Chapter 16

ummmm.... sooooo.....


. “HEY! I just realized something!” I sat up in my seat. “What?” Alex mumbled staring at the laptop screen on his lap. Tour is over (for almost 2 months now) and we were somewhere in LA staying in a rented out house. It was huge. And all the band and crew were staying in here.

We were sitting on a couch side by side Alex was answering fans on twitter and I was watching him out of pure boredness. “You never did sing that song.” he looked at me and raised an eye brow. “What song?” at first he looked seriously confused but I knew it came back to him by the look on his face.

“You know, that night you dragged me out of the bus and into the venue. Yeah you never sang that song that you promised me. I completely forgot about it.” I pointed my finger at him. “I lied but I didn’t lie” he smirked as my face scrunched in confusion. “You make no sense” I folded my arms.

“Ahh but I do.” He went back to looking at the computer screen. I furrowed my eye brows. He lied but he didn’t lie? What the heck.  I huffed and looked around for a TV remote I picked it up and hovered my thumb over the power button.

He lied but he didn’t lie? So he lied about there being a song, but he didn’t lie about there being a song. so…. There is a song! But he isn’t done with it yet!

My eyes lit up and I faced him, “THERE IS A SONG!” he jumped almost causing the laptop to fly from his lap. But I continued talking. “You’re just not finished with it yet.” I folded my arms again, satisfied that I figured it out.  He balanced the laptop on his lap again then turned to face me, giving a small laugh.

“Good job.” He patted my head and logged out of his twitter. He put the laptop on the table and shut it. He leaned back into the couch then took the remote from my hand and flipped on the TV, trying so hard not to smile.

I pouted and reached for the remote. He moved his hand. I reached for it again. He pulled it away and put it above his head. “Come on!” I whined. “What’s the magic word?” he sang.  I ignored him and sat up on my knees then jumped for the remote again, holding onto his shoulder for support.

He moved it clear out of my reach. “Agh! Give it to me!” I demanded getting a little frustrated. “What’s the magic word?” he asked again. “Give it to me before I break your hand” he let out a weird dark laugh. “You don’t scare me.”  Without thinking I had crawled onto him so my legs were straddling him and I lifted up my arm trying to grab the remote.

Jack walked into the room and stood in the door way watching us, he wolf whistled and I rolled my eyes and thought as I grabbed for the remote again and he held it out farther. “Fine then, I’ll shave your head.” a horrified look shown on his face but he snapped out of it. “You wouldn’t anyway” he shook the remote in his hand.

“Try me” I smirked. He raised an eyebrow. “You do realize all the possibilities of what I could do at this exact second as you sit here straddling me in a somewhat sexual way” he smiled seeing my disgusted somewhat red face.

 Jack walked over to the couch and leaned on the arm rest. “Come on man! Give it to her! Do it for the hair!” he taunted with a smile. I let out a laugh and grabbed for the remote again. Alex swung his hand out farther, hitting jack with the end of the remote on his forehead. Jack didn’t move, but he rubbed his forehead and kept it covered.

The front door opened and Flyzik, followed by Zack and Evan walked in the door. Evan closing it behind him. “Guys knock it off; I’m calling a band meeting now!” Flyzik called out walking down the hallway to the kitchen where Vinny and Jeff were having a deep, loud conversation which I just now noticed.

Evan and Zack ran upstairs to get everyone else. Alex and I had stopped in midair watching the others run around and start to show up. Jack took the remote out of Alex’s hands. Alex grabbed my waist picking me up with ease and sitting me on the couch then he jumped up and ran after Jack. For a small tiny dude, he was strong.

Alex gave up on chasing jack when he stuck the remote down his pants making Rian complain when he walked in from the steps. Alex came back over to the couch and picked me up again and moved me to the other side of the couch against the arm rest and then sat and squished me against it, Jack on his other side. “DON’T do that!” I whined. “Why not? It’s fun!” Alex smiled. I scowled and decided to ignore him.

Rian then sat Beside Jack and then Jeff on the floor. Vinny took the couch opposite, and Greico and Colussy sat beside him. Evan showed up and sat in a chair and Zack sat on the floor at Rians feet and beside Jeff. Evan sat at Greco’s feet and Danny and Flyzik showed up next Flyzik standing and Danny sitting next to Zack. (Was that confusing? Yes)

Flyzik set the clipboard he always had with him, down on the coffee table and clapped his hands together, silencing the different conversations going on in the room.

