👶🏼babysitting lances baby brother👶🏼

Breanna's POV

right now I am at lance's as I stayed over last night after seeing his baby brother, who is adorable by the way, just then I see lance's mom walk up to us

Breanna: are you ok Mrs lim

Lance's mom: I have an argent meeting with work but I have no one to look after him

Lance: me and Brea will do it mom

Lance's mom doesn't seem to happy about that

Breanna: Mrs lim I would most likely be doing all of it

Lance's then punches me shoulder softly, I love how he doesn't want to hurt me

Lance's mom: ok I feel better knowing that you'll be mostly watching him Brea

Breanna: have you though of a name yet

Lance's mom: I have an idea. I was going to run it by you guys

Breance: what you thinking

Lance's mom: Ashton

Breanna: awwww that's a cute name

Lance: ok I never knew you could be like this babe

Lance's mom: oh and no kissing in front of Ashton

Lance: do you have to take the fun out of it

Now it was my turn to hit lance but I did it hard

Lance: owwwwww babe what the hell

Breanna: I promise you Mrs lim we will not kiss in front of Ashton

I then see lance pouting so I roll my eyes and lance comes and hugs me from behind and he kisses my cheek

Lance's mom: lance behave. Brea your in charge

Lance: why is she in charge I'm older

Lance's mom: she's more mature and quite frankly I don't trust you to look after Ashton

I then mock lance and he picks me up and put me over his shoulder

Breanna: ok you can put me down lance

Lance's mom: I see you guys tomorrow

Lance: by mom

And with that lance's mom leaves and lance brings me over to the sofa and he puts me onto his lap. Just then he starts to tickle me

Lance's POV

Right now I am tickling Brea and she's squealing and trying to get out of my grip but she is failing

Breanna (in between laughs): lance can you get off me

Lance: I don't know if I should

Just then I hear Ashton crying so I stop tickling Brea

Breanna: are you going to go or should I

Lance: you heard my mom

Brea then rolls her eyes and goes up to my brother and she stops him crying. When she comes back down she goes into the kitchen carrying Ashton. So I go into the kitchen and I I rest my head on her shoulder

Breanna: can I help you

Lance: I'm so bored

Brea then starts feeding Ashton. I never realised she was this good at looking after babies

Lance: how are you so good at looking after babies babe

Breanna: I used to look after my baby cousin when I was in Australia

As soon as Brea was done feeding Ashton, she went to put him back to sleep. Once he was asleep, Brea came back downstairs. She put on a movie and she snuggled up to my chest. About half way through the movie I noticed that Brea was asleep so I picked her up bridal style and put her in my bed. As soon as I did that I went to check on Ashton and he was still sound asleep, so I went back to my room and I got into my bed with Brea and she snuggled into my chest and I snaked my arm around her waist. And we both drifted off into a deep sleep
