Finding The Portal

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!” Jeff yelled when he regained his consciousness. Eyeless mumbled, also wanting to know what was going on. LJ sighed, not really wanting to tell them who it was.

“It was...umm...There was a mirror!” LJ walked back in the direction of the hospital and pointed. “In one of the rooms! It let out...a different version of me. I followed drag marks on the floor.”

“Well whatever that mirror is, it didn’t randomly appear,” Masky walked in front of the rest of them. “ it was put there just for us to discover.” Jeff turned his head towards Eyeless. He seemed to be listening for something. Darting past Masky, Eyeless went at least 70 mph, leaving a trail of footprints.

“Well, come on!” Jeff ran after him with the others. Neither one of them knew what Eyeless had discovered or was going to discover. It seemed like hours of following that trail, but eventually found Eyeless. He seemed to be staring at a bush. Jeff pulled out his knife and stood beside Eyeless. Masky and LJ not to far behind.

The bush rustled and Eyeless plunged in, tackling whoever was inside. LJ jumped a little by his actions, but Masky went closer to help.

“HEY! GET OFF ME! THIS ISN’T FUNNY!” a very robotic voice cried out. Eyeless held the man by the hood and threw him on the ground. He groaned in pain as it knocked the wind out of him. He looked up to see Masky staring back at him. He jumped up and was greeted with a hug.

“Hoodie!” Masky hugged him tighter. “Why are you here?!” LJ yanked him away from Masky and held his jacket collar, examining him. Masky was about to protest till he saw blood drip from Hoodie’s foot. He started to tear up. Hoodie wouldn’t attack someone, so he was bound to get hurt or even killed.

“What’s with the battle wounds?” LJ said, still examining him. Hoodie could only do two things. Tell them or don’t. He stared at the black dirt below him, hoping LJ would put him down. Eyeless tugged at LJ’s feathers, him knowing what he wanted. He dropped the yellow hooded freak and backed down, letting Eyeless speak to him. Hoodie and Eyeless could communicate telepathically. Jeff walked up to them.

“Hoodie...what happened? How did Eyeless hear you from such a far distance?”

“I know where the portal is and I’ll tell you on the way.” Hoodie started to walk towards the darkest parts of the Slender Forest, making Masky back down. He wasn’t allowed to go that far. Stopping he yelled out to Hoodie.

“Master Slenderman won’t allow us to go that far though. We can’t break his rules.” Hoodie stood next to him and whispered into his ear, “We can if it means saving one of our own.” Masky nodded and stepped forward. He got this bad feeling in his stomach. Something wasn’t right. Not with the forest.

But with Hoodie.


“HOW COULD YOU? YOU MONSTER!” the ghost boy struggled to get free. Zelda sat next to him, putting her hand on his forehead.

“ can’t tell them that...”

BEN started to close his eyes, getting drowsy.

“It’ll ruin the surprise.”
