🤑feeling better and shopping trip🤑

Lance's POV

Right now Brea is still asleep. I am really worried about her she has been asleep since yesterday, yes me, Jade and Rico stayed at Brea's house her mom said that it was ok for us to do that. Right now I have just woken up and I go and check on Brea and she is still asleep. I then go downstairs and see that the others are awake too

Lance: morning guys

Jicardo: morning Lance

Jade: how is she

Lance: she's still asleep

Ricardo: when do you think she will wake up

Lance: I don't know

Just then we hear someone walking down there stairs and we turn to see Brea

Ricardo, Lance and Jade: BREA

Breanna (weak): hey guys

I then go over to Brea and help her to the sofa. I then sit next to her and jicardo sit on the floor. Brea then rests her head on my shoulder and I put my hand around her waist

Lance: BreaBrea are you ok

Breanna: yeah I'm feeling better

Ricardo: that's good

I then feel her forehead and I can tell that her fever has gone down a lot. She is back to normal

Lance: BreaBrea your fever is gone

Breanna: that's good I feel fine now

I then kiss Breanna's cheek and I can see jicardo smirking

Jade: ok now I know what you mean Brea

Breanna: (blushes)

Lance: your blushing

Breanna then buries her head in my shoulder to hide her blush

Lance: you know you can't hide your blush BreaBrea

Breanna (groans from Lance's shoulder): will you shut up Lanco

Jade: Brea can I talk to you in private

Breanna: sure

Breanna then removes her head from my shoulder and I remove my hand from her waist but before she leaves I kiss her cheek and she glares at me


Nobody's POV

Jade: so Brea are you going to explain why you had you head on Lance's shoulder

Breanna: nope not really

Jade: I want to know why

Breanna: yesterday after I took some medication I was tired and I guess my head fell onto his shoulder and he put his arm around me and I guess I felt comfortable

Jade: you have it bad Brea

Breanna: I know

Jade: one more thing

Breanna: what is it jade

Jade: why did Lance have his hand on you waist

Breanna: did he

Jade: OMG

Breanna: Jade shush

Jade: fine let's go back to the boys

Breanna: yeah ok race you

Jade: your on

Jade and Breanna then run back to the boys

Breanna: I win

Jade: I hate you Brea

Breanna's POV

After running against Jade I feel light headed. I then fall forward but Lance catches me and carries me bridal style to the sofa

Breanna: thanks Lance

Lance: no problem. Are you feeling ok

Breanna: just light headed

Lance then pulls me onto his lap and I rest my head on his shoulder again

Ricardo: seriously guys you need to get together soon

Breance: wait what

Jade: it's so obvious you guys like each other

Breance (blushes): we don't like each other

Ricardo: your on his lap Brea

Breanna: in my defence he pulled me onto his lap

Jade: Brea just admit it your enjoying being on his lap

I then blush so I bury my head in Lance's shoulder

Lance: still trying to hide your blush BreaBrea

Breanna: shut up Lance

Lance: if my mom can't get me to shut up what chances do you have

Breanna: I have ways of persuading you

Lance: how

I then smirk and move my head from his shoulder to his chest and I could tell that he was blushing

Lance: ok ok I'll be quiet

Jicardo: no way

Breanna: what

Ricardo: you got lance to shut up no one can do that

Breanna: I guess I'm the only one who can

Lance: your going to use that against me aren't you BreaBrea

Breanna: what do you think lanco

Lance: I think that you are

Breanna: you got that right

Ricardo: hey Brea

Breanna: yes Rico

Ricardo: why don't we all go out for a bit I mean it's still light

Lance: you guys wanna go the beach again

Jade: let's go to the mall I need some more shoes

Ricardo: what do you wanna do Brea

Breanna: me personally I want to sleep but I guess we could go to the mall but you boys are paying

Lance and Ricardo: (groan)

Jade: ok I'm glad your my best friend as I wouldn't of asked them to do that

Breanna: yep I'm good like this I can persuade anyone to do stuff for me

Me, Jade, Lance and Ricardo then make our way to the mall and we see sale signs everywhere. I then look at the boys who are looking at each other and I know what there thinking, what did we get ourselves into

Breanna: Jade look 75% off shoes

Jade: come on boys

I then drag lance by his hand and jade does the same to Rico. We spend like two hours trying on different shoes and we finally decided three pairs each.


And jade's:

Lance pays for mine and Ricardo pays for jade's. I then kiss lance's cheek to say thank you and jicardo start smirking

Lance: can we go now

Breanna: no we need clothes

Jade: OMG 65% off clothes come on guys

And again I drag lance and jade drags Ricardo by their hands into the shop and we start looking. 2 hours later we decided on the clothes we were going to get. Oh I mean the boys are going to get us

My clothes:

Jade's clothes:

Lance then pays for my clothes and Rico pays for jade's

Lance: can we go now

Breanna (kisses lance's cheek): fine we can go I'm done anyway

Jade: yeah me too. Oh and thanks by the way Rico

Ricardo: this is going to happen more now isn't it

Breanna: yes it will Rico

We then make our way back to my house and because it was 11.30pm the others stayed at my house again. Lance and Ricardo placed our bags in my room and jumped, literally, onto the sofa and we all go to sleep with he boys on the couch and me and jade in my room