“Okay so you all are aware, or I hope you are, that we just finished a tour not long ago and in my opinion it rocked!” Flyzik began and paused as cheers erupted around the room of ‘fuck yeah!’S and ‘woo!’

“Well we have a little while off while we stay here in LA but I was doing some thinking and I know that Alex has already started writing some songs, why don’t we start thinking about a new album?” Flyzik paused again grabbing his clip bored.

“But doesn’t that seem a little soon? I mean we just release so wrong it’s Right” Rian countered. “Yes I know, but we have as long as we want to work on the new album we have no dead line.” Flyzik answered as he flipped through the papers.

“Besides we have a great opportunity.” He smiled. Alex looked at Rian confused then back to Flyzik when Rian gave him the ‘do you really expect me to know?’ look. “Two words. Hopeless Records.” I looked around me confused never hearing of them before to see almost everyone’s mouth dropped.

“Wait they contacted you?!” Alex sat up in his seat, on the edge of it excitedly almost smacking Danny in the head. Flyzik nodded. “They offered to help work on this new album; I told them I would see what you all thought. They said to take your time” Flyzik pulled a paper from the clip bored and held it up.

The printing on it was very small but in big letters it read ‘DEAR MATT FLYZIK OF ALL TIME LOW’ and at the bottom it was signed ‘HOPELESS RECORDS’ it was the email from them. Flyzik handed it over to Alex so he could pass it around.

Beep. What was that? Looking around I noticed no one else heard it.

“This isn’t a joke because there’s the proof.” “This better not be a joke” Zack stated. Flyzik held up his hands in surrender. Alex’s legs started shaking up and down excitedly as he passed the paper to Jack; he looked like he might explode.

Beep. I turned my head again looking to the right.

“Now, that’s not all” Flyzik said clapping his hands together again. “Well go on!” Alex said impatiently as his legs started to shake the couch. I was tempted to hold his legs down but knowing Alex and Jack they would take it completely wrong.

“Two more words” Flyzik continued slowly and Alex leaned forward. “Warped Tour” “HOLY DAMN! SHIT! FUCK! HALLELUJAH!” he shouted pumping his fist in the air and smacking hands with all the others cheering around him. I still confused went along with it. “Our first Warped Tour!” Rian screamed.

Beep. I turned my head looking behind Flyzik.

When the room started to settle down, Flyzik continued again. “Now I know it’s only the ending of November and all, and Warped starts in June and goes on till August but that gives us time to start writing new songs, so it will work out perfectly!” Flyzik finished off and more cheers were heard throughout the room.

Beep. I finally had enough I had to ask out loud cause it looked like I was the only one hearing it.

“What was that?” I asked loudly making everyone shut up. “What was wha-“Alex began being cut off with a louder, BEEP, BEEP.

Everyone started looking around. The beeping became even louder. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. “What the Hell is that?!” Danny shouted franticly.

We started to stand up and look around.  Everyone started running around looking for the source of the beeping. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP.

 “Where is it coming from?!” Evan shouted making Greico cover his ears. We all stopped as the beeping noise changed its Rhythm. “I’m not genius but does the beeping sound like its counting down now?” Jack wondered aloud.

“You don’t think it’s a…” Vinny started but stopped to afraid to continue. “Bomb?” Zack finished.  “That’s ridiculous” Alex laughed. “It’s probably a one of those fire thingy’s going haywire” my eyes got wide as I started to put two and two together.

“Alex, you know how crazy my parents are, you know how fucked up everything’s been getting because of them” Alex looked at me worriedly. “They wouldn’t” he shook his head. I nodded mine “you never know”

A female voice joined in the ‘countdown’ making it an official countdown. BEEP 8, BEEP 7, BEEP 6.  “We have to get out of here!” I shouted and we all started running for the door.


Alex got to the door first and his hands being sweaty with worry slipped on the door handle as he tried opening it , he accidently locked it and I reached over him to unlock it.

 BEEP 3, BEEP 2, BEEP 1.



ummm.... i love you? 

