😡the start of the revenge😡

Lance's POV

I am worried about Brea and what if Naomi tries to do something to her. Right now brea is still asleep on my lap, so it is just me and jicardo that are awake.

Jade (whispers): guys what are we going to do about Brea

Lance (whispers): I don't know but I am worried about her

Ricardo (whispers): we all are lance

Just then I see Brea wake up

Breanna: what you guys talking about

Lance: we're just worried about what Naomi will do

Breanna: guys I'm sure she was just bluffing

Lance: but what if she wasn't babe

Jicardo: we'll leave you guys alone to talk

Jicardo then leave and Brea snuggles her head more into my chest and I start to rub her back

Lance: babe talk to me

Breanna: I know what she's going to do

Lance: BreaBrea talk to me

Breanna: she's going to tell you a lie about me and your more than likely to break up with me

Lance: no matter what lie she says I will never break up with you babe ok

Brea then snuggles more into my chest and I snake my arms around her waist and I could see that she was blushing

Naomi's POV

Right now I am on my way to Breanna's house so I can break her and lance up. When I get there I see them snuggling together, it makes me sick. I then enter her house and they separate

Naomi: I can't believe your cheating on jake

Lance: Brea's told me about her ex boyfriend jake and I know they are not back together as I saw her myself block his number

Naomi: this is not over Breanna

I then storm out of her house and I could see that lance pull Breanna onto his lap and she snuggles into his chest and he started to rub her back and she fell asleep on his lap against his chest

Nobody's POV

Breanna is asleep on lance's lap against his chest. Jut then jicardo walks through the door

Jicardo: lance what happened

Lance: Naomi happened

Jade: what happened

Lance: Naomi tried to break me and Breanna up

Ricardo: what

Lance: she brought up jake

Jicardo: who

Lance: her ex boyfriend before Liam

Jade: oh my god

Ricardo: Naomi won't stop until Brea's upset

Lance: we have to make sure that she doesn't

Lance then snakes his arms around Breanna's waist more and she snuggles more into his chest
