Chapter 6


Catalina has been gone for four months now.

I miss her so much, her laugh, her smile, her face, her body, the feeling of her lips on mine and everything little thing she does.

We only got to skype each other once a month during her time in Africa and it really isn't enough. I crave her voice everyday and I long to see her face.

In the span of three months she has managed to become my drug that I can't live without.

She did not tell me on what date she was supposed to return to Spain, it could be today or it could be Friday for all I know.

I think Junior is having a worse time than me. He misses her so much, I think he regards her as his mother. Every night he asks me where has Catalina gone?

Today was our Copa del Rey semifinal match against Real Sociedad and the stakes were high. Barcelona already qualified to play the finals and now its our turn to make the final an El Clasico.

I admit I haven't been playing my best so far in this season but I pulled through to score at least one goal in each game. My teammates noticed my behaviour and my constant minor injuries and began pulling me up for it, until Xabi and Karim had to step in and vouch for me.

The tensions cleared but still a hint of dissent flowed through the team.

We started off poorly, our defence and our front three were playing horribly, and it was truly a miracle Sociedad hadn't scored a goal as yet, but I guess we had Iker to thank for that.

Marcelo looked out of it, making wild challenges getting a yellow card and a lot of warnings from the frustrated referee, Pepe and Sergio were trying and Alvaro looked gassed by half hour into the game, he had to be substituted with Dani.

Forty minutes in Iker looked about ready to straight up murder Gareth because he was passing wildly and letting Socie get the ball easily. Karim and I weren't getting chances to break free and I was almost ready to curse someone from the Socie crowd with the amount of jeers we were getting.

Only the midfield was good, with Xabi, Angel and Sami trying as hard as they could, buying time for us until we could've gone for the half time break and recuperate.

The score was thankfully nil all by half time and the locker room was silent.

Coach just told us to go and do our best, but he couldn't hide the look of disappointment on his face and Zizou offered small words of encouragement,afterwards talking to Xabi about something that probably was too important for our ears but Xabi just simply nodded his head and continued to tie his laces.

When we got back onto the field however our game improved significantly.

Maybe we were just hungry?

Marcelo calmed down a bit and began to actually defend properly, Dani blockeda shot from going into the box earning an applause from our small contigent of fans present and Sergio nor Pepe didn't get a red card as yet. Gareth started playing a bit smarter and worked well with Karim and I.

In the 70th minute, I had just received a pass from Gareth, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me with Xabi right behind me, flanking me if I lost the ball somehow.

The defenders blocked my way and I weaved the ball through their legs. The crowd started cheering me on from the edge of their seats before I felt a sharp pain shoot through my leg.

One of the defenders had kicked me hard in the shin.

I couldn't brace myself for it and fell face first unto the ground.

The referee blew his whistle. I clutched the spot, waiting for the pain to subside, but it just would not go away. Xabi knelt next to me and Gareth bent over me looking concerned, while I lay prone on the ground. I refused the medics help while Karim, Sergio, Pepe and the entire crowd were arguing with the referee, calling for an immediate red card to be given.

"I can't deal with this anymore." I whispered to Xabi, still clutching my injured shin

"Yes, you can." He said, still kneeling next to me.

"No I can't, this is shit." I said, the pain subsiding a bit but not enough. I continued to push the medics away while they all protested.

"Yes you can, do it for the team, do it for your motivation." He said patting me on the shoulder

I looked at him eyebrows raised when he said the word motivation.

He simply smiled and pointed to the box directly behind the Madrid dugout.

There she sat, hazel eyes firmly locked on me and mouth set in a grim line.


When I looked up at her she smiled and mouthed towards me

"You can do this," She said with a determined nod.

Then it was like a flame was rekindled inside of me. I let Xabi and Gareth help me up and told the referee that I could continue.

We formed up again and the Sociedad fowards collected the ball, but were intercepted by Raphael and Marcelo who faked them out and cleanly collected the ball.

Angel received the ball and speeded away from Sociedad's midfielders, he passed the ball to me at centrefield and I ran for the goal.

Karim ran besides me, drawing out the defense towards him and Gareth sped to the left while I dribbled the ball past the two young defenders.

The goal keeper had a confident look in his eyes, but he guessed wrong and dived before he should, giving me space to press the ball into the upper right corner of the net.

The crowd went wild and the entire dugout cleared immediately, with all my teammates running out to the field in a frenzy. We had a group hug and I searched for Catalina. She was standing applauding me with a very big smile on her beautiful face.

We ended up beating Sociedad 3-0, with Sergio providing a beautiful header from a corner and Xabi kicking the ball into the goal from 62 yards out, a kind of specialty of his ever since his liverpool days.

The locker room was full of happy faces, Sergio was singing at the top of his voice, Pepe and Raphael were joking around and Marcelo had brought out his speakers and was blasting music around the place that got everyone dancing, even Sami who normal just sat around doing nothing.

I got a text from Catalina when I was almost finished with changing.

"Hala Madrid. Good finish to the game. Meet me in the V.I.P parking lot please, look for my Audi xoxo :)"

I pulled my shirt over my head hurriedly. Grabbing my bag, I was almost through the door before Sergio stopped me

"Hey man, don't forget we're going out tonight."

"Yeah, yeah I won't" I said before leaving the room.

A lot of people shook my hand, congradulating me for a good game (I nearly rolled my eyes at their blatant lies) and some fans were waiting at the exit wanting me to sign some of their stuff.

The parking lot was half-empty when I got to it, the air was chilly and the singing voices of pleased supporters rang in the distance. I saw Catalina was leaning against the hood of her Audi, staring intently at the darkness infront of her.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back today," I said, making her jump slightly.

