Chapter 27

Took me long enough to get this done, i've been somewhat busy and well, i would work a little, have to do something and not get back to it for a few days. 

im horrible. this update is horrible, but its something and i love you all for reading this so thank you! 

Can you check out my other fanfic of fanfics? its just a bunch of ideas i get mashed into this one place and the main characters are All Time Low, its at different time periods and diffrents settings and yeah, please check it out for me! 


Wondering if this was the right thing to do, Airy nearly ran down the street knowing there was a post office close by. A box being held tightly under her arm to her body, tapped up and everything ready to be shipped.

 She had gone through so much just to get this smuggled out of the house without question, and thoughts of her wanting to just go for a walk to ‘clear her head’ there really was time to go back now.

She could just chuck the box over the bridge into the water now and turn around, but she couldn’t find herself to, she needed the money, it was already in the mail being sent to her and someone across the states was waiting for one of her own ATL t-shirts.

Yes her own, her size and everything, one of the multiple t-shirts from her wardrobe that said ATL on it, no one would notice it’s gone anyway. The guys gave her free t-shirts all the time now, it was just adding onto her collection.

She’d be in the most random place and she would have an ATL t-shirt thrown at her, some hitting her in the head, others landing on her feet. Either way she would wash it and hang it up. And now she was selling them on EBay, getting the risky and clever ideas she sometimes got.

She realized she needed to get out of the guys hair. She knew that, Alex would find out soon, her feelings for him and ruin their friend ship, she was afraid of the future for the band and so many theories went through her mind until she came to the conclusion to save up money and leave.

But she couldn’t just go get a job without the idea of ‘Leaving’ going through the guy’s minds, it was difficult but she was going to save up money and get an education eventually and leave. That being that.

She ran inside the post office and made the arrangements to send the box and Lady handed her the mail she had shipped to the office. Airy opened up the envelope as she exited the post office, 3 t-shirts $5s each she was now $15s richer than 10 minutes ago.

She gave off a small smile and hoped to god the guys wouldn’t stop giving her T-shirts. She was eventually going to run low on clothes but no one would notice, the guys basically shared their clothes, no one owned one shirt, and pictures were the proof.

 You look at one picture and Alex could be wearing a shirt that says ‘Where’s the beef?’ Then in another picture Jack or Flyzik would be wearing it.  Of course she could try and fit in their shirts? They might be slightly big but who cares its better than walking around in just a bra and jeans, even though Jack might like that.

she picked up the pace wanting to get back and get online to see if anybody had offered for the numerous other shirts she had up to sell online. She knew she really shouldn’t be doing this but it was the only way she could get money without steeling.

She was never going to go back to her old ways, she never intended on going back to steeling just to survive. She wouldn’t allow it. She could find her way around it, she was going to make it this time, and she has to give credit to the guys for helping, without knowing. Somewhat.

She slowed down as she turned the corner onto the street they were at and walked towards the house it looked so peaceful and quite out and Airy enjoyed the last few moments of quite, because she knew what was waiting on the other side of the door inside the house.

Loud noises, everywhere. People running, people arguing, people wrestling, people throwing things, people throwing people. Guitars being strummed, singing being sung, drums being drummed.

Anything that could be broken was in the process of being broken, mostly by Jack. It was like a bunch of 5 year olds own the house. She turned the handle and walked inside the house, ducking as a sock went flying by her head and Evan came running out of the house after the sock, Zack following after.

She didn’t bother shutting the door knowing the two would be running back in, Before she got to the steps, she saw Vinny putting Greico into a head lock and rubbing his knuckles back and forth on the top of his head.

A loud, “OW SHIT!” Echoed from the kitchen as the sound of a drum set falling over from the basement, the door being open erupted up the steps. With the horrid screams of a scared Rian followed shortly. The muffled laughs of Cassadee too.

