(Chapter One-Peridot)

'Within the Beach house all is quiet, Steven is out with Connie doing who knows what, Garnet and Pearl are out on a mission while Amethyst had vanished earlier in the day'

'Chip had quite literally passed out on the couch again after running out of power'

'Garnet had been in a rather good mood since Chip's first training session, She was clearly proud of him and wasnt afraid to admit it'

'Chip is currently still asleep on the couch unaware to the fact that Lion is laying on top of him, Lion has been intently staring at the Robot Child for hours'

'Chip Wakes up followed by a whirring sound as he starts up, he opens his eyes which instantly go wide when noticing Lion'

'Chip narrows his eyes at Lion clearly not amused causing Lion to tilt his head'

Chip: "Get off" 'Chip says calmly, Lion simply yawns and lays his head down ontop of Chip's forhead'

'Chip sighs before picking Lion up easily and dropping him on the ground with a loud thump, Lion looks at Chip and rolls onto his back'

Chip: "You're lucky your cute" 'Chip says as he stretches causing several pops and loud metallic cracks to sound out through the room'

'Chip let's out a loud Yawn that can only be described to sound like a jet engine spinning up, his mouth fully opens causing his long fangs to spark lightly as they glide past eachother'

'The moment Chip opens his mouth fully its blue glow begins to intensify before a large blue beam of energy rockets from his mouth blasting a hole through the window and over Beach city'

'Chip's eyes have gone fully black in shock as blue smoke flows from his mouth'

'The sound of the Warp pad activating startles Chip out of his daze, he quickly closes his mouth as his eyes return to glowing blue'

'The warp pad deactivates showing Pearl and Garnet, Pearl seems to be rambling about somthing that happened on the mission as per the usual, untill they walk into the living room and notice a very nervous Looking Chip with a melted window across the room'

Pearl: "What HAPPENED?!" 'Pearl yells in confusion causing Chip to back away slightly before the sky above the clouds lights up with a glowing Blue tint followed by the ground shaking lightly'

'Chip laughs nervously as Garnet walks over to The window, She examines the window carefully before Turning back to Chip wand walking over to him'

'Garnet Crouches down to Chip's height before tapping his Jaw lightly'

Garnet: "Open up" 'Garnet says calmly causing Chip to sigh before opening his mouth'

'The moment Chip's mouth opens a ploom a blue smoke erupts from it aswell as a few blue sparks his fangs seem to be glowing a dull blue as if they were charging '

Garnet: "It seems he accidentally activated another one of his weapons systems" 'Garnet says calmly as Chip closes his mouth'

Pearl: "What weapon is able to shake the ground from the explosion?!" 'Pearl asks loudly causing a look of shame to cross Chip's face'

Garnet: "I cant tell exactly but he is a prototype" 'Garnet says before turning to Chip'

'Chip is now looking down clearly ashamed of the damage he could have caused'

Garnet: "Hey dont worry about it, we just have to learn to controll your weapons better" 'Garnet says with a soft smile which seems to cheer Chip up slightly'

Pearl: "You're right, I'm sorry for over reacting" 'Pearl says with a sigh as she too leans down to Chip's height'

Chip: "What did you go out to look for?" 'Chip asks with a soft yet curious tone of voice'

Pearl: "Steven thinks he saw somthing outside the warp, which is not possible nothing on earth can use the warps except us Gems, and well you I guess" 'Pearl says with a irritated sigh'

Garnet: "But I decided to check again, Steven does get worked up about things easily but he seemed sure of this"

Chip: "Did you find anything?"

Pearl: "No we didnt, just as I expected there was nothing outside any of the warps" 'Pearl says proudly'

Garent: "So there is no reason for him or you to worry, Unless you plan on blasting the window again" 'Garnet says at first with a stern voice before she very audibly begins teasing Chip'

Chip: "I didnt mean too...." 'Chip says quietly looking down'

Garnet: "I know, I'm just teasing you is all" 'Garnet says with a smile as she stands up'

Pearl: "You should get some rest, I'm sure you arent fully charged yet and it will likley be a long day tomorrow" 'Pearl says to Chip as Lion bumps him back onto the couch'

'Lion lays back on top of Chip which in turn causes Garnet and Pearl to Chuckle at the scene'

'Chip Glares at Lion before closing his eyes, Chip quickly falls asleep as does Lion'

'Garnet and Pearl walk outside and close the door quietly'

Pearl: "Did you feel that too?"