"I wanted to surprise you, I know you love surprises, especially from me," She said while turning around. She faced me and we stood there watching in each other for a couple of minutes, before we collided into a kiss. I dropped my bag and held onto her waist tightly, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, running her hands through my hair. Four months of emotions came out in that kiss, I pulled away slowly and kissed her on the forehead. She sighed deeply.

"I missed you," She said still holding on to me, rubbing her thumb against the back of my neck.

"I missed you too, more than you could imagine, but there is someone who missed you more than I did," I said.

"Who?" She asked eyebrows raised.

"Junior," I replied. She laughed.

"I am so serious, he kept asking me where you were and when you were coming back. It was sad to see his face," I answered.

"I went to see him before I came to the game. That's why I only could've made it for the second half. When I walked through the door, he jumped up from your mom's lap and ran straight to me. Almost knocked the wind out of me how hard he hugged me and he started to laugh and cry at the same time. He didn't want me to leave and come here. Bless his little heart, I missed him so much," She said moving a strand of hair from her face.

"I knew he would've been like that. He missed you so much. I missed you so much" I sat on the hood of her Audi and pulled her to lean in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned her head into my chest.

We sat like that for what seemed like ages.

"The team was supposed to go out tonight, would you like to go. I mean we don't have to go. You must be tired from travelling." I rambled on. She put her finger on my lips to stop me.

"Calm down, I want to go, it will be fun to spend time with you all." She said grinning," But do I look good enough for the club."

She got up from my lap and turned around slowly giving me a view of her whole outfit. She had on a sleveless white button down shirt, black skinny jeans that made her butt look amazing and black boots. She caught me staring at her behind and she slapped me on the arm playfully and I grinned.

"You look beautiful and stunning as always," I said holding her hand. She gave me a kiss on the cheek .

"All you have to do now is stop looking at my ass all the time," She said.

"I can't help it if I like to look at it, it really is a thing of beauty, that and your dimples," I said cheekily.

The drive to the club was short, they chose one that was thankfully close to the stadium. We paid the entrance fee and got admitted easily.

Lights were flashing all over, people were making their way to the already packed dance floor, the DJ seemed like if he was in his comfort zone, sounding out some of the latest beats and some people looked like if they were already drunk, doing bizarre dances on the floor.

"Hey Cris over here," a voice called from behind and we saw it was Xabi, who ushered us in the direction of the V.I.P section of the club. When we past through the doorway Xabi engulfed Lina into a big hug, which she returned warmly.

"Did you get into the stadium easily with the pass I gave you, I had to work hard for that you know?" Xabi asked clutching a glass of what I suspected was beer.
He already had that stupid grin on his face.

"Yes, It saved me a lot of trouble, thanks for the favour," She said taking the pass out of her purse.

"No problem, always here to help," He said, taking a sip from his glass.

"Wait, you knew she was coming back to Spain today?" I asked looking between the two.

"Well yeah, she told me like three days ago," He replied.

"And why didn't you tell me about this?" I asked increduosly.

"Because she told me not to tell you and I'm a person who keeps his word, " He said with a shrug and then a smirk. Catalina smirked along with him and they high-fived each other, thinking that their plan was so well put together.

"You two think you're so smart don't you? Well..." I was stopped midway. Catalina placed her finger on my lip again and that shut me up. Again.

"You talk too much, just go with the flow, sweetheart," She said

"Catalina!!!" Marcelo, Pepe and Fabio shouted at the same time. She went over to them and they greeted her warmly like they were siblings.

"I'm glad you're back, finally Cristiano is going to play with some sense, we're saved," Pepe sighed dramatically

"Shut up and continue whatever you were doing." I said slightly laughing. He held his hands up in mock defeat.

"Hey it's the truth everyone knows you play better whenever she's here," Fabio spoke truthfully. I was going to reply but was blocked out by this high pitched voice.

"Jimena!!!!!!" Someone shouted calling Lina's rarely heard middle name. Catalina turned around and the same thing came out of her mouth.

"Maria!!!!" She shouted back hugging whoever called her out. I turned around to to see just a flurry of hair and finally Pilar's face formulated from the confusion.

"Oh my goodness I haven't seen you in forever, never even called a girl or anything," Pilar said still latched on to Catalina.

"Pilar, I was in the middle of a warzone for most of the time, how could I have called you regularly," Catalina asked pulling away and placing her hands on her hips. Pilar shrugged and Lina smiled at her friend, embracing her again.

"Is it safe, Have they met, Is the screaming over?" Sergio asked entering the cubicle, looking all around.

Both Catalina and Pilar hit him in the chest playfully.

"Stop exaggerating so much, you idiot," Pilar joked,"There was not a lot of screaming this time,"

"Yeah it was minimum," Catalina chimed in, sitting down next to Marcelo. Just then a familiar song started blasting around the club. Everyone's face lit up and the boys got excited.

Karim waved us over, gesturing to the middle of the V.I.P area where everyone were gathering. Marcelo and Fabio rushed over quickly joining the crowd. Pilar tried to pull Catalina over but she just wasn't budging.

"Come on Jimena, have some fun," Pilar said trying to persaude her.

"You know I don't like dancing in public," Lina said trying to head in the other direction.

"But you dance so well, come on, please?" Pilar replied, pouting.

"Uggh fine, Cristiano let's go," Catalina said. Pilar clapped her hand and jumped up and down before heading to the dance floor.

"Me? Why should I go?" I asked increduosly.

"Because I'm asking nicely now, Pleaseeeeeeee?" She said pulling a puppy dog face. I shook my head smilling and nodded. She laughed and took my hand, leading me to the floor.

A new song started to play, a faster one, one of those club mixes that got everyone dancing. Lina backed me, placed my hands on her hips and threw her hands around my neck as she started to dance to the rhythm. Pilar was right about one thing, boy could she dance.