She shook her head slightly laughing as she continued to climb the steps, halfway up and t-shirt landed on her head. She stopped and picked it off her head examining it, it was another ATL shirt. She looked up to see Alex smiling down at her, she smiled back, mostly happy she had another shirt to sell now.

“Have a nice walk?” He called down to her. She nodded her head. “Yeah, it was nice and then I walked in the house.” She joked she finished the walk up the steps. Alex met her at the top of them and slung his arm around her shoulder.

“I’m guessing you’re bored?” She asked as they two walked toward her room.  She hoped Alex wouldn’t follow inside incase Jack was lounging around in there. Questions would definitely be asked by Alex.

She wasn’t ready for that to happen; she didn’t plan on having that happen. Ever.

“Slightly, guess I’ll just bother you” He kept his grin plastered on his face as Airy hesitated to open her door slightly. She pushed it open and Alex ran in jumping on the bed. Thankfully jack wasn’t in here.

Airy rolled her eyes as Alex looked up at her and watched her as she walked to the closet and opened it, she grabbed a hanger and hung the new T-shirt and mixed it in with the multiple others.

“You’re too organized.” Alex stated as Airy shut the door she turned around and looked at him. “How? So I hang up my clothes, millions of others do too” she walked over to the bed and climbed up sitting pretzel style, Alex sat up and mirrored her.

“Now you’re bored” “Yes” no I want to get online get out of the room please. Alex reached over and poked her sides at the same time making her jump and giggle. “STOP!” she stuttered out as she laughed and tried to block his hands.

“No this is too funny!” Alex laughed enjoy every second. She finally stood up on her knees and pushed his shoulders trying to get him to stop, she was ready to jump off the bed and run, Alex falling back onto his back was unexpected, she laughed as he fell back.

She reached down and poked his stomach making him grab for it, then poked his chest, cheek and forehead, saying the word ‘poke’ as she did and he grabbed at where she poked. He couldn’t  help but smile, the warm funny feelings going into his stomach again.

She stopped poking him and sat back in her original position on the bed watching him as he flipped over onto his stomach and then flipped off the bed landing on his feet and throwing his hands in the air like a gymnast.

She jokingly clapped at him and he bowed proudly. He then climbed back onto the bed sitting across from Airy again. The two stared at each other not sure what to do now. Both being bored out of their minds, and both having warm fuzzy feelings in their stomachs, somewhat confusing both.

Airy reached out and pushed Alex’s shoulder again making him fall back on his back again. She giggled at how easy it was. Alex propped himself up on his elbows and just pretend pouted at her.

“ALEXXXXXXX!” Flyzik’s voice screamed down the hallway. Alex pout turned into a full out frown. A slight frown playing on Airy’s face to. Alex sighed and rolled off the bed going to the door and opening it. He stuck his head out and Airy couldn’t help but to stare at this back side.

“What?!” Alex grumbled. “Were ready for recording now.” Flyzik’s muffled voice came from down the hallway. “Fine” Alex side and turned around to see Airy look away quickly going slightly red. He smiled.

“You were so checking me out” he felt somewhat excited, he wasn’t sure of her feelings and at least she checked him out. “What are you talking about?” she faked innocence folding her arms.

“Don’t lie to me!” he ran to the bed tackling her to it. She giggled and hid her face in the comforter as Alex basically lay on top of her with all his weight making her groan again. That groan!

Alex laughed quickly kissing her on the cheek and leaving the room feeling so nervous inside he was afraid he’d explode. He left Airy dumbfounded in a way. The butterflies swarming in her stomach.

She sighed and smiled unaware that Alex had come back to her door. He held in another laugh watching her as she almost fangirled right in front of him. He couldn’t help but be more confused, did she like him or not?

He waited another seconded then decided to scare her. “You coming down to watch or just sit here going crazy?” he plastered that goofy grin he knew sometimes pissed her off a little, but he only used it when being a smart ass.

She jumped up and threw her hands to her face to hide it. She could only nod feeling so embarrassed. He walked away from the door doing a small happy dance. She had to like him right? 
