Chapter 7

New chapter! woo! so yeah tell me what you think on any of the following links or here. THANKYOU for everyone who is reading this and giving me such a great responce to this story, i didnt expect that at all! 

MY LINKS -Youtube Full of ATL videos  - my twitter full of ATL lyrics and pictures - My tumblr full of ATL Pictures, 


Saying that waking up in a warm bed is amazing, is an understatement. It was the best feeling in the world for me. One that I haven’t had in over a year. It’s always been the cold hard ground. Another understatement would be saying the sent coming from the kitchen downstairs smelled delicious.

But the sent wasn’t the reason I had woken up it was the fact the door was knocked on and opened lightly.  I snuggled deeper into the oversized duvet and sighed content as the end of the bed weighed down a little as a figure sat on it.

The figure sat there not saying anything. He either thought I was asleep and was watching me or knows I’m awake and is just watching me. The bed was so soft and warm and I just loved every second of it. I never wanted to move again.

“I see your enjoying the bed” Alex chuckled lightly. “Mhmmm” I replied. “Well we have pancakes downstairs if you want any. Rian made them.” Not wanting to open my mouth yet I let out another “mhmmm” to let him know I heard him.

He got up and quietly left the room. Shutting the door behind him. I forced my eyes open and rubbed at them as they adjusted to the dim room. The blinds were shut so the room looked dark. As they adjusted I stretched my arms over my head and stretched out my feet so I was no longer curled into a side ball.

I slowly pulled the duvet off and shivered at the sudden coldness. I flung my feet over the side of the bed and listened to the loud voices from the kitchen below me. Something about Jack not saving any pancakes and how I might not get any if he doesn’t stop eating.

I still in the clothes from yesterday trudged over to the door and walked out. Looking up and down the hall way for the stair case. Turing left and making my way to them the voices getting louder with each step I took. The smell getting thicker and thicker, my stomach starting to growl. Getting louder every few steps I take.

As I reached the bottom of the steps I was nearly knocked over by a small game of football in the hallway , between Zack, Evan, Greico and Vinny. The Football being a folded up pair of socks. Zack being the one to almost knock me over when intercepting the sock from Vinny who flew into the wall beside him.

 Greico tackling Evan to the floor and holding him there while Evan screamed “FLAG” Loudly over and over. Them not having a ref. didn’t help, no one could stop the game.   I quickly shimmied my way through the game replying ‘Good morning’ to each as they said it too me.

I made my way into the kitchen to see Rian busy at the stove, Jack , Alex and Flyzik sitting at the breakfast bar, Jack attempting to stuff 2 large pieces of pancake in his mouth with Colussy and Jeff cheering him on from the kitchen table. While Flyzik and Alex discussed something about tour.

I took a seat next to Jack. He turned to me, mouth still full. “HI AIRY!” he shouted, chunks of Pancake flying out of his mouth. “Jack your so disgusting!” Rian shouted turning around from the oven with a pan in his covered hand, He pulled out a plate from the cabnate beside Alex’s head, nearly hitting him with the door, putting the plate in front of me.

Alex smacked the door with his head causing it to shut as Rian slid 2 pancakes onto my plate and Flyzik forced jack to give up the syrup. “Thank you” I smiled my mouth watering. Rian went to the fridge and pulled out a tub of butter and also placed that in front of me.

I grabbed the knife and opened the butter spreading it onto the pancakes then dumped most of the syrup on them. “If you don’t finish that, I’ll take it” Jack whispered to me as he stood up from the breakfast bar. I don’t see how that kid is skinny.

I stacked one pancake on top of the other and cut off a huge piece sticking it into my mouth and attempting to chew it. “You’re just as bad as Jack” Flyzik shook his head. Alex laughed. I let off a smile as I forced the half chewed pancake down my throat.

“Thank you” I said when my mouth wasn’t full anymore. “So Airy, how do you feel about going shopping today?” Alex asked. I put down the Fork and Knife and looked to him. “but I don’t have any money.”

“well I know that” he said. 2 and 2 clicked together in my head and I wasn’t going to have it. “no, you are NOT buying anything for me, it’s bad enough you’re holding me here hostage and giving me somewhere to sleep and food and a bed! NO!” I ranted. He made a face as if waiting for me to finish.

“okay were not holding you hostage. And you are letting me buy you stuff okay, no butts.” He demanded like a father. I sighed, I knew he wasn’t to take no for an answer. I went back to eating my pancakes in silence.

“Good girl” he reached over and patted my head smiling. I glared at him. “dude she looks like she wants to bite your hand off” Flyzik laughed. “I might” I joked. Rian laughed reaching over the counter to grab Jack’s plate and put it into the sink.

“Do you want any help Rian?” I asked. He turned on the sink faucet and pulled on gloves, and turned to me as he waited for the water to warm up “Nope, you have shopping to do” he smiled.

 I frowned. “That can wait you know” I countered. Putting my fork down on the plate getting ready to get up and help. “No it can’t!” Alex protested. “I’d eat faster if I was you” Jeff whispered to me while walking by to give his plate to Rian. I moved back onto the seat.  

“Yes listen to the oldest man here” Alex put his hands on his hips. “I can help with that you know.” I jumped to jack leaning over my shoulder pointing to my plate. “JACK!” Rian shouted jokingly flinging a now clean spoon in jacks direction, Water and soap flinging all over Alex.

“the fuck!” he shouted in a high pitched voice as he covered himself with his hands. Jack ducked and the spoon flung across the room hitting Evan who appeared in the door way. “OW FUCK! This is what I get for asking jack to get back to the game?!” he questioned mostly to himself turning around and walking down the hall way again.

I sat there and laughed like crazy. These guys were just too funny. 
