(Chapter Five- Emotional Growth)

'Within the Eclipse Chip is overseeing the restoration of the Blaster tank that he and Aurora acquired on the abandoned planet, Stretch had sent a group of Peridot's to refurbish and retrofit the tank with modern Gem tech'

'Chip's eyes have been flickering every so often for the past few days, a look of mild exauhstion on his face'

Aurora: "Chip, you need to sleep" 'Aurora says as she stands next to Chip'

Chip: "I'll sleep tomorrow" 'Chip says with a shrug of his shoulders causing Aurora to growl in annoyance, her eyes turning orange as she crosses her arms'

Aurora: "It is ALREADY tomorrow" 'Aurora says through gritted teeth'

Chip: "Its not tomorrow, untill i sleep" 'Chip says with a evil grin, his eyes glitching slightly'

'Aurora growls in annoyance, her eyes flaring a redish Pink color'

'Aurora suddenly jumps up and grab's Chip by the collar of his jacket using gravity to pull him down'

Aurora: "You listen here you little shit, I may not be a drone like the rest of these rocks but it Is still my job to make sure you take care of yourself do you really want to mess with that mission?" 'Aurora says causing Chip to go wide eye'd'

'While Aurora looked up at Chip she cant help but notice the pink tinge his eyes have formed on the outside of them'

'She then turns her head remembering the group of Peridot's who are now facing her with surpised and alarmed expressions'

'A light pink glow forms along Aurora's hair before she releases Chip letting him stand up and brush himself off while Aurora nervous coughs'

Chip: "A-Allright, back to work everyone" 'Chip says picking up his walking stick from its position leankng against the wall'

'Aurora can be seen with black eyesockets and a very nervous look on her face, almost as if she were internally screaming'

Aurora: "I cant believe I just did that..." 'Aurora says in a whisper as her eyes flash back online, a purple hue mixed with the normal purple glow of her eyes'

'Chip walks away a little bit before the hanger doors open, Blue can be seen curiously standing on the opposite side'

Blue: "Ah there you are!" 'Blue says with a smile catching Chip's attention'

Chip: "O-Oh! Hey Blue" 'Chip says thankful for the sudden appearance of his "Mother" '

Blue: "I heard you and Yellow had a little bit of a argument, are you allright?"

Chip: "Uhh, yeah I think so, I dont really recall what happened" 'Chip says with a nervous chuckle'

Blue: "What do you mean exactly?" 'Blue asks with a tilt of her head as she leans down to Chip's height'

Chip: "Well.....everything just kinda went black and white, I couldnt hear anything, I couldnt move really either" 'Chip says with confusion in his voice'

'Blue pauses in thought before standing up dusting herself off momentarily'

'She looks over to the Blaster tank curiously before walking over to it placing a hand on the large tank'

Blue: "Where is it you found this relic?" 'Blue asks curiously'

Chip: "Aurora and I went to find an old Metamorin base, instead the warp stream launched us through the near a old Metamorin battlefield, we got caught in a sand storm so we took shelter inside of it" 'Chip says walking up beside Blue'

Blue: "I dont see why you had to name Your Pearl..." 'Blue says in genuine confusion causing Chip to frown as Aurora listens in the background'

Chip: "Because she isnt just some item for me to play around with and flaunt, she is sentient just like all these gems, they're people" 'Chip says with a growl, his eyes growing a red tint'

'Blue hums slightly annoyed with Chip's response, however she fully knows she cant change his outlook on this topic'

Blue: "Of course, It would just be much more practical for you to act like the other Diamonds" 'Blue says causing Chip to grit his teeth, a arc of blue energy sparking around his hair'

'Chip balls his hands into fists, his eyes slowly flashing inbetween Blue and red'

'Aurora quickly walks inbetween Chip and Blue placing one hand on Chip's abdomen while she keeps him from moving forward'

Aurora: "My Diamond, please calm down, this is not like you" 'Aurora says in a calm yet stern tone of voice'

'Chip sighs before placing his hands onto his head shaking his head, a distorted growl coming from him as he starts to shake eventually falling to one Knee'

Blue: "Oh my!" 'Blue says loudly as Aurora  stands to Chip's eye level'

Aurora: "Are you allright?" 'Aurora asks quietly as glitching and labored breathing  comes from Chip'

Chip: "I-Im f̷-̴f̷i̶n̶e̸...really it's nothing" 'Chip says smiling weakly, his eyes flickering'

Blue: "Clearly you are not!" 'Blue says as Aurora helps Chip stand up, a worried look on her face as she does so'

Blue: "We need to take him to his chambers to rest" 'Blue says with a worried voice'

Aurora: "Right..." 'Aurora says before Chip forces himself to his feet'

Chip: "I can get there myself" 'Chip says forming a portal with his walking stick'

'Aurora sighs before pushing Chip through the Portal walking in behind him leaving Blue to herself still clearly worried'

'When through the portal Chip sits down on his bed, his left eye forced shut still'

'Aurora sits down next to him clearly worried, Chip's one open eye sparking slightly'

Aurora: "What is going on with you...." 'Aurora asks with a sigh'

Chip: "Its nothing, just a minor malfunction probably" 'Chip says desmissivley'

Aurora: "Would you just shut up and let me do my job?" 'Aurora asks bluntly causing Chip to sigh to himself'

'Aurora takes a deep breath before placing a hand on Chip's gemstone, her eyes glowing brightly for a moment before she removes her hand'

Aurora: "I think....you may just be having difficulty with your processors, you didnt get to be activated with the understanding of emotions and such like I did" 'Aurora says with a sigh of relief'

Chip: "Hopefully that's all..."

*To be continued*
