
[Hey guys, I'm going to be nice and update two! Your welcome


Jeff’s eyes came back to view, since he couldn’t close them, and looked at his groaning friends. Each one of them was tied to a chair. A different kind of chair. It had a big dome over the top of their heads, wires digging into their arms and legs, and metal straps holding them down. There was another figure that caught Jeff’s eye. He looked like he had been electrocuted more than enough. Jeff suddenly got furious.


“Please! Let me explain everything.” Hoodie looked up, shocked and scared. His hood gone, only wearing a plain tee and blue jeans, and had short brown hair. Masky shook his head, waking up. He gazed at everyone. His expression changed from scared to disappointed when his gaze meet with Hoodie’s.

“That..THING...told us that..” LJ spoke before Hoodie shook his head.

“I know..what he said. And he lied. He did tackle me into the bush, but he didn’t just run off. He took out this big, metal, stamp like thing and held it over me. As hard as he could, he pressed it against my face. I couldn’t breath. When he removed it, it shook and spit out a duplicate of my mask. He took my jacket and put that on along with the other mask. He said to me ‘Hope you have a SHOCKING experience!’ And it sounded like I said it to myself. I turn around to be smacked in the face with a fist.”

Eyeless shook his arms and legs, trying to break out of his straps. Nothing seemed to work.

“When I woke up, I was strapped to this chair. Out popped a strange woman holding a big, red button. She said her name was Zelda. I asked where I was and what happened to BEN and she electrocuted the shit out of me.”

Each one of them had even wider eyes. The reason was is because Hoodie had never cursed before! Well not in front of them, BUT STILL!

“It seemed like hours and all that I could see...was flashes of my past..” Hoodie began to tear up till he burst screaming,


Masky teared up watching his friend cry. He had only meet him shortly after becoming Slenderman’s proxy. He knew Hoodie was in his old videos, but they never actually MET. Laughing Jack was about to say something till a door slammed open. In the doorway was a dark, feminine figure.

“WHAT DID YOU DO WITH BEN?!” Jeff screamed, trying to get the wires out of his arms. The figure came into the only light, holding a big, red button. It was Zelda. She walked over to Laughing Jack, holding his chin and pulling it up to her face.

“Hmm..Strong...Can you fight?”

LJ swung his head to the left, snarling at her when she stood back.

“Not co-operating are we?” She tilted the red button at his chair and pressed it. The wires and metal started to glow, the dome glowed a dark green. Suddenly a white lightning started to go through Laughing Jack, making him scream in pain. It circulated around his whole body, through his chest, and out his head going into the ceiling. His tears glitched into the lightning, making it glow a light blue and red. All the rest could do was watch in horror. Without warning it stopped, leaving a broken, breathless LJ. His cries and gasps for breath echoed throughout the room.

Zelda leaned over him, “You ready to speak?”

All he could do was shake and cry.

“YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED!” She yelled at the rest of them. “IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?!”

She got “No”s in reply.

“That’s better. But...I want things to get a little more...interesting...” She walked over to a darker side of the room near Jeff. Eyeless quickly looked on the opposite side of the room. The man with the masks was lingering by Masky, holding a knife to his head. No one else seemed to notice, and he couldn’t speak. He started to shake his head rapidly.

“Oh Jeff! Look who’s here!” She turned on a different light to reveal a drenched and tired elf.


