What Happened

Hoodie's P.O.V.

I walked along the forest floor, hoping for the best to come for us. I left the house after that little game. I hated it! All I could feel was cheesecake. I thought it was a joke! Oh well. At least no one saw me.


The sky was dark, nothing around but trees, and not a sound to be heard. Till a loud laughter rang past me. I looked over my shoulder to find a weird man with a giant pack on. The masks on it rattled as he ran. He was carrying something in his arms. I looked a little closer, following as fast as I could. It was small, passed out, and drenched in water.

It was BEN.

The man walked over to a dark purple opening and jumped in. I waited in the shrubs for something to happen. I was about to go inside till it made a humming noise. I jumped back as that man came back out, this time holding a mirror. I realized he was heading for the hospital. He dragged it inside and soon ran back out, I watched him run across the forest. A noise was soon heard from behind me by the hospital. It sounded familiar.

"If we're going to a different world, Slenderman will help more than all of us combined. If we can find him." Masky's voice echoed. I was shocked. How did they get here? Walking forward, I was soon being chocked by a strong set of hands. I got myself free and turned around. It was that man. His smile disturbing me greatly.

"Who are you? What's with that mirror?"

The man put his pack on the ground and pulled out a brochure. I read it out loud,

"Happy Mask Salesman. Seller of all masks and knick-knacks." The rest of the page was smeared and ripped. I looked up at him, a smiling face was what I got in return. "Do you have a real name?"

"Never got one."

"What about that mirror?"

"It's magical. He doesn't know I have it."

"Who's He? What did you do with BEN?"

He flinched. "You know to much. Do you know what that means?" He started to giggle. It soon turned into a horrendous laughter as he walked towards me. Pulling out a knife, he kicked me in the gut. Bending down to me, he smiled even wider,

"You're going to have to die."

He got stunned as I jumped on his back, strangling him. I don't usually use my teleporting powers, but hey, I wanted answers. He staggered and bashed me into a tree. I just kept holding on and taking blows to my back. I let go and fell on the dirt. He smiled and slashed my legs with the dagger. Holding it up above his head, he grinned,

"Aren't you going to fight?"

"I'm not a fighter."

He grin got even bigger and was about to strike till we heard a shriek. We both looked at the hospital. LJ was carrying Jeff and Eyeless with Masky stumbling behind. The man shoved me aside and ran. I followed.

I stopped when I lost him. Till I got kicked in the back. I rolled into a bush and tried to catch my breath.

"I never got your name..." He looked down upon me, giving me his forever smiling face.

"H-H-Hoodie..." I struggled to say.

"Nice name. I'll remember that whe-"

He suddenly took off, not looking back. I wondered what had made him go away. But I was bleeding badly. Trying to get out of the bush I suddenly got ambushed by a man no larger than I was.

"HEY! GET OFF ME! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" I got tossed to the ground bye Eyeless. Painfully. I looked up to see my best friend looking back. I staggered up, trying not to blush as he hugged me.

"Hoodie!" Masky hugged me tighter. "Why are you here?!"

Normal P.O.V.

"And that's what happened." Hoodie looked up at his fellow friends. LJ was rubbing the side of his arm, Eyeless looked down, Masky was still crying, and Jeff held his hands behind his head. Hoodie felt awful for not telling them sooner. They walked along the dark trail, hoping their friend was alright. Jeff was the most concerned.

"Here it is. The portal."

It glowed a dark purple, as if knowing they arrived. Hoodie leaned closer and Masky put his arm in front of him, shaking his head.

"I'm not so sure about this..." LJ walked towards the portal. "It doesn't look sanitary."

"It's the one I saw that Mask Salesman walk into." Hoodie said back.

"But he might be expecting us." Jeff poked it with his knife. It pixelated and disappeared. "My knife!!" He jumped in after it.

"NO! JEFF!" Masky jumped in after Jeff. Soon he was followed by Eyeless, Laughing Jack, and finally Hoodie. His plan falling into place...

When they all opened their eyes, each one was all pixels and colors. A laughter was heard behind them. He stood in thin air, black smoke circling around his head.

"Hoodie?!" Masky put his hand over his face, trying to see Hoodie through the smoke.

"What the-?" LJ was in the floor, his feet stuck to the ground. Jeff struggled as well. Eyeless stumbled along with Masky as their friend looked down with arms crossed.

"You fools!" Hoodie's mask glitched and pixels flew. Water started to rush in as Hoodie took of his mask.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY FRIEND!?" Masky spoke as the water started to go past his waist.

"In due time..." Happy Masked Salesman smiled, watching them fall into a deep sleep.

"In due time."
