👨‍👦daddy lance👨‍👦

Lance's POV

Right now I am checking up on Brea as she is still asleep, I think. Jicardo stayed the night, but they have just left as jade needed to get back. Just then I walk into my room, which is where Brea is and I see her calming Ashton down, so I go up and kiss her cheek

Lance: you are so good at looking after him BreaBrea

Breanna: thanks Lanco

Lance: Brea can I ask you something

Breanna: you can ask me anything lance

Lance: do you miss Australia

Breanna: lance yes I grew up in Australia but my homes here and I love being with you, jade and Rico

Lance: really

Breanna: yeah

Ashton then starts crying and I see that Brea is about to calm him down

Lance: Brea can I do it

Breanna: are you sure lance, I don't mind

Lance: I'm sure Brea I want to do this

Breanna: ok then

Brea then hands me Ashton and I try and calm him down and it works

Breanna's POV

Right now I am watching lance take care of Ashton. And to my surprise he is really good at it. Just then I see that Ashton had fallen asleep on lance

Breanna (whispers): awww that's so cute

Lance (whispers): I never knew how easy it was to take care of a baby

Breanna (whispers): I knew you could do it

Just then Ashton wakes up again and he starts crying. Lance tried to calm him down but it doesn't work

Breanna: lance he's hungry

Lance: Brea I've never fed a baby before what do I do

Breanna: come on, I'll help you

Me and lance then make our way to the kitchen and I make the food lance would need to feed Ashton and once it was ready I handed it to lance

Lance: ok what am I supposed to do with this

Breanna: you support his head and gently place the bottle in his mouth

Lance: ok that doesn't sound so hard

Lance tries but he almost drops Ashton

Lance: ok I can't do this

Breanna: yes you can

Lance: Brea can you just do it

Breanna: ok ok give him here and I'll do it

I then take Ashton out of lance's arms and I feed him and he falls back asleep. Once I noticed he was asleep, I took him upstairs and I put him in his cot and I make my way downstairs to join lance

Lance: I'm so bad at this

Breanna: lance your not. You just have to get used to it

Lance then pulls me onto his lap and I snuggle into his chest and I could feel my eyes getting heavier so I knew I am falling asleep on his chest. I could then feel lance kiss my cheek and he snakes his arm around my waist and I snuggle more into his chest then
