Chapter 44

Airy’s pov

“Come on tell me what’s on your mind” he nudged my shoulder. His hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets to keep warm. He had dragged me out here knowing I was upset and just needed to talk. I had refused but he was just as stubborn as I am.

“Nothing’s wrong” I muttered. “Yes there is something wrong, tell me now, It’ll help” we haven’t done this in forever, we haven’t talked in what seemed like forever. I felt so distant from everyone. I kept distance for my own dumb reasons, my reasons weren’t even proved true.

I wasn’t being fair to anyone who wanted to help me. There all my friends and I just ignored them and hid in my room being the little coward I am. Is that even what I should call myself?

“He’s ignoring me” my eyes were glued to the sidewalk, I didn’t know where we were headed I just trusted him not to let me wonder onto the road or into someone or something. Even though the thought of lying in the middle of the road seemed so tempting.

“Explain” was all he said. He was all ears. He always was, he waited till you were done ranting. Or made sure you ranted before he said anything. He was waiting till I ranted. This is why I love him so much as a friend.

“He spending more time with writing and with him”  he knew who Him  was. He nodded fully understanding and staying silent knowing there was more coming. I knew there was more coming I was full of stuff to say and refused to let it out till now.

Just saying that he was ignoring me had already started to lift that weight that was on my shoulders. Not all of it of course. I don’t think that’d ever be lifted completely till everything was back to normal.

 Normal looked like it was never coming back.

“He always has some reason to be away, to do something else then be with me, he won’t even look me in the eyes anymore. I just want to know what’s wrong, have I done something wrong?” I started to choke on my words.

Tears were ready to come pouring down my face, I lifted my face up blinking back the dumb tears. He linked his arm with mine trying to comfort me. “Oh zack” I choked again and started sobbing and hid my face into his shoulder.

We stopped walking and zack pulled me in for a tight hug.


“You’ve got to be kidding me! That’s insane!” I laughed eyes wide. “I’m dead serious!” Chase replied. We were walking home a week after I saw the strange guy outside his door watching me.

I haven’t seen the guy since. Yeah I always heard him and his friends return  or leave the apartment or when I walk by I hear them inside but I’ve never seen the other guys or curly. It just made me even more curious to who was in there. Who was that guy?

I could tell the guys in the apartment were….. Special, annoying…. Crazy , fun. Every time I walked by the apartment I heard something new. I heard someone singing or I heard something breaking, people laughing, yelling, screaming random things.

I heard loud music and giggling of girls too. I heard loud movies and loud talking.

From what I’ve heard they were mostly toddlers inside that apartment. I want to meet the people in there so bad.

“You really had a lot happen to you in these last few years” I said taking a sip of the smoothie I had just bought from McDonalds. It was one of those days where it came in handy if you were walking outside, it was so hot, being in the tank top and shorts I was in wasn’t even keeping me cool, I was contemplating running and jumping in the ocean. Or dumping this smoothie over my head.

Yeah I’m not dumping the smoothie on my head, no matter how desperate I am.

 “I have way more stories to tell, even crazier than that one” Chase answered. I could tell the memories were flying through his head. He too was holding a smoothie. His mostly gone, he was also wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I could tell he was too hot too.

I couldn’t wait to hear the other stories he had to tell, he had a really interesting, fun life and I was jealous that he did. I had a boring life. Nothing really ever happened in my dumb old life. But it seemed like everything happened to Chase.

He had gone to millions of different places all over the country and in the world itself, did so many different things, met so many different people and I, ran away from what was destroying my life and went to college and stayed in the same neighborhood for years.

How amazing.

This past week I had become very close with Chase, we spent every day together and always ended up falling asleep in each other’s apartments on the couch watching some kind of movie. Our summer lives revolved around each other and just hanging out.

I don’t know of one dull moment with him. He always had a story to tell or a movie to show me or a new awesome song to listen to that he found. He always had something to do or talk or show.

He kept me busy and I was already having a very fun summer and we were only one week in.

“So I have this new song to show you too.” he said. I looked to him. “What is it?” “Some band I never heard of till now, just come up to my apartment and I’ll play it for ya” he replied as we turned the corner and came up to the door to the apartment complex.

He opened the door for me and I made my way up the steps he following telling me some of his cheesy jokes. I loved cheesy jokes. There so cheesy and dumb that there hilarious. They get to me.

“Okay okay, here’s another. Knock Knock?” I rolled my eyes then played along. “Who’s there?” I asked. “Interrupting cow” Chase let out a suppressed chuckle. “Interuptin-“ “MOO!” chase interrupted loudly as he busted out laughing.

