💋breance hangout💋

Lance's POV

I have just woken up to see Brea's head on my chest, she just looks adorable when she's asleep. Just then I see Brea wake up and she smiles at me and I smile back

Lance: morning BreaBrea

Breanna: morning lanco

Lance: what do you want to do today

Breanna: how about we sleep

Lance: Brea

Breanna (groans): fine how about we go to the beach

Lance: sounds good let's get ready

Breanna: lanco do I have to get up

I then start tickling Brea and she gets up fast

Breanna: I hate you lance

Lance: love you too BreaBrea

Breanna: I'm going to get changed lance I'll be back

Lance: I'll get changed whilst your changing

Breanna: ok

Brea then goes and changes and I change too. And when Brea comes out I find that we are matching

Breanna: oh come on

Lance: what its not that bad

Breanna: I never knew you liked the colour red though

Lance: oh yeah its my favourite colour

Breanna: well that's news to me

Lance (rolls his eyes): come on lets go to the beach

Breanna (kisses Lance's cheek): of course

me and Brea then make their way to the beach with their hands intertwined, as they arrive at the beach they see Jicardo so they walk up to them with their hands still intertwined.

Jicardo: hey Breance

breance: hey jicardo

Jade: what are you guys doing here

Ricardo: matching

Lance: we decided to come to the beach

Breanna: what are you guys doing here alone

Ricardo: we thought you would hang out with each other so we thought why not hang out with each other whilst you were hanging out

Jade: come on Rico, lets go get some ice cream

Ricardo: I'm guessing I'm paying

Jade: yep

Rico then groans and jade then grabs Rico's hand and she drags him to the ice cream parlour and me and Brea chuckle to ourselves and Brea drags me by my hand to a empty space on the beach and we sit down and Brea rests her head on my shoulder and I put my hand on her waist

Lance: BreaBrea you better not fall asleep on me

Breanna (groans): lanco please I'm tired

Lance: how about we go back to mine then

Breanna: sure but piggy back

Lance: fine

Brea then jumps on my back and I felt her rest her head on the back of my shoulder so I instantly know that she has fallen asleep. Once I get to my house I place her on my bed and I changed her into one of my t-shirts and she falls into a deep sleep, so I then go downstairs and make us some hot chocolate for when she wakes up

Breanna's POV

Right now I have just woken up from a deep sleep to find that I am in one of lance's t-shirts and I see lance walk in with hot chocolate

Lance: hey your awake

Breanna: yeah, I must of smelt the hot chocolate, gimmie, gimmie, gimmie

Lance: alright, alright here you go

Lance then hands me my hot chocolate, extra marshmallows he knows me so well

Breanna: you know me so well Lanco

Lance: awww your so cute Brea

Breanna (blushes): Lance

Lance: yes babe

Breanna: can I have more marshmallows please

Lance: sure

Lance then gives me more marshmallows and I just sip at my drink and lance is telling me jokes, which is making me laugh. When it comes to going to bed I lay my head on lance's chest and he puts his arm on my waist and we both fall into a deep sleep
