(WARNING. POINTLESS!) The Well Known Companion

Jeff was celebrating his 1 week anniversary of killing his family. Not really wanting to go anywhere, he just got ready to go downstairs and have a regular, blood-filled day. While putting his knife in the pocket of his hood, he suddenly got tackled by a very happy critter.

"Smile boy! Get off me!" Jeff giggled as the bloody husky licked his face. Jeff remembered how happy Smile was when he meet Jeff only 4 days ago.

To make Jeff more comfortable in his new home, Slenderman went to get a 4 legged companion. This was difficult, because it can't be any ordinary animal. It needed to be able to survive. Be able to fight.

Be able to obey.

Be able to kill.

When Slender had given up all hopes of finding anything, this small husky stumbled alone in the middle of the forest. When Slender went over, something was....off..about this little pup. It had a smile, clear across its face. Not only that, its fur was falling and the rest was stained in blood. Knowing this wasn't a regular dog, Slenderman took him back to the mansion.

"Jeff?" the thousands of echoes filled the whole place. Jeff, not a change in his expression, came down the stairs. Masky, realizing Slenderman is home, thinks there needs a task to be done. But, instead of a list, there's a dog. Jeff also noticed the strange creature.

"Hey!" Masky said, "Master Slenderman, what's this?"

"Well, I figured, Jeff needed a companion that's..well...more.Like.Him?" Slender tried to make an excuse for keeping the little pup. But the real reason, he wanted Jeff to be safe in the mansion. He didn't say because he knew Jeff didn't want unwanted attention.

"Hey, he's got a smile like me!" Jeff said, petting the excited pup. Frantically barking and licking his face, the pup smiled even bigger than before.

"I'll name you...Smile!"

The dog jumped with joy at Jeff's decision.

"Here boy, lets take a picture of that beautiful smile" Jeff pulled out a camera and set it up net to Smile. The husky sat near right side of the shot.

"Smilllle." Jeff said along with a snap of a camera.

This picture was sadly lost.

But, one lucky kid, found it at the edge of the forest.

This soon became known

as Smile.jpeg

Spread the word.
