Chapter 26

so i dont update for 4 days and i give you guys a shitty chapter, i am very sorry. haha

Hey guys would you please check out my other fanfic of oneshots for me? its literally a bunch of random ideas, put to All Time Low is short oneshots in one place! it would mean alot to me! 

thank you for reading! 


3rd person POV

Alex sat on the couch in the new house All Time Low was renting out. Papers surrounded him all over the place as he sat with a note pad in his lap, a pencil being twitted in his hand. All the papers had lyrics on them, most crumpled into a ball and just thrown randomly. Some not landing that far away.

He had multiple ideas, but just didn’t know how to word them into a song. It was complicated. And he only had enough lyrics for 2 songs. It was frustrating. He needs inspiration. But where is he going to get it from?

He looked down at what he had so far on the paper. It was almost like a love song. It talked about loving someone kind of. He was confused, but he didn’t want to rip it off and throw it, he actually liked it.  

He set the tablet on the coffee table and picked up the papers around him and ran to throw them out in the trash can in the kitchen. He walked back into the living room and sat down as Airy came prancing down the steps.

She leaned on the back of the couch and looked over Alex’s shoulder at what he had written. He turned his head slightly to look at her and smiled. Even without make up on and in a simple t-shirt and shorts with her hair pulled into a loose side braid, he thought she was beautiful.

He reached up and grabbed her arm pulling him over to her. She moved closer and he put her arms around his neck. She got the message and hugged him. He turned and kissed her cheek. Making her blush slightly.

He got an idea.

He grabbed her arms and pulled her over the back of the couch and onto the seat beside him pulling her close. She squealed in surprise and laughed like crazy. He laughed along with her, as she put her head in his lap and looked up at him.

He loved that she was wearing the ATL shirt he bought her. One with the 4 guys on the front. It was one of his favorites, and then it clicked, he got an idea for the song he was currently working on.

He grabbed the notepad and held it up in the air as he wrote a few lyrics in scribbled writing:

Take off your shirt, your shoes,

Those skinny jeans I bought for you

“I see you’ve been busy” She noted the obvious. He put the notepad back on the coffee table and mindlessly played with a piece of her hair. “Yup, but I’ve been stuck for a while” she watched as he played with her hair. Twirling it around between his fingers.

“Then you need a break to clear your mind” Alex dropped the strand of hair and picked up the large braid, he pulled off the hair band and started to undo the braid. Airy frowned as she watched. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“Clearing my mind” Alex muttered concentrating. He started to re-braid her hair failing miserably. He gave up and pulled it apart letting it fall into Airy’s face. She blew it away it going everywhere around her head, Alex laughed and moved it.

“AIRY?!!!” Jack yelled from upstairs. “Shit” she muttered jumping up out of Alex’s lap, he frowned. “Coming!” she screamed back. “I forgot I was playing monopoly with Jack upstairs.” She ran out of the room leaving Alex wishing she was still in his lap.

He grabbed the notepad and stared down at the lyrics again. The more he read through them, the more he realized the song was about Airy.


Airy couldn’t help but hate herself as she left Alex sitting there frowning. She had just lied straight to his face, but she couldn’t say the truth, she was cringing herself at the truth running through her head, no she wasn’t playing monopoly with jack.

She found out last night, she has strong feelings for Jack. Very strong feelings, she had no clue where they were coming from but something just clicked. And seeing Alex today made her feel guilty.

She was all messed up. She had strong feelings for both Jack and Alex. What was she going to do? She knew what was behind the door she was now standing in front of, it was jack laying in her bed, he hadn’t left it since he crashed there out of habit last night.

Airy hadn’t had a nightmare in a few nights, but her bed was basically claimed by jack now, geez her bedroom was claimed by him too. He hadn’t stepped foot into his bedroom yet. Airy just hoped Alex wouldn’t step foot in her room, he’d definitely question the boy batman underwear on the floor.

She sighed and pushed open the door and sure enough, Jack was still lying under the covers on her bed, looking extremely cute. She smiled and went into the bathroom to fix her hair again since Alex had destroyed it.

She couldn’t help but stare into her reflection in the mirror as she fixed her hair. Thoughts over taking her. Negative.

She frowned, she hated her hair, it looked dead and it was too frizzy for her, she wasn’t wearing any makeup and looked like a monster, she had freckles popping up everywhere on her face and she just hated her look, how could jack even like her?

She thought she was ugly; she was even at least 3 years younger than him too. ‘3 years younger’ it echoed in her head and she realized she’s only 17 and she is living with a bunch of men, miles from her home town, she hadn’t even finished high school yet and she wasn’t sure how she was gonna go to college without a job.

She didn’t even know what she was going to be for a carrier, she was going nowhere in life and it sucked.

Her frown seemed to increase as she thought more and more about this. She had all these wonderful guys around her, helping her and she stands here hating everything about her, she’d rather be dead now. So then no one could be in the presence of her ‘ugly’ face and her fat body, her stupid untalented personality.

The world would be so much better without me.

She dropped her hands from her hair, looking at her oversized feet as a single tear escaped down her face, dropping to the floor, the tear not being for sadness, it was for disgrace, in her, in herself, in everything wrong about her.

She was stupid. Nothing. She didn’t belong anywhere.

She shook her head, never had she had thoughts as bad as this, it almost scared her. If she had these thoughts now, would they develop to something worse? What could be in her future if she lived in these negative thoughts 24/7?

She shuffled out of the bathroom, not bothering to even look up but knowing that Jack was missing from the room; she walked out of the room and down the hallway. She walked down the steps wiping her eyes and pulling the hair band out of her half-done hair.

She sighed heavily and headed into the basement. She stopped to someone singing, she stood in the center of the steps as she listened intently.

“Hey there it’s good to see you again, it never felt right calling this just friends, I’m happy, if your happy with yourself, take off your shirt your shoes those skinny jeans I bought for you- god damn. That’s as far as I got, got anything?”

It was Alex. “Nah man, that’s all you got? That’s pretty good, what else do you have?” Flyzik’s voice joined in. “um some others I started. I’m not sure about them yet...” his voice trailed as the sound of papers being shuffled.

Airy sat down now.  

“alright I’ll sing this, I already have some chords for it too” Alex announced, there was the sound of him picking up a guitar and Airy imagined him sitting it on his lap and getting ready to play.

He coughed and started and Airy already loved it.

“My ship went down, in a sea of sound, when I woke up alone I had everything, a hand full of moments I wish I could change, and a tongue like a night mare that cut like a blade, in a city of fools, I was careful and cool, but they tore me apart like a hurricane, a handful of moments I wish I could change but I was carried away.”

He paused and Airy’s breath caught in her throat, more tears cascading down her already wet cheeks the song had barely started and it was perfection to her. She put her head in her hands, leaning down into her knees.

“So give me therapy, I’m a walking travesty, but I’m smiling at everything, therapy, you were never a friend to me, you can keep all your misery.” Airy had to force herself to stop from sobbing.

“So I’m thinking about naming it Therapy” Alex finished sitting his guitar on the floor beside him. “Man that’s deep” Zacks voice chimed in now. Silence filled the room and Airy bit down on her arm to keep from making any noise as her other hand wiped away the fast falling tears. She didn’t want to leave yet, she wanted to hear more.

“Where did you get that idea from?” Rians voice asked. Alex sighed thinking hard about whether or not to tell where he really got the idea from or to just shrug his shoulders, but it was too late to shrug his shoulders if he did, everyone would know it was a lie because he hesitated, he had to think so he just told the truth.

“It’s about Airy” 
