The New Kid

4 weeks later

*knockknockknock* "JEFF!!" *more frantic knocking* "JEFF! GET UP!!!!" Masky yelled, trying to get Jeff up without intruding his room.

"MMMMMGO AWAY" Jeff yelled back, rolling over.

"Maybe I should be more gentle..." Jeff overheard Masky whispering.

*knock.........knock* "Jeff?.....You uuuuuppppp? We gotta gooooo to the living roooommm...Master Slenderman's orders-" "OH MOVE OVER" A different voice said.

Everything went quiet. To quiet.

Jeff lifted up his eye mask when- BAMM!!!! He got hit strait in the face with a pillow.

"Rise and shine sleepy face" Laughing Jack stood all too close to Jeff's bed.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM LJ!!" Jeff screamed, throwing a knife at LJ, just missing his skull. Frustrated and tired, Jeff rubbed his blinkless eyes (ouch) and put on his jacket, tried to brush his messy hair, grabbed his knife, and went out with all the others.

Everyone was chatting away about who knows what and why. As LJ walked by, Jeff gave him..what was suppose to be a..glare?

"What are you doing?" LJ asked, staring back at Jeff.

"UuuuuuaaaaAAAHH! I HATE HAVING NO EYELIDS!!!" Jeff turned away with crossed arms (he sure does yell a lot). He was getting tired of all these meets, especially with Laughing Jack around. Jeff jumped a little when he got a tap on the shoulder. It was someone who he actually trusted.

"Slmmdrmmrrnn ms meer!" Eyeless tried to say. Though Jeff knew what he said.

Slenderman is here.

The front door opened to reveal the faceless, well-dressed man. But he wasn't alone. The little fella wouldn't show his face, or any part of his body but his hands, holding on to Slender's leg. Everyone stared at the kid, making him cling to Slenderman even more.

"Everyone, please back up so he can get some air." Slender said, practically pushing away LJ. Slender did not seem amused when LJ tried to get closer yet again.

"Just tell us who this guy is!" Masky was getting restless. He always liked it when he gets a chance to make a new friend. Eyeless "mumbled" at Masky to shut up.

Suddenly, the little boy stepped aside, revealing himself.

He was short. First thing that everyone notices. Only appearing 12, he had blonde hair, a green tunic with 2 belts (one on his shoulder and the other around his waist), grey pants, knee-high brown boots, and a stupidly long green hat. To match that stupidity, he had elf ears and black eyes with red dots for his pupils. Everyone just...stared.

This made the boy uncomfortable, backing away and hiding behind his giant hat. LJ, again, moved closer to the boy. He stumbled by LJ's movement. Not standing how silent everyone is, Jeff walked up to the kid. He backed against a wall and cried tears of black. Jeff, not knowing what else to do held out his hand. The boy, black tears stained on his cheek, look up at the 13 year old killer. Smiling even more, Jeff felt the little elf hands in his own.

"I'm Jeff." He said, shaking the delicate hand. Everyone else smiled, as the little boy finally spoke. Slenderman knew Jeff would be a good friend after this. Oh? Who is it? Well, if you're a Creepypasta fan, you should already know who it is.

"I'm BEN." He smiled in the cutest way.

Feeling less tense, BEN meet everyone else, with Jeff close by his side.
