Chapter 15

short  i know. 

i wrote this pretty quickly so sorry if it sucks... 


“You should get a twitter” Jack stated, clicking the web browser icon on his laptop. It was Me, Jack, Zack, Rian, and Jeff sitting in the front Lounge. I had no clue where everyone else was and it was only a little over an hour since I woke up.

I had actually fallen asleep last night, and had a dream about the guy next to me. Was he the solution to help me sleep? Well, we will see tonight.

“Why do I need a twitter?” I asked spinning the roll of tape with my finger on the table, and trying to forget the fact that jack was squishing me against the wall and taking up most of the booth.

“So you can brag to people that you’re on tour with us.” Jack answered. “We will all follow too” Jeff replied  pausing then started to type fast again on his laptop. He was sitting on the couch behind me and jack. “Yeah I bet even Cass will follow you” Rian didn’t look up from his phone.

“So nickname?” I raised an eyebrow. “And 3 other dates I didn’t tell you all about.” He smiled. My mouth formed an ‘o’ shape. “NO WAY! Rian that’s great!” I said letting go of the tape and bringing my hand up to my face happily.

Rian grinned goofily. “Yeah she’s amazing.” He sighed happily. “You should Ask her out” Zack exclaimed he was sitting beside him and across from me and Jack. Rian put down his phone and face going slightly white.

“I should, but I can’t.” He said slowly. “Well it looks like your texting her now why can’t you?” Zack asked. “I’m too afraid. What if she says no?” He looked to me worry lines all over his face. “She won’t, Rian you’ve been on so many dates since your first one, and tell me did she enjoy the dates?”

Rian looked at the table and then to me again. “It looked like she did, I mean I had fun” He smiled again, as memories flooded through his head, making his eyes look off into the distance for a brief second.

“Then you shouldn’t worry, okay take her on a few more dates, then ask her out. I bet she will say yes” I folded my arms. Somewhat proud of myself for some reason. I just knew she would say yes.

“But when? She’s always busy with her band and I’m always busy with this band and keeping Jack from danger.” Rian said. “You will find a way, I know you will, if she likes you, she won’t give up on it too easily. And I bet zack could take care of jack for a couple dates?”

“WHY ME?!” zack complained loudly. “You’re the other responsible one on tour” Jack mumbled staring at the computer screen. “Why can’t it be flyzik?” he asked me. “Because I chose you and flyzik has too much to do” Zack sighed in defeat leaning back in the seat. “Hey that rhymed” Jack laughed.

“Thanks Airy, you’re awesome!” Rian leaned over the table and patted my head. I looked back to Jacks computer screen to see him tweeting under my name. I pulled the lap top to read  some of the tweets.

Most of them being pointless and talking about unicorns but one caught me the most.

@JackAllTimeLow : knows who I have a crush on.

I looked  to jack and blushed. Does he really know or is he just trying to scare me? At this moment, Rian and Zack had gotten up and walked out of the bus. “You know?” I asked quietly. “Yep” he nodded his head.

I put my hands on my hips. Secretly I wasn’t even sure if I really liked Alex like that or not. “Then who do I like?” I asked just as the doors to the bus swung open and Alex clambered on. “ME OF COURSE!” he threw his hands in the air jokingly and pulled Jack out of the seat and took Jacks spot. Making jack pout.

I tried to keep my expression blank, but the blushing was coming fast. Was he being serious? “Oh calm down, I know it’s not me!” He laughed wrapping and arm around my waist and hugging me from the side.

I looked down at Jack. “IT SO IS!” he mouthed screamed at me and I glared. “But apparently Jack knows, and I know you won’t tell me, so I’ll tickle it out of him later.” Jacks eyes went wide and he scrambled to get up and run.

“So even though I know your answer, will you please tell me who you like?” I shook my head quickly. “Not one little bitty hint?” I shook it again. “Please?” “Nope” he was never going to find out, from me of course.


“COME ONNNNN! PLEASEEEE!” Alex tugged on my hand and used the other to pull my other arm. “Whyyyy” I whined back. “You’re on tour with us and I want you to see this show! It’s important!”

Alex tugged me down the steps to the bus and out into the cold air. He had been trying to drag me into the venue for 15 minutes, starting from the back lounge. I wasn’t planning on seeing the show tonight because I was so tired.

“Why is it so important?!” I asked. “I started writing a new song and I want you to hear it!” he tugged me a few steps forward. Who would’ve known I was a little bit stronger then THE Alex Gaskarth. “Why me!”

“Because I chose you now pleaaaaseeee!” I sighed. “Fine!” he stopped tugging at me and threw his hands in the air screaming a “ya!” but before I could get away he had wrapped me in a huge hug.

“Thank you!” he kissed me on the cheek then turned around pulling me yet again dumbstruck into the venue. Good thing he had his back turned to me because my face was RED. He pulled me inside the warm building and to the stage where the rest of the band were standing.

He stopped and turned to me. Good thing is was semi dark in here. “The show starts in less than an hour, in about 6 minutes there opening the door, and you can’t leave okay! Okay” he was pointing his finger at me like a parent. I scowled. “Whatever Captain idiot” I walked off laughing as he mocked my scowl.

I walked behind the curtain, watching my step so I didn’t trip on any of the wires running across the floor. I passed Flyzik who said a quick “Hey” as he shuffled papers around on his clip board and wrote something down franticly then went to grab at his walkie talkie. Evan running furiously fast after him screaming. “The fuck I’m right behind you, you idiot!”

I chuckled and came out on the other side of the stage seeing Danny and Colussy hauling a heavy like box that had All Time low posted on the side, by me both grunting out “hey” ‘s as they hurried away, eager to put the box down.

I stopped and looked out at the stage at Alex who was stood talking to Rian and Vinny, all three laughing like crazy at something. “So you do like him” I jumped, turned and looked up at Jack. “Yeah I guess, I don’t know, it’s complicated.” I muttered. “Hey, it’s fine, don’t worry about it, he probably doesn’t even realize that he like’s you too.” 

My mouth dropped. “He- he” I stuttered. “it’s so obvious, it’s been obvious that you both like each other, your just finding out you like him, and he has yet to find out he likes you” Jack shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal and like he knew forever.

I stayed silent staring at him, my mouth not closing. Jack looked down at me and laughed reaching up and closing my mouth for me. “SO THAT’S WHO YOU LIKE!?” Alex shouted excitedly from the stage running up to us.

I shook my head furiously and jack did the same. “NO man, no, it’s not me!” Alex stopped in front of us, a somewhat look of relief on his face. “Mhmmm” he didn’t look like he believed us. “I don’t like Jacky like that so give it up” I stated firmly. “Then who is it?!” Alex pleaded. “Your never gonna find out!” I laughed.

“Yet” Jack coughed. Alex smirked and I elbowed Jack. “Guys stop messing around we are staring to let the crowd in get off the stage!” Flyzik yelled from the other side of the stage.
