🔙moving back to Australia 🔙 (last chapter)

Breanna's POV

After the talk yesterday with lance I realised that I'm not alone, but my mom texted me saying that we have to move back to Australia. How am I supposed to tell them. I don't even know how I am going to explain it to them. My thoughts were interrupted by lance wiping my tears, I didn't even realise I was crying

Lance: Brea are you ok

Breanna: guys there's something I need to tell you

Jade: Brea are you ok

Breanna: my mom texted me last night

Ricardo: why

Breanna: we have to move back to Australia

Lance: what

I then start crying and lance pulls me onto his lap and I bury my head into his chest and I burst out crying and he rubs my back and I start to calm down

Lance: when do you have to leave

Breanna: in two hours

Lance then pulls me closer to him and I snuggle more into his chest and I could fell jicardo put their hands on my back

Breanna: guys I don't want to leave but my mom thinks I should be in Australia

Lance: Brea have you told your mom that you want to stay

Breanna: yeah but she said that she knows what's best for me

Jade: we'll miss you a lot Brea, especially lance

Ricardo: yeah you changed him a lot and he's changed you too

Breanna: I know and I'll miss you guys so much

Jicardo and lance pull me into a hug and when we release I snuggle into lance's chest

Jade's POV

I can't believe Brea is leaving. I think lance is hurting the most about this and I get why his girlfriend is moving halfway around the world. I'm just going to miss her so much. My thoughts were interrupted by Rico pulling me into a side hug

Ricardo: babe are you ok

Jade: just really going to miss Brea that's all

Breanna: I'll miss you too jade, we'll see each other again soon

Jade: really

Breanna: yeah I'll make sure of it

I then go up to Brea and I hug her and she hugs me back. When we release the hug we pull the boys into the hug and we hug for two minutes. We broke the hug when we heard Brea's phone go off. She looks at her phone and she looks sad

Jade: Brea

Breanna: I have to go

Lance: I'll walk you

Breanna: ok

Jicardo: We'll miss you Brea

Breanna: I'll miss you too jicardo

And with that breance walk back to Brea's

Nobody's POV

Once Brea and lance got back to hers lance saw her mom waiting in the car

Breanna's mom: Brea get in the car now

Breanna: ok mom

Brea then goes up and kisses lance's lips

Breanna: I'll miss you lance

Lance: I'll miss you too Brea

Lance then peck kisses her lips and Brea gets in the car and her mom drives away

Hi guys like I said in the last chapter I will not be doing a sequel for this book
