Good Day To Die

((HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Although I didn't post right on new years, my phone was dead. Now we wait for my birthday...⊙ω⊙))

BEN’s P.O.V.

It was like being in a dream. Floating in a pixelated realm of nothing, glowing orbs surrounding me. I reached out to touch one, but slipped through my fingers every time. The past events flashed before me. The death of Jeff and Masky, the suffering that we all went through, the look on Jeff’s face when I appeared on the T.V. screen....

That stupid party game...

Floating there in the endless nothing, I started to cry. That’s all I can do. I even cried when the platform showed up beneath me. I hiccuped and looked up. Scowling, I found the Dark demon smirking back. My hands formed into fists as I walked up to the screen. Zelda and Dark Link just laughed watching me cry. As if it was an instinct, I pounded on the glass. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop. I had this kill.

Now I know how Jeff felt.

My fists soon broke the glass, shards piercing my skin. I watched as my fist intertwined with the screen, showing up on the other side. The codes of the game leaking out, grabbing Zelda by the ankles. She jumped back and yelled at Dark Link to get it off. I just stood there, staring at the codes working their way up to Zelda’s torso and head. Flooding into her mouth, Zelda choked and feel to the ground. Her body turned into codes as she feel into the floor. I smiled, satisfied with what I did. Till I looked at Dark Link’s face.

“Thanks for getting rid of her.” He grabbed my hand, pulling me on the other side. Grabbing my collar, he lifted me off the ground and our faces were inches away. I struggled to get out of his grasp but nothing seemed to work. He leaned in closer, his words slowly escaping his lips.

“She was getting in the way.”

He dropped me on the ground. I tried to get up but was bounded by hands. The Twilight had captured me. Dark Link circled around me, smiling the entire time.

“I WAS going to make you battle that monochrome clown, but...” He leaned down closer to me yet again, his breath stroking my cheek.

“It would be much more fun killing you myself.”

The last thing I saw was his smiling face as the darkness engulfed me.

Normal P.O.V

BEN looked down to see a plain brown platform under his feet. Dark Link floated in the middle, staring down at BEN. He pulled out a large feather and BEN recognized it immediately. ‘That feather was used to carve Majora’s Mask.’ BEN thought to himself as a bright flash blinded him. He opened his eyes to see a sword and shield with the Triforce on it. Dark Link lands on the ground, dust slipping from under his feet.

(I would suggest listening to this: Numb Dubstep Remix “But Why Happi?” Cause I think it fits this battle. For these people. In this situation. But you don’t have to. But I HIGHLY suggest it...)

“I’ve been wanting to do this for years.” He said, holding his blade at BEN’s throat. He looked past Dark Link and back at the weapons. Ducking under Dark Link, BEN slid across the platform and grabbed the sword. He lashed out at Dark Link only to hear a loud CLANG as the blades met. Soon the blades lashed out at each other, sparks spitting at the two. Dark Link flew up and held his knife high above his head.

He came crashing down, only to strike BEN’s sword with a erupt SHINK. Staring at each other for what seemed like forever, BEN released his hold and dashed to the shield. Dark Link threw the feather blade at BEN with all his force. Flinging himself around, BEN fell back when the blade smashed into the shield. The feather swung in circular motions till it got out and landed in Dark Link’s hand. The shield soon collapsed, turning into nothing but codes and black ink. BEN looked up only to be greeted with a blade in his left side.

He feel to the ground, watching as Dark Link lands gracefully on the ground. The feather jolts itself back into his hands, making BEN bleed even more. Dark Link moved slowly over to the broken glitch, each step he takes black smoke rises from his boots. The closer he got, the more smoke leaked from the ground. Looking at the sharp blade in Dark Link’s hand, BEN backed up holding his side.

Shaking in fear, BEN watched as the feather got covered in codes. It stretched, bits of feather falling and evaporating in the smoke. Shapeshifting into the form of a gun, and it was pointed right at BEN. He smirk, watching BEN hold his side in agony and crying tears of black.

“You know, I thought you would last much longer...” He cocked his gun and held it to BEN’s eye.

“I guess you were always the weaker one.” BEN closed his eyes, ready for the bullet to pierce into him. He wanted all this to end, for his broken heart to stop beating.

Then it all ended. He felt the bullet get jabbed into his eye, watching his life go by. All the way to the beginning. Messing around with his friends, ending innocent lives with Jeff, smoking pot, playing video games. The last thing he heard gave him shivers. Dark Links words echoed continuously in his mind till his life slipped away.

“You’ve meet with a terrible fate, haven’t you BEN?”