Garnet: "Yes, I did. The energy that had gathered to fire from his mouth was almost exactly like a gem only...different" 'Garnet says with hesitation'

Pearl: "What exactly is he? I'm not too sure he is a normal Metamorin even if he IS a prototype" 'Pearl says causing Garnet to frown'

Garnet: "He is Steven's friend, he is a crystal gem, never doubt that" 'Garnet says sternly causing Pearl to smile lightly'

Pearl: "Of course"

'The night descends quickly being rather eventful for the crystal Gems save for Chip who is still unconsious'

'Steven had used the warp and encountered some form of robot, it looks like a small marble with four individual legs'

'The Gems had just warped back before Steven stumbles to the ground loudly causing Chip to wake up with a start effectively throwing off the large Lion laying on top of him'

Amethyst: "What is this thing?" 'Amethyst says poking the small robot while Garnet holds it in the air by its leg'

Pearl: "I'm not sure, it's much more advanced than anything I've seen"

Steven: "It was trying to warp somewhere! What if there is more!" 'Steven says loudly as Chip tiredly walks up the stairs'

Garnet: "Then we go look for them, you said earlier they were all going to the same place I believe I know where" 'Garnet says before noticing Chip standing with his eyes fixated on the small robot'

Pearl: "Oh! Chip you can scan objects, scan this....thing please" 'Pearl says as Garnet holds it out for Chip to scan'

'Chip's eyes light up producing a blue light that scans over the small robot for a moment before he stops scanning'

Chip: "All i can scan from this its schematics, it's called a robonoid, it's used to repair....somthing?" 'Chip says with a soft voice'

'Garnet looks at Chip as she steps onto the warp pad with the rest of the Gems'

Garnet: "Chip is coming with us" 'Garnet says with a smile before reaching behind herself and handing him his War hammer'

'Chip smiles softly taking his warhammer and hoisting it over his shoulder'

Pearl: "Are you sure?" 'Pearl asks clearly unsure if Chip is ready'

Amethyst: "C'mon P! You were there for his training, I think he can handle himself!" 'Amethyst says as Chip stands on the warp pad'

'Garnet activates the warp pad with a tap of her foot, during the warp Chip seems to be not moving at all, while he looks around in awe'

'The warp ends and the group lands on another warp pad on some sort of platform, smaller warp pads dot the platform all of them are damaged or shattered, what looks like a larger warp pad sorrounded by small robonoids spraying it with some sort of blueish green liquid'

'The robonoid in Garnets hand falls to the ground having lost its leg, it wobbles over to the warp pad and begins doing the same as the others'

Pearl: "What are they doing to the homeworld warp?" 'Pearl asks in a whisper'

Garnet: "I'm not sure" 'Garnet says as the robonoids part from the warp pad'

'The warp pad glows momentarily before it is shown to be fully restored'

Amethyst: "They fixed it, but why?" 'Amethyst asks clearly confused'

Pearl: "I dont know"

'The sound of the homeworld warp activating causes the Gems to jump, Garnet summons her gauntlets, she grabs everyone before jumping off the end of the platform while digging her hand into the side of it leaving the group hanging there'

'Once the warp is over a Tall green Gem can be seen standing examining the warp, Steven crawls up slightly as to hear what she is saying'

Steven: "Her name is peridot" 'Steven says in thought'

'Peridot walks down the steps of the homeworld warp before finding the sticker Steven placed there prior'

'Peridot runs back upto the warp after looking around, she places a device on the ground before warping away'

'The device explodes with a electrical burst, all the Robonoids drop dead before Garnet brings the Gems back up'

'The gems begin to talk among themselves as Chip walks around, he stops at what looks like a old Mural painted onto the back of a pillar'

'The mural is old and hardly visible due to exposure to the elements, what can be seen is a pink figure, chip looks at the figure in confusion before his eyes begin to flicker from blue to yellow'

'Chip holds his head in pain as sparks begin to dart off of it, a bright shock of electricity erupts within himself visible from his eyes, once the shock dies down his eyes have gone fully black'

'Chip stumbles before falling onto his side with a loud metallic bang ringing out through the area'

*To be continued*
