The Unexpected

Laughing Jack's P.O.V.

Everyone went their separate ways. The right side seemed to be the dirtiest. Blood was drenching the walls. It reminded me of...well myself after a great game! It seemed as if someone else was here before. On the ground, there was footprints and a giant scrape on the ground. Something was being dragged along here.

I followed the trail into a empty room with a brown, dusty chair. On the chair was a rectangular mirror. The side glowed a dark green, with scratches at the bottom. That's what was being dragged! I looked into the mirror and smiled. I was a very handsome devil. No girl is hot enough for DIS!

"Looking goooooood!" I snapped to myself.

"Why, thank you."

I stumbled backwards. Did...did my reflection talk BACK? Maybe I should have listened to Masky about to much candy.

"Who...who are you?"

"I'm YOU silly billy!" My reflection jumped around and giggled. There was something off about...myself. I stood back up and stared at the reflection.

"You're not me."

The reflection looked shocked to hear those words come out of my mouth. But soon his expression changed to a demonic smile. "You're right. I should have known. I'm NOT you now," Thats when everything made since. Soon, his hair changed from black to pink, his arms and the rest of his body became colorful. I had no idea what was going on. This isn't possible! Nothing made since till he spoke once again.

"I'm you in the past!"

I hiccuped. This IS me. It's been so long since I've had color. It was kinda creepy.

"AHH!" My colorful self grabbed my arm and started to crawl out of the mirror, glowing a dark green. He looked at me, smiling as I started to run. I had to get out of there. This can't be happening. I was running down the long hallways, not looking back.

"LJ? What's got you so freaked out?" Masky asked as I ran by. Eyeless was standing next to him, tugging at his jacket. Soon I heard them both running behind me. Thi-OW! I seemed to run into the young killer.

"Get OFF ME LJ!" I heard Jeff from under me. I couldn't get the words out of my mouth in time. Masky was faster.

"WHAT IS THAT?!" Masky and Eyeless came running.

"What is what?" Jeff asked, till his eyes widened more than they already are when he

With that evil glare.

Normal P.O.V

"No time to explain, I can't be around him!" LJ bolted out of the hospital, not looking back. Jeff staggered away from the more colorful version of his clown companion. It reached out his hand to help Jeff.

"I won't hurt you. I'm a friend, not a foe." Colorful Jack smiled when Jeff grabbed his hands, pulling him up. Jeff looked at him and started to tremble. His eyes glowed a dark green, followed by the rest of his body. Masky and Eyeless quickly swiped Jeff away from Colorful Jack's hands. Dropping the knife, Jeff shook his head trying to stay awake. Eyeless tried to make a sneak attack, but was surprised when he went strait through the demon clown. Crashing into a side wall, he looked up to be face to face with the enemy.

"I'm a reflection. You can't hurt me!" Colorful Jack put his hand on Eyeless Jack's stomach. His hand slowly went inside, poisoning his insides. Soon he reached his hand back out, walking away leaving a sick Eyeless. He tried to get back up, but collapsed, spewing up dark green poison. It stained to ground, leaving dark holes.

Masky used his power to teleport to Eyeless and back again to Jeff. This was a mistake, for using Slenderman's powers made him really weak. Each one collapsed, admitting they were defeated. Colorful Jack was about to finish them off when suddenly he got kicked strait in the face. The reflection screamed as he flew through the wall.

"You're MY reflection. So I can hurt you." LJ used his long arms to pick up Jeff and Eyeless. Masky stumbled right behind.

They left the hospital, wondering what happened to the strange reflection.

??? P.O.V

I see they found my gift. The clown seems to be the only one that isn't hurt. It was backbreaking dragging that mirror, and it took a while. But, it was worth it! Seeing all their shocked faces. I have to get that mirror back before He knows it's missing.Princess Zelda will be pleased. If only this little punk would get off me! Such a stupid kid. Shoving him aside, I ran.