We turned to go up the third flight of stairs now and I laughed with him. “Wow” I said. That was one of the best ones I ever heard. I pushed my hair out of my face and grabbed the bar on the wall.

“Alright I’m done” he said falling into step with me. We reached the top of the 5th stair case and I opened the door letting him through then following him into our hallway. Walking down it we were quite. All we could hear was loud screaming coming from an apartment we were passing.

We looked at each other and he shrugged his shoulders. We passed and the apartment next to it you could hear loud music playing, most likely blocking out the screaming from the apartment beside it.

A couple doors down and we were about to pass Curlys apartment. As we did as usual you could hear loud shouts and music. “You know he has a fear of it give him a freaking fork and sit down!” a voice said.

I looked at chase and we laughed at the random thing we just heard. We reached his apartment and he unlocked the door and we went inside. He pulled his iPod out of his pocket and connected it to the dock.

A song with a good beat started playing. Chase was smiling. “Is this the song you wanted to show me?” I asked. He just nodded not wanting to talk over the voice starting to sing.  I froze in my spot to the voice.

I had heard this voice before.

“I’ve gotta say something I’ve been thinking about,”


Alex Pov

I grabbed my lyric book and walked out of the room leaving her sitting at the computer screen working silently. She needed to keep working I had been distracting her too much  and she was getting behind on her work.

I can’t even imagine how tough all that must be, she worked non-stop and she would get frustrated and scream at the screen. It was amusing to me but I had to work myself on more songs, god we were running behind.

We hadn’t written anything since what 2 weeks ago when Jack announced he was gay and I asked out Airy who said yes. I smiled. She said yes. I giggled like a little school girl. These two weeks went by so fast. I had taken her on multiple dates already and just been the typical movie cheesy guy I could be.

I was head over heels in love with this girl. Of course I hadn’t said that yet. We’ve only been dating 2 weeks. Kind of too soon. I wasn’t even sure if she even thought that about me…

I ran down the steps and passed the living room where multiple people were playing on the X-box 360. I walked to the recording studio door and walked down stairs making sure the door shut behind me.

The recording studio was empty. I crashed on the couch and sat pretzel style opening my lyric book and automatically chewing on the pen in my hand. I read over what I had already and started thinking. Getting into my writing zone.

Being so engrossed in it I didn’t even notice the door open.

Jack had walked in and sat down beside me. I jumped when I noticed him causing him to smile. “Need any help?” He asked cocking his head to the side. I shrugged my shoulders. I pushed the book over into his view and he read over what I had written.

As he read he poked his tongue out of the side of his mouth thinking hard. His big bushy eye brows furrowed almost making a uni-brow. “I’m not good at writing lyrics” he gave up sitting back in the seat.

“Maybe you could work on the guitar part for it then?” I suggested. He nodded getting up to get his guitar on the other side of the room I went back to looking at the book. I put my pen down on the couch beside me.

Jack sat beside me and strummed the guitar playing something random to get ready. I reached down to grab my pen as he put his hand down to fix his position on the couch. Our hands collided causing us both to Gasp.


Screams filled my ears as I walked on stage a mic in my hand. The crowd was big, the sun was hot and I smelled like a sweat sock. Ahhhh heaven.

I walked to the front of the stage and wrapped my arm around Taylors shoulder and sang along. “Hold me feel my heart beat , put your arm around me, and kiss me again!” the crowd was going nuts.

I loved warped tour. I always had, being on the road with my closest friends all over the country and with multiple other bands with more of my friends.  It was amazing. I got to do this for a living. What more could I ask for?

I love performing in front of crowds. They are what motivate me. If there not happy, I’m not happy. It’s just a connection I make with the crowd. I love to meet people too, some people are just amazing.

I’ve met some pretty awesome fans, who have such horrible backgrounds but are just the nicest, funniest people you’d ever meet. Its them who keep the bands alive, who keep all of us writing music.

I waved to different people in the crowd laughing when they spazzed out that I had just waved to them. I maneuvered around the stage singing and waving and then winking to Jack who was side stage with John’o from The Maine and Travis from We the Kings.

When the song ended I kissed Tay’s cheek causing the crowd to scream loudly and chant out something like ‘Taylex’ what the heck is that? A ship name? I rolled my eyes and placed the mic down.

 “Alex Gaskarth everybody!” Tay screamed into the mic the crowd screamed again and I bowed causing Tay to laugh at my gentlemen like action. I blew the crowd a kiss and walked towards Jack and the other guys.

Oh if the fans only knew. 
