Chapter 6

Hey! thank you everyone for the great responce to my story, i had no clue you guys liked it this much, i mean, all the votes and comments on twitter, geez. you guys are awesome so thank you! 

PS. tell me what you think either on here or on twitter> Moosehead4ever1 is my twitter. 

Thankyou for reading! 


About 10 minutes later me and Alex were sitting in a McDonalds Sharing a large fry and a 20 piece nugget. We hadn’t said much since we left his house. We walked in peace. I was nervous; I still had that intruding feeling too. Alex was now forcing me to stay with him. It just didn’t seem right to me. I felt bad, I still felt like that charity case.

But I guess one night couldn’t hurt right? Tomorrow for sure, I will be out of their hair. They won’t have to worry about me and by next week they won’t remember me and I will be back in my alley. Again.

As much as I hated that idea, it needed to happen cause I didn’t want to intrude. But I didn’t want Alex or any of the guys to forget me. I wanted to hang out with them, try and be there friends I guess. They seemed like really cool guys and there in a band, not trying to be conceited, I’m not wanting to stay with them cause there a band, no that’s just out there. I want to stay with them cause I wanted to be with someone.

I hated being alone. It’s not fun believe me. Having no one there for you is the worst feeling in the world. Cause if you’re in a life or death situation, no one is there to save you. No one is there to stop the negative thoughts and fill them with positive. No one is suffering through the same as you. No one means No one. Alone.

That’s basically how I was most of the year. The last someone’s I had left me and went back to our old life, without me. They betrayed me and that made me lose all trust in anyone. So really it looked like my fate was for me to be alone. Cause I obviously wasn’t going to trust anyone after that. I would always have no one. I’ll always be alone.

“So is Lullabies the only song you ever heard by All Time Low?” I was pulled from my negative thoughts and looked back to Alex. “Yeah, but I heard there coming out with a new CD in a few days and I really want to get it. And there first one.” Alex smiled. “You really think there that good, from one song?” I nodded my head.

“They seem great. I mean lullabies really got to me” I sighed. “The only reason I heard it was because every day after I would wake up or maybe if I was lucky find food or a shower, I would go down the street to this music store and sit in the alley way beside this open window. The owner would sit there and smoke a whole bunch of cigarettes and blare Alternative and Heavy Metal  music and it came on and they talked about the new CD” Alex listened intently.

“How did you ever make it through the day?” he asked quietly. I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know” I answered just as quite. “This is the first thing I’ve eaten all week. The longest I’ve gone without eating is 2 weeks.” I said more to myself then to Alex. “Whoa. That long? I can barely go 2 hours without eating some kind of junk food”

“That’s because you’re a rock star Alex. You probably came from a loving family; you have great friends, and plenty of fans and being a rock star and all you get paid well so of course you can eat. Of course you’re not gonna starve like me”  “Yeah” I stared down at the table. Alex pulled out his phone and started texting someone. I grabbed a couple of fries and dipped them in the ketchup in front of me. Letting my mind wonder again.

How did I get so lucky to have Alex and Jack run into me? I don’t get it. I was never lucky before. Well that’s clear. “Well its official your stuck with me for now on” I dropped the fries on the table.  “What?” I asked. “Flyzik has approved that you’re going to be staying with us for as long as you need... or forever one of the two “my mouth dropped slightly as I processed what he was saying.

 “You know I can’t do that right?” I grabbed around for a napkin, not braking my eyes from his. When I found one I started to wipe up the mess I made. “Why not?” he asked his forehead creasing.

“Alex, you’re in a band, you’re on the road. A LOT. I live in an alley. That won’t work” He rolled his eyes and smiled. “No silly you don’t live in an alley, you live with me” I furrowed my eye brows and Alex laughed again.

“You really don’t have a choice so just say thank you” his smile got wider.  I sighed, defeated. “Fine, thank you” I smiled at him. “You have a beautiful smile” he cocked his head to the side as he said it seriously; staring at my mouth eyes slightly squinted.

I covered my mouth. “No I don’t” It came out muffled. He reached up and moved my hand. “Yeah you do” I shook my head and placed my hand over my mouth again. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you that before?” “No who would?” I made a face, my voice still muffled. “I don’t know, a boyfriend, a crush a friend?” I looked to the table.

“I’ve never had a boyfriend, I’ve never had a crush and all my friends are girls and straight.” I answered. “YOU’VE never had a boyfriend?” his eyes wide. “no.” I replied bluntly “that’s so surprising.” I looked at him. “How? It’s not for me.”

“Well you just look like the girl who would have guys falling all over you, you know, following you down the hallways at school and stuff.” I looked at him awkwardly. Where the hell was he seeing all this?  “Are you blind?” I asked cocking an eyebrow.

“No. I’m not, your very beautiful and I don’t know how you don’t see it. I mean you had all the guys staring at you, when they saw you standing there today. Jack wouldn’t stop talking about you since we met you the first time in the alley, I couldn’t stop talking about you” He blushed at the last part. I had been blushing the whole time.

Is this true? Does he really think im beautiful? But I’m not; I don’t see what the others see in me. I look in the mirror and all I see is this ugly street rat.  There’s nothing special about me. I’m just Airy, the supposedly dead girl.  

. We finished up the rest of the food, talking quietly about anything and everything, Alex cracking some smart ass joke every few minutes, most of them dirty minded. Of course. He telling me funny stories about him and the guys on tour and the countless bands they’ve toured with so far. Being on tour sounded so fun.

Alex got up and threw out the trash and then we headed out. It had gotten colder outside and the sun was starting to go down. The air was colder and you could see the breath coming from our mouth. The one thing running through my mind was, I didn’t have to sleep in this. I was going to be sleeping in a nice warm house tonight.

The thought made me smile. “What?” Alex smiled too looking at me; he had his hands jammed in his pockets and his shoulders scrunched up around his neck to keep warm. I shook my head. “Nothing” the truly genuine smile not going from my face.



I Know its boring! haha. so yeah thats the crappy update! (: 
