🎼Losing her voice🎼

Breanna's POV

Right now I have just woken up with my head on lance's chest. I could see that lance was still asleep so I start tickling him and he wakes up immediately

Lance: I hate you BreaBrea

Breanna: what you were being lazy

Lance: is there a reason you woke me up Brea

Breanna: yeah

Lance: and what would that be

Breanna: I want to write a song

Lance: and I need to be awake for that

Breanna: yes your going to help me

Lance then groans and sits up on his bed

Lance: ok where do you wanna start

Breanna: I wanna start with food can you make breakfast please

Lance: fine, I'll make you some pancakes

Breanna: with maple syrup

Lance: yep

Breanna: yay

Lance then goes downstairs and makes the pancakes, whilst he is doing that I get one hoodies out of his wardrobe and I put it on and I grab his guitar he has in his room and sit on his bed and start playing it. Just then lance comes back upstairs with the pancakes and hands me a plate

Lance: did you have to take one of my hoodies Brea

Breanna: what I got cold lanco

Lance: ok, ok what you got so far

I then play the notes I was playing the notes I played before lance came up

Lance: that's amazing Brea

Breanna: thanks lance

Lance: have you got any lyrics yet

Breanna: not yet can you help me

Lance: sure, but first things first

Lance then kisses my lips and I kiss him back. When we pull away my throat started to hurt but I ignore it

Lance: Brea are you ok

I the try to speak but I can't and I start to tear up and lance noticed and he comes up and hugs me

Lance: babe have you lost your voice

I then nod my head and start crying into lance's chest

Lance: how about I call jade's be Rico to come over

I then nod my head again and lance calls Rico

Lance: Rico's bringing jade, they'll be here any minute

I then rest my head on lance's shoulder and lance rests his head on mine whilst putting his hand on my waist


Jade's POV

From what Rico told me what happened to Brea and I am worried about her

Jade: Brea are you ok

I the see Brea shake her head and she hugs lance and he hugs her back

Ricardo: Brea I'm sure this isn't permanent

Brea then buries her head in lance's chest and I can hear her sniffling into his chest. Lance then kisses Brea's forehead and she calms down. Lance then pulls Brea onto his lap and Brea snuggles more into his chest

Jade: awww that's so cute

I then noticed Brea has fallen asleep on lance's chest

Jade (whispers): OMG Brea's fallen asleep on lance

Ricardo (whispers): dude

As the day went on Brea slept on lance's lap against his chest and lance would often kiss the top of her head and she would snuggle more into his chest.
