🤞🏻finding out about Brea's voice🤞🏻

Breanna's POV

I have just woken up on lance's chest and my throats still hurts so I place my head back onto lance's chest and I can see that he starts to wake up and he looks at me

Lance: babe are you ok

I then shake my head and I start to cry so lance hugs me and I hug him back burying my head in his chest. Lance then starts to rub my back and I calm down

Lance: babe why don't we go to the doctor to see if your voice is ok

I then nod my head

Lance: do you want jade and Rico to come too

I then nod my head again and we go to where they were sleeping to find them snuggling together. Me and Brea then get two cups of ice cold water and we chuck it on them and they wake up immediately and see how they were and they both blush

Lance: not together you keep telling us

Jicardo: shut up Breance

I then look confused at them

Jicardo: we know you were thinking it Brea

Lance: anywho I'm taking Brea to the doctor about her throat and she wants you two lovebirds to come too

Jicardo: not cool lance and sure we'll come

Lance: you guys know it's true

Jicardo then roll there eyes and we make our way to the doctor

Doctor: how may I help you

Lance: Breanna's lost her voice and her throats still hurts

Doctor: ok I'm going to have a look at it

I then nod my head and the doctor has a look at my throat

Doctor: ok you have a throat infection

Lance: is that bad doc

Doctor: not at all her voice will come back in a few days

Jade: ok thanks doc

We then leave and we have just arrived back at lance's. I then rest my head against lance's chest and he pulls me onto his lap

Jade's POV

I really hope Brea is ok, she looks so vulnerable without her voice. Right now Brea is asleep on lance's lap against his chest and me, lance and Rico then start talking

Jade (whispers): lance are you sure she's ok

Lance (whispers): she's shaking I don't think she is

Lance then kisses Brea's forehead and she stops shaking but she is still asleep

Ricardo (whispers): lance why don't you take her up to you room and put her in your bed

Lance (whispers): yeah sure

Lance then takes Brea up to his room and he comes back downstairs

Jade: how is she

Lance: asleep in one of my t-shirts

Ricardo: that's adorable

Lance: I'm worried about her

Jade: we all are lance

Lance: what if doc was wrong what if her voice doesn't come back

Ricardo: don't think that lance I'm sure it will

As the day went on Brea just slept in lance's bed, in one of his t-shirts and lance then makes his way up to his room and gets into bed with Brea and she rests her head on my chest and I put my hand on her waist
