Chapter 2

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“Hey? You okay?” “Hello?” I didn’t move, I didn’t dare to twitch, for all I know this person could be a pedo or something. “Oh no, I think something’s wrong with her!” I heard the guy crouch down to me.  Where have I heard that voice before?

“Dude! What’s going on?!” another voice shouted. “I found a girl laying here! I don’t think she’s okay!” I still stayed still. Trying to think of how I was going to get out of this one, I heard footsteps running and stopping short next to the first guy.

“Oh, does she have a pulse” worry surged through his voice. Great idea considering the first guy didn’t even check for it. “I don’t know.” the guy reached forward and before he could even touch me I spoke scaring him. “You touch me I yell rape now leave me alone!” I heard the guy fall back on his bus and the other scream moving against the opposite wall.

This time I dared to open my eyes. My eyes falling on the one back against the wall. He was Tall, Skinny, Dark black hair with a blonde streak through it. He had his hand over his heart and was breathing heavily. It was almost comical.

My eyes directed to the first guy. Tallish, skinny, chocolate brown hair to match his deep chocolate brown wide eyes. He too was breathing heavily. I slowly sat up stiff from sleeping on the ground.

I felt exposed. Embarrassed. These two hot guys found me sleeping behind a dumpster. I probably smelled weird and I had stains all over my clothes. Which probably smelled too. Great. The skunk hair’s breathing went back to normal and he walked over to stand next to chocolate hair. He sat next to him on the ground.

“You okay?” he asked me. “Why do you care? What are you still doing here? Can’t you see I’m useless, a waste of time to talk to?”  I nodded my head slowly. Sitting back against the brick building behind me.

“I’m Jack Barakat.” He held out his hand and I stared at it. Slowly I lifted my hand and shook his. “I’m Airy” “I like your name” he gave me a toothy smile. I returned a small one. My teeth were probably yellow.

I looked to the chocolate hair who was just staring at me. He hadn’t moved since he fell backwards surprised that I was alive. Jack elbowed him in the ribs and chocolate hair grunted and grabbed onto his rib cage. “as-asshole” he muttered. He then looked back to me.

“Alex Gaskarth” he smiled, not staring anymore. I looked at the ground, knowing they were about to ask me a million questions, and 90% of them I didn’t want to answer. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to.

Alex coughed and I looked up at him. “Is there a reason why you’re sleeping behind a dumpster, in stained clothing?” he asked cautiously. Lie. “Stupid costume party and I got really drunk” I grabbed onto my head for emphasis like I had a small hangover. I really hoped they couldn’t see right through the lie.

“We can take you home if you want?” Jack offered. I shook my head. “no, no, I can get home on my own, thanks anyway” I crossed my arms, for some odd reason I felt very uncomfortable lying to these two, it felt like lying to your parents about something horrible. But then again, who would be comfortable lying to anyone? 

Alex tilted his head to the side. “If you say so” he and jack stood up and stretched out. Maybe they won’t ask me a million questions.  I took this as a chance to check the two out more. Alex was wearing dark skinny jeans, red vans, a shirt that said ‘Glamour Kills’ on the front in blue and his hair was straightened.

Jack wore gray skinny jeans, black converse a shirt that said ‘where’s the beef?’ on the front and his hair was too straightened. Both had big bushy eyebrows and the same goofy smile. They could be brothers. But they had different last names which made it even more confusing.

“Um you done?” Alex chuckled. My eyes shut quickly and I blushed. I hadn’t realized I was staring at the two and they were just standing there watching me. The two laughed. “Don’t worry we get it all the time” Jack shrugged it off. “Hey Airy can we get your number so we can keep in touch?” Alex asked.

Great what do I say to this?  “Um, I don’t really have a phone set up yet and stuff sooooo…” I trailed off and Alex’s face fell slightly. “Oh okay, so we’ll be around town for a couple of weeks so hope to run into you again?” he said it more of a question then a statement.

“Yeah definitely” I plastered a smile and the two said goodbye and walked off. I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall. God please don’t let me run into them again. Even though I really want to see them again.


I’m not sure how later it was in the day, I know it was probably a couple of hours since Alex and Jack woke me up. I’m Guessing it’s around lunch time considering a lot more people are running into the restraunt across the street, in my view.

I had moved about 2 feet from where I was this morning. That’s it. That’s as far as I was going to get today. I wanted so badly to go get clean clothes of some sort and just I don’t know; clean myself up in case I ran into the two again. But I had no way of doing that. I had no money.

As I sat then engrossed in my bored thoughts my stomach growled loudly, begging for food, I looked down at it as if giving it a death glare would shut it up. It was then I noticed my jeans were bagger than last week; my shirt looked more like a dress.

It scared me. I didn’t want to be anorexic, I kind of didn’t want to die yet either. This whole living on the streets thing just scares me and every day I wish that I would just somehow wake up in my old bed in my old house with my mom down in the kitchen making breakfast and my dad sitting at the table reading the newspaper.

But no. the days drag on. As they do I get skinnier and skinner, and smellier, my hair gets greasier my teeth get even more yellow then before. The only times I can tend to that is if I steal someone’s shirt, or jeans, or shampoo or tooth brush.

Stealing makes me feel like a criminal. Makes me feel sick. Makes me feel like a worthless being. I’m not even gonna call myself a human. I’m disgusted with how everything is going in my life, how I have basically just given up in the snap of a finger.

I gave up the day my parents disappeared. Even when they were around we still couldn’t eat. We still all smelled but at least we weren’t alone. We were all in it together. We all smelled together we all starved together.

If my parents are still alive out there in this world. Maybe finally back on their feet in a house, maybe my parents are expecting a baby or something; I hope to god, they remember me. They feel guilty for leaving me behind.

I know these are dark thoughts and I shouldn’t even be saying that about my parents cause I don’t know if there alive but I can’t help but wish they were, I might not even be in this mess now if they were still here.

Dad might have found a job or mom or me. Or someone might’ve found us and helped or-

My thoughts were cut short to a pair of shoes I recognized standing in front of me, they appeared in my view minutes ago, but I only now realized they were there.

“I thought you said you could get home on your own” He said quietly.  
