(Chapter One-Its You? Part two)

Peridot: "May I ask why we didnt just Fully shut the Metamorin down?" 'Peridot asks Jasper as the two of them stand outside the rather well decorated cell'

'Jasper remains silent as she stands looking in through the Cell Window a conflicted look on her face'

Peridot: "Further more why did we put him in this cell? He is our prisoner not a gem needing protection" 'Peridot continues ranting causing Jasper to grit her teeth'

Jasper: "Silence yourself and think for once!" 'Jasper yells at Peridot causing the Green gem to flinch'

Jasper: "For thousands of years Yellow Diamond has been sending scouting missions to different parts of the universe to look for one specific Person, originally she was looking for Rose quartz on the behalf of Blue Diamond but what changed that?"

'Peridot stops to think for a moment before her eyes widen as she turns to look inside the cell'

Peridot: "So you are telling me we found... HIM?"

Jasper: "That's right and on top of it all we found Rose quartz, the Diamonds will be most pleased" 'Jasper says with a confident grin'

Peridot: "So this is...."Blood?" 'Peridot asks unsure of the evidence'

Jasper: "That's right, Not much is known about him in Gem history other than Pink Diamond officially confirmed of his existence three thousand years before her shattering" 'Jasper says with her grin never faltering'

'Peridot visibly becomes nervous as she backs away from the door as if afraid of the prisoner inside of it'

Peridot: "Then should we be standing so close? What if he gets angry when he wakes up?"

Jasper: "Are you Joking? This is incredible having someone with as much authority as he holds you should feel honored!" 'Jasper says loudly causing Peridot to back up further'

Peridot: "I don't like this one bit"

Jasper: "I wouldn't worry about him attacking us, Remember what Yello Diamond said about his memory?"

Peridot: "T-Thats right My Diamond said his memory was Wiped"

Jasper: "That's right so when he activated his combat mode down on earth it must have been his first experience with it" 'Jasper says before she holds her head where she would have been hit if she didnt summon her helmet'

Jasper: "Just shows how much power he really holds, if I hadn't summoned my helmet i probably would have been poofed" 'Jasper says with her voice filled with admiration'

Peridot: Shouldnt that scare you?"

Jasper: "What? No! It's a honor to have been locked in combat with him! As short as it was" 'Jasper says clearly offended'

'Jasper looks back at the Cell noticing Chup has begun to wake back up, before she can say anything else the sound of someone singing echoes throughout the halls causing her to growl before turning around'

Jasper: "Set a course for homeworld! I'll go shut her up" 'Jasper says to peridot before stomping off'

'Peridot huffs to herself as she looks back into the cell for a moment, Chip is standing up looking around with his eyes glowing a vibrant orange, a irritated look spread across his face'

Peridot: "Go to earth they said, It'll be EASY they said" 'Peridot rants as she walks down the hall to the controll room'

'Chip has collected himself as he walks around the rather well furnished cell, he shakes his head before hitting the palm of his hand against his head a few times causing his eyes to change back to a glowing blue'

Chip: "What do I do? I'm alone in a Alien ship in a cell!" 'Chip says as he begins to panic, his eyes slowly change to a burning purple color as he paces around the cell'

'Chip looks around the cell trying to calm himself down, he slowly slumps down against the far wall of the cell with his face in his hands'

Chip: "I knew I shouldnt have been there, I cant fight properly and when I finally did activate my combat mode I lost controll..." 'Chip says with his voice glitching loudly'

'Chip, shakes his head before he looks at his hands noticing his skin on his hands has been damaged showing the metal skeleton underneath'

Chip: " ...I'm such a screw up" 'Chip says sadly with his face in his hands again'

Jasper: "But you weren't always that way" 'Jasper says as she loudly opens the door, At the sound of Jasper's loud footsteps Chip looks up with his eyes beginning to have a purple smoke flow off of them'

'Jasper straightens herself with a look of unease on her face, as she stands infront of the door'

Chip: "W-What do you want?" 'Chip asks in a shaky voice which seems to ease Jasper's nerves as she rolls her eyes'

Jasper: "I'm not here to hurt you if that's what you mean, I'm not stupid enough to attack you personally"

Chip: "What do you mean...exactly?"

'Jasper sighs loudly before she crouches down to his level as if examining him'

Jasper: "Even if you dont have your memories....the other Diamonds would still shatter me if any harm were to come to you" 'Jasper says before standing up leaving Chip extreamly confused but still scared'

Chip: "Okay what the heck is going on, What do you mean the other Diamonds would shatter you if I was hurt, are you a Diamond? why would they care!?" 'Chip asks extreamly confused'

'Before Jasper can respond Peridot opens the door catching her attention'

Peridot: "Jasper! The two gems that made the fusion got out! The Steven aswell!" 'Peridot says causing Jasper to growl'

Jasper: "I'll handle this, get back to the controll room and lock this cell down! We dont want Blood to get damaged" 'Jasper says causing Peridot to nod as the two of them walk out of the cell'

'Once the two Gems leave the cell the door is covered by a yellow energy field, the light inside the room turns off leaving Chip in a dark room with a dull green glow coming from the walls'

'Chip holds his head in his hands with his eyes wide casting a brilliant purple glow on the ground as he processes all the thoughts running through his mind'

"How does homeworld know about me? Why did she call me...blood? Why would the diamonds care about if I'm is hurt or not?" 'Chip thinks to himself as he begins to shake, Chip slowly begins to shut down with his eyes slowly flickering on and off'

'Just as Chip is about to fall over the Ship begins to rumble violently, the last thing Chip notices before he passes out is the red sparks of energy that have begun to fill the room, a bright flash of light erupts in the room just as part of the wall shatters and collapses'

*To be continued*
