😂 tickle fights😂

Lance's POV

Right now I am checking on Brea as she is the only one still asleep. When I do I find that she is awake and playing on my phone

Lance: where did you get my phone

Breanna: you left it up here so I thought why not

Lance: give me my phone BreaBrea

Breanna: do I have to lanco

Lance: yes

Breanna: but-

Lance: Breanna Yde

Breanna (rolls her eyes): here you go lanco

Brea then hands me back my phone and I see that she used up all my memory

Lance: thanks. what the hell brea

Breanna: what

Lance: you used up all my memory with adorable pictures of you

Breanna: I'm confused are you mad or not

Lance: I'm annoyed that you used all my memory because you know how much I take pictures

Breanna: I know

I then roll my eyes and I could see Brea giggle

Lance: and what's so funny Breanna

Breanna: you

Lance: that's it come here

I then grab Brea by her waist and I start tickling her and she is trying to get out of my grip but she is failing

Breanna (in between laughs): Lanco please stop

Lance: I don't think so

I then tickle brea harder and she starts squealing and I think that the others have heard Brea's squeals as they have come up to my room

Jade: Lance what are you doing

Breanna (in between laughs): can you get him off me

Ricardo: lance, dude stop you can tickle Brea later

Lance: fine

I then stop tickling Brea and she grabs my phone and runs out of the room

Ricardo: ok why did she take your phone lance

Lance: she loves to take pictures

Jade: erm lance

Lance: what

Jade: she posted on your Instagram

Lance: really

Ricardo: yep and it's a picture of you and her and it's adorable

Lance: lets see

Caption: love cuddles with her

Lance (blushes): why did she post that one

Jade: come on lance it's adorable

Ricardo: and your blushing

Jade: she posted another one

Lance: what

Caption: I can always count on her to make me smile

Lance: (blushes more)

Ricardo: that is even more adorable lance

Jade: why didn't you tell us about any of this lance I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other

Lance: sorry guys

Just then Breanna walks back into my room and she hands me my phone back. When I go to turn it on I find that it is out of charge

Lance: BreaBrea why

Breanna: sorry I took to many photos

Lance: your lucky I love yah

Breanna: aww love yah too lance

Jade: you guys are adorable but can you do this later

Lance: nope

I then grab Brea by her waist again and I start tickling her again

Breanna (in between laughs): Lanco stop please

I then tickle Brea harder and she starts to squeal again

Jade: lance stop it

Lance: this is fun though

Breanna (in between laughs): maybe for you

Lance: what was that BreaBrea

I then tickle Brea harder and she squeals louder

Ricardo: come on jade let's leave them alone

Breanna (in between laughs): wait

Ricardo: what

Breanna (in between laughs): is lance ticklish

Lance: don't you-

Jade: yes lance is ticklish Brea

Lance: I hate you jade

Jade: come on Rico lets go to the mall

Ricardo then groans

Jade: and your paying

Ricardo: I hate you Brea

Breanna (in between laughs): why me

Ricardo: your the one who introduced that

Jade then rolls her eyes and grabs ricos hand and drags him out of the room and I tickle Brea harder

Breanna (in between laughs): Lanco please

Lance: fine

I then tickle Brea harder

Breanna (in between laughs): Lanco you said you would stop

Lance: BreaBrea I'll stop cause I love yah

I then stop tickling Brea and she gets up and is about to leave

Lance: where you going

Breanna: bathroom you tickled me so hard I need to use it

Lance: sorry

Breanna: it's fine

Brea then leaves to go to the bathroom, when she has finished she comes back into my room and sits on my lap

Lance: can I help you

Brea then starts tickling me and I try to get her to stop but I can't

Lance (in between laughs): Brea why

Breanna: revenge lanco revenge

Brea then tickles me harder and I start squealing like a girl and Breanna starts giggling to herself

Lance (in between laughs): I will get you for this BreaBrea

Brea tickles me till it was time to eat and then she stopped and after we finished we watched movies on my Netflix and Brea fell asleep on my chest so I just closed my eyes and went to sleep as well
