The Start

"BEN?!" Jeff staggered, watching as his best friend groaned in pain. Little lightning streaks would circulate around his body once in a while. He opened his eyes long enough to see Jeff. Smiling and crying once more, BEN suddenly looked shocked in the direction of Eyeless.


Masky looked up to see the demonic salesman holding the knife up and ready to strike. He ducked down as the knife went just over his head, brushing his hair. But, Masky didn't care. He and the others looked at Eyeless in awe. His mask was laying on the floor near his right foot. He looked up to reveal two empty sockets in his face and a huge mouth with razor sharp teeth. Slow clapping was heard near BEN.

"Good reflexes. We do have some fighters after all!" Zelda slowly walked up to Eyeless and picked up his mask. Examining it, she soon threw it over to Mask Salesman. He giggled as he placed the mask on his pack. Mask Salesman was jumping around as Zelda sighed. "I was going to do that later Mask Salesman, but I can see that you have been patient long enough." She waved her hand as the maniac went over to Masky once more.

He loomed over the frightened cheesecake lover. He placed a boney hand on his mask and yanked it of. The force knocked Masky forward as he gasped. Keeping his head down, he watched as Salesman walked over to Hoodie. Placing Masky's mask next to Eyeless's, he yanked off Hoodie's real mask. He cried and kept his head down along with Masky. This is the most of Hoodie that anyone has ever seen. Masky had never seen his hair, let alone his face. He looked up at the others. LJ was still paralyzed, Eyeless and Jeff both stared at him.

"Hoodie?" Masky looked over at his crying friend. He didn't respond. "Hoodie?!"

"I'm...sorry..." The words echoed back to him. He looked up to see a shocked Masky, tears started to stream once again. This time, it was happiness. But for Hoodie, it was tears of regret.

"B...Brian?" Masky smiled. He hadn't seen his friend in so long, only to find out he had been with him the whole time. Hoodie just sat there and cried, repeating the same thing over and over. "I'm sorry."

" head.." LJ started to say. He widened his eyes and looked around. His gaze stopped at BEN. "You're alive?! Great! Now we can use our super-strength. POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!" LJ struggled like a little schoolgirl, then sighed, and repeated.

"Yeah, it's pointless. We're fucked." LJ bluntly said to Jeff. He looked over to BEN. The elf was still soaked and tired. He looked back at Jeff, trying to keep his eyes open. BEN was in obvious pain. Jeff turned his head back to Zelda, who was happily watching everything play out.

"What did you DO?!" Jeff struggled in his chair. Zelda flinched at Jeff and once again went over to BEN. She lifted her hand towards the sky which became more visible. The clouds circled around the top of BEN. His eyes widened when he saw them. That's when the green lightning came back. It went inside and out of BEN. He and Jeff both screamed. Jeff couldn't do anything but cry as he watched his friend get drained of all life.

It seemed like hours till it finally stopped. BEN laid on the table, gasping for air and coughing up blood. It ran down the side of his mouth and stained the table, dripping onto the floor beneath Zelda. She grinned at the site of the broken boy, and even happier that Jeff was pissed.

"Does that answer your question?" Zelda said smugly. Jeff's face burned, wanting to choke that bitch. She looked at the others, testing their strength by electrocuting them for who knows how long. Eyeless seemed to catch her eye. When she turned his chair on, he had no reaction. He just sat there, letting the volts go inside of him and out of his face. She at first got furious that he didn't react. But once she turned it to 600+ volts, she saw tears of pain.

Eyeless couldn't stop shaking as she approached him. Her smile was more gentle this time. Un-tying him, he feel to the floor. Tears of black stained his hands. By this point, everyone was done. Giving up. Jeff, for the first time in his life, didn't feel as if he could save any of his friends. Not one.

"Princess Zelda," a sarcastic voice rang through the room. The figure stood tall in the only doorway. Mask Salesman right behind him. Zelda smiled and walked over to the mystery man. BEN lifted his head to see who it was.

"Don't take away all the fun!" He stepped in the middle of the room. BEN snarled, leaving the others very confused. He looked like BEN but, darker. And taller. He walked over to BEN and wiped away some burnt hair.


"Dark Link..."
