🌹one rose goes along way🌹

Breanna's POV

Right now I have just woken up to find myself in my bed in one of lance's t-shirts. I wonder what lance is doing today. I then decide to text lance to see


Breanna: hey Lanco what you up to today

Lance: I'm hanging out with an old friend

Breanna: who

Lance: you don't know her

Breanna: her

Lance: Brea don't be jealous she's just a friend. Got to go


I then go and put some jeans on and I leave Zack's t-shirt on. I can't help but feel that this girl lance is hanging out with is going to be trouble. Right now I am walking around the park clearing my mind. I then bump into lance and the girl

Lance: Brea

Breanna: lance

Lance: Brea this is Hannah, hannah Breanna

Hannah: it's nice to meet you Breanna

Breanna: it's nice to meet you too Hannah

Hannah: Brea can I talk to you in private, girl talk

Breanna: sure

Me and Hannah then go away from lance and she pushes me to the ground

Breanna: what the hell

Hannah: stay away from lance he's mine

Breanna: actually he's mine not yours

Hannah: lance loves me not you

Breanna: I didn't know you tell lies Hannah

Hannah: shut up Breanna

I then walk away angry and I pass lance. He stops me and I look at him angry and I walk away

Lance's POV

I have no idea why Brea is mad at me. Jut then I see Hannah walk back up to me and she's crying

Lance: Hannah what's wrong

Hannah: your girlfriend punched me lance I think you should break up with her don't you

Lance: why would I, I love her and I know for a fact she would never do that to anyone

Hannah: I can't believe you

Lance: I can't believe you would try and break me and Brea up

I then leave Hannah and I'm mad at myself for letting this happen. I know what I have to do. I then make my way to Brea's and I see that she is out so I put my present to her to make it up to her. I then see her walk back in so I hide in the next room and she sees my gift and reads the note I put on the rose:

I may be a jerk sometimes but I always come to my senses when you come to mind. I want to say sorry and that I shouldn't have hung out with Hannah, I didn't realise that she was crazy. I hope you can forgive me

Love lance

I could see her tear up so I go up to her

Lance: so

Breanna: of course I forgive you dummy

Lance: I'm not friends with her anymore she tried to get me to break up with you

Breanna: lance now I know you care about me

Lance: I really do

I then pull Brea into a hug and she hugs me back. After we pull away we watch movies for the rest of the day. I then see that Brea had fallen asleep on my chest so I just close my eyes and go to sleep too
