Any Other Day

5 years later

“DAMN IT BEN!!” Jeff yelled at the now 17 year old elf, throwing his controller at him. BEN shot Jeff in the back of his head in “Left 4 Dead”. Jeff thought BEN wouldn’t do that this time.

“I swear man, it was an accident.” BEN snickered, starting up a new game. Jeff was to excited to be mad for very long. His 18th Birthday was coming up! Just 1 more day. He had no idea what was going to happen. BEN turned 17 a while ago, and it was fun and all but, he didn’t want to do anything but the usual. For some reason, he wanted to save his favorite game for Jeff’s birthday. He wouldn’t tell anyone what it is, just to bring something that reminded them of themselves.

“Well, now we know that Jeff never trusts the right people,” Masky said from the back of the room “Considering he trusts HIMSELF!”

Jeff, not amused by Masky’s side remarks, chooses a character from the game, the old man. BEN always chooses the only female character.

“Why do you choose her all the time?” Jeff couldn’t help but ask.

“So when I make an awesome kill, I look sexy while doing so.”


“No no..Perv. There’s a difference Jeff.” BEN smiled as he shot Jeff in the head, once again.

“BITCH!” Jeff screamed, tackling his friend. BEN couldn’t help but blush as Jeff got on top of him. He held out his arms aaaannnnnndddddddddddddd......

tickled BEN.

BEN couldn’t stop laughing. Squirming and yelling for Jeff to stop the torture. Jeff always did this, because, well, he thought BEN was adorable when he was smiling and squirming. They’ve been fighting like this since the 1st week they meet.

**Time Skip**

Jeff was tired and bruised along with BEN. 5 whole hours of nothing but fighting, punching, and tickling. BEN floats to the top bunk, breathing heavily from being over-tickled. As Jeff was sitting on the bottom bed, he stared up at the top where BEN was. Jeff listened.

A soft breathing could be heard. BEN had already fallen asleep. Jeff expected that, for he had a rough time breathing and running afterwards. ‘He’s so cute when he snores’ Jeff thought, climbing the ladder to the top. He watched as BEN breathed at a steady pace. Taking off BEN’s hat and covering up the elf boy, Jeff went down the ladder and placed his hat on the dresser. Jeff grabbed his eye mask and slipped it on, soon falling asleep.

BEN opened one eye and smiled, thinking about the birthday plans he had in store for his best friend.
