Chapter 3

These chapters are so much shorter then my other stories, oh well. any way tell me what you think on here or on my twitter > @Moosehead4ever1 or vote if you like the story, you get it. haha. thanks for reading my story! (:

I wanted to hide, but obviously my only hiding spot in the alley was found. I couldn’t run, my shoes were too worn out and running in these would make them fall apart before I could even get away, so what did I do? I pulled my knees up to my chest and hid my face into my knees.

Stupid right? Yes. I half expected Alex to sigh and walk away, you know give up but what he did surprised me. He did sigh but instead he sat next to me and put his back to the wall, pulling his knees up to his chest.

He tilted his head down to look at my face, catching my eye. He gave me a small sad smile; I buried my face deeper into the darkness of my jeans. “Do you...” he stopped himself; he was trying to be careful about what he had to say.

“Do you, not have a home?”  I didn’t move, I was embarrassed I wanted to just mold myself into the brick wall or the ground. Or just disappear out of sight, be anywhere but here. I lifted my head slowly and nodded tears threatening to pour.

Alex sighed again. “Why didn’t you just say so?” I could feel him inch closer to me. I didn’t answer. I couldn’t find the voice too, I was scared, humiliated and nervous. Not the best combination.

When he noticed I wasn’t going to answer he stood up and held out his hand. I looked up as he stood there waiting. His big brown chocolate eyes boarding into my stupid blue ones as if stating something.

“Take my hand” he said quietly. I cowered back against the wall. “Please? Why are you so scared, I’m not going to hurt you, I want to help you” I didn’t move. “Do you want me to force you to come with me?” he raised an eye brow.

Still nothing out of me. Instead I took his hand and he helped me up. I was shorter than him, my face reaching his neck. Without warning he pulled me in for a hug and I hope I still smelled like the perfume I stole.

“Just come with me and  I will get you some clean clothes and whatever else you need, I promise” he whispered in my ear, not pulling away from the hug.

I’m not sure why but I believed him, I trusted him and I allowed him to then lead me out of the alley way, and he didn’t question when I put up my hoodie thankfully, that’s a question to answer for another day.

“Airy how old are you?” he asked after a few minutes of silence, I looked to him, his hands were stuffed in his pocket and he was looking down at his Vans. “17 I think turning 18 soon” I whispered. “You?” “19 turning 20 in December.”

My next question made me feel stupid beyond belief. “What’s the date?” his face didn’t change, he didn’t laugh, he didn’t snort he didn’t do anything, he didn’t Judge, thankfully. “Um September 29th?” he questioned himself.

My birthday was on Halloween. “Why?” he asked. Shrugged my shoulders. “I didn’t know the date and I wanted to see how long till my birthday.”

“Oh when’s that?” “Halloween” his face lit up. “Not fucking fair! That’s awesome!” he pushed me lightly. A small grin appeared on my face. “I know, I know” It got quite between us and I realized he didn’t tell me where we were exactly going.

I followed him as we turned down a narrow alley way, feeling scared for a moment when thinking of the worst. Okay I don’t even know this guy and I am following him down a dark narrow alley way, I just met him this fucking morning, then again, he did freak out when he thought I was dead? Well that doesn’t mean anything. Wouldn’t anyone freak out to a dead body? Hmm guess not.

We emerged on the other side to another street and kept walking down the sidewalk. “Where are we going?” I asked him. “To the house were renting for a few weeks” he said as if it was obvious.

“We?” I asked. Oh great he has a girlfriend, we, of course I’m so stupid. Wait why do I care?  “Yeah, remember Jack? Well were in a band. The other two in the band and our manager and a few of our crew are staying in this massive house!”

I nodded my head and then started to recognize the street we were on. I used to live on this street, in a house. I tensed up and He noticed. “You alright?” “y-yeah” I pushed the stupid thoughts out of my head and tried to stay positive at least this guy was going to help me right? AND he’s in a band, that’s cool too.

When we started to reach the houses, I kept a tight grip on my hoodie, trying my best to keep my face hidden. For all I know, neighbors, friends from the past, could just be looking out the window and see me. I wanted to say hi, to show them I wasn’t dead, but not only was I afraid of their actions if I told them, I looked like a nightmare at the moment and showing up at their doorsteps could wait.

When we were halfway through the neighborhood we walked the direction I dreaded the most. My house was now in clear view with cars parked in the drive way. A family living in it. Sadness, was all I could feel. The fact that maybe some little girl had my room, the things that were in my room were long gone, thrown out, burned crushed into a million pieces, in a dump somewhere.

My life in that house was long gone, in the process of one year. Nothing marked that I was even in that house before. It now belonged to someone else, the house was a home to a family who could keep it.

“I don’t think you’re okay, you look like you might have a mental breakdown or something.” I looked at Alex as we stopped walking and he looked straight at me, worry all over his face. I pointed to my old house. “That’s my old house.” I replied bluntly. He turned to look at it. Then back to me. “I’m sorry” “don’t be, it’s not your fault.” I looked back up to the house as the front door open and my mouth dropped.

Anger rushed through me at the women who stepped outside of the house followed by a man. The two laughing, being happy going for their car. “What’s wrong” Alex asked panic clear.  My feet did more of the work before I could even process what I was doing I was storming over to the couple.

The couple seeing me storming over angrily and stopping in their tracks, confusion was clear on their face. Alex was hot on my trail as he followed me asking what the heck I was doing repeatedly while I ignored him and walked straight up to the couple and pulled down my hood.

They still confused.

“How could you guys. How could you do that to me.” I cried the tears just falling and I not paying attention to them. The two’s faces turned to horror. “Airy?” The women spoke softly.
“You guess right. I’ve been living in that alley way for the past year now.” I crossed my arms.

“Airy, what are you doing?” Alex asked me. I turned to him, deciding to make something clear to him “Alex, I’d like you to meet my parents.” 
