer while Jasper has a confused look on her face'

Jasper: "Why didnt you say somthing about there being a Metamorin here!" 'Jasper says loudly causing Lapis to flinch'

Lapis: "I-I swear he wasnt here when I left earth I had no id-" 'Lapis quickly gets cut off as Jasper grabs her by her throat lifting her up'

Jasper: "I'm tired of your excuses! Dont you know who yellow Diamond has been looking for?!" 'Jasper yells loudly only for her hand to be blasted by a bright blue laser causing her to Drop Lapis while she holds her hand in slight pain'

'Jasper's eyes widen as she looks at Chip, his left arm is raised towards her with his arm open showing the barrel of a large energy cannon sparking with blue energy'

Jasper: "...How long have you been on this dirtball planet..." 'Jasper says in a confused voice before she smiled darkly'

Jasper: "Fire a barrage at them! Wide spread!"

Peridot: "But our orders.."

Jasper: "I dont care about that! If he cant fight back we can bring him to homeworld faster!" 'Jasper yells causing Peridot to flinch as she activates her screens'

'The large ship floats upward pointing a finger at the beach as a large green blast charges'

Garnet: "Steven get out of here now!"

Steven: "No!"

Garnet: "I will not let you risk your life!"

Steven: "But this is my home! And your all my family!" 'Steven yells as he starts to tear up'

Peridot: "I'm...I'm a crystal Gem too!" 'Steven yells as he jumps infront of the group, as the blast connects with them'

'A loud bell like ringing sounds out causing Jasper to turn around, Her eyes widen as a large pink shield comes out of the smoke showing the Crystal Gems standing behind it safely'

Jasper: "That sheild! That symbol!" 'Jasper yells as steven collapses causing the shield to disappear'

Jasper: "You...You have the power of Rose quartz!"

Peridot: "Now do you believe I need your help!?"

Jasper: "Stay Back, I'll handle this!"

Peridot: "But I could fire another barrage!"

Jasper: "No! We need this done quickly, we cant waste time!"

'Jasper reaches behind herself before she pulls out a pronged rod with a glowing yellow ball in the center of the two prongs'

Jasper: "Prime gem destabilizer" 'Jasper says as Garnet rushes towards her, Ipon contact Jasper stabs the destabilizer into Garnet causing her to start cracking and sparking'

'All of the Crystal Gems eyes widen as Garnet falls apart, Once her body has completley fallen apart she poofs leaving two gems behind'

'Jasper chuckles Darkly as she steps forward, Chip's eyes have gone wide while he holds a horrified look on his face'

Jasper: "First we find a Metamorin, and then we find Rose Quartz,it must be my day" 'Jasper says with a cocky smirk'

'Chip's horrified expression slowly changes into a twisted scowl his sharp fangs showing through it'

Pearl: "Chip get behind us" 'Pearl says as she stands next to Chip, Pearl looks to Chip from the corner of her eye noticing his eyes and mouth having gone black'

'Chip grabs onto his Warhammer's handle before taking it in both hands as he steps infront of Steven'

Jasper: "How pathetic, you weakling never know when to give up" 'Jasper says darkly only causing Chip to tighten his grip on his Warhammer'

Jasper: "You want a fight? A fight is what you'll get!" 'Jasper says as she summons a large helmet onto her head, moments later Jasper it sent staggering back from a strong blow to her head just after her helmet had appeared'

'Jasper opens her eyes once she regains herself, the Tall gem's eyes widen as Chip stands infront if her, the look on his face can only be described as Rage in mortal form, His entire eyesockets have turned a glowing red as has his mouth, bright red arcs of energy have begun sparking off of him'

Jasper: "Well it looks like my lucky day? First Rose Quartz and then you!" 'Jasper says as Peridot presses a button on her screen causing a electrical pulse to ring out through the area'

'Chip suddenly falls to the ground loudly with his eyes and moth going dark, Jasper turns to Steven before she delivers a rough kick to his face knocking him unconsious'

*To be continued*
