Chapter 47


"Did you eat Diana?" Catalina asked Diana as we all sat around the kitchen counter while Catalina busied herself on the stove. The tv was on but nobody felt like watching it even though Catalina's BBC interview was replaying at the moment.

"Nothing since yesterday," Diana huffed, squirming uncomfortably in her chair.

"You've got to be kidding me," Catalina stopped in her tracks, hands on her hips.

"What? I was stressed out, I couldn't help it."Diana shrugged.

"You're lucky," Catalina glowered at her friend, pushing a bowl each towards her and Victor "Here have this, it should fill you up."

"I missed your cooking Lina," Victor admitted before digging his spoon into the rice.

"Me too," Diana seconded.

"How old are they now?" Victor pointed to where Junior was playing with Xavi and Rhanya in their rockers.

"10 weeks," I said, holding Selene closer as she gazed thoughtfully at her mother.

"Already?" Victor looked shocked.

"Yes," Catalina laughed as she gently placed a kiss on Selene's head,"They are changing so fast,"

"Xavi looks so much like Junior when he was smaller," Diana noted.

"Yes he does, its almost the same child again," I laughed.

"That's good," Junior smiled shyly,"He's my brother duhhh."

"Rani looks like she's going to be a real mixture of them," Izzy said matter of factly,"If she's next to Catalina she looks like Catalina but if she's next to Cristiano she looks like him. It's strange but very cute."

"And Selene? Who does this cutie look like," Victor made a funny face while he tickled her. Selene frantically tried to grab his face squealing with delight.

"She looks like my dad," Catalina said quietly, eyes glossing over, the memories no doubt coming back to her. I pulled her into a one armed hug as a single tear slid down the side of her cheek

"Have you decided what colour I'm wearing?" Diana asked in between chews.

"Peach. And I found the perfect dress for you last week. Adelia just needs to get it to Brazil for me," Lina said.

"So you guys finally made up your mind?  Thank god because we thought that we would probably have to hold your wedding in the middle of the ocean." Victor looked relieved.

"Why do you have to be so dramatic?" Lina asked.

"It's a specialty of mine," Victor retorted.

"Did you decide on how many people will be there?" Izzy enquired.

"80 would be the most," I replied.

"That's small considering the amount of people you guys know," Izzy grimaced.

"I think it's good to work with." Catalina confessed,"I want it to be small enough so that pictures don't get leaked or something like that. And speaking about pictures, Victor, I need a photographer and videographer."

"I can be your photographer but I would have to get my buddy Mikel to do the videoing. I wouldn't trust anyone else to do it." Victor said.

"Yay, what would I do without you?" Catalina hugged him tightly.

"I don't know, your lives would be probably empty,"

"Don't push it," Catalina warned him playfully.


"I think he's here," Victor drew back the curtains to get a better view of the dark night outside.

"Already? What did he do? Run off of the plane as soon as it landed?" Catalina asked as she rocked Selene in her lap.

"I don't know if I'm ready to face him," Diana panicked, holding an already sleeping Xavi close to her.

"You have to," Catalina cut her off, taking Xavi from her and headed towards the steps,"Can't run from your problems Di, that's the first thing we learnt together in England."

"Put them down for me please," Catalina handed both of them to Izzy,"Don't let Xavi face the light, it irritates him and move Selene's mobile from above her."

The doorbell rang and Diana was already halfway out of the room but was caught mid sprint around the waist by Catalina who pushed her back onto the couch. Catalina wagged her finger threateningly at her and Diana pouted but stayed put.

Victor got up from his chair, finished off the remenants of his second drink and carefully opened the door.

To say Adam looked like a mess was an understatement.

Bloodshot eyes, shirt untucked and wrinkled, hair sticking out at all angles and his knuckles were red, the skin around them looked stretched and painful as if he punched a wall repeatedly.

"Well you look like shit," Victor said bluntly.

Adam did not answer that cheeky remark with one of his own because his eyes were only fixed on Diana who, although a bit reluctantly, stared back at him with equal uncertainty.

"Diana can we talk?" Adam asked quietly.

"You're speaking I'm listening," Diana folded her arms.

"Alone?" He looked pleadingly at Catalina who was inching towards my side.

"No I want them to be here. Anything you have to say can be said infront of our dear friends." Diana said venomously.

"Fine," He sighed. He moved to sit on the couch next to her but she got up as soon as he sat down. She glared at him while he looked as if he had been shot straight through the heart. He regained his composure and nervously cleared his throat.

"I am so so sorry Di, I never meant to hurt you," He started off,"I totally fucked up."

"Yeah well you did," Her lip trembled a bit,"And it fucking hurts."

"Diana I love you. I love you so much that it hurts and I can't live with myself knowing that I caused you so much pain. You don't deserve any of this and I'm ashamed of myself for bringing this upon you."

"You could have spared yourself a trip if you didn't lie straight to my face Adam. We've been together too long for you to be playing those dangerous games with me. I hate when people lie to me in any situation. I appreciate the truth because at least I would be worried about the right thing."

"I know baby and I'm sorry. I know that nothing I do can heal what I've done but I will be using the rest of my life to make it up to you." Adam cried.

"You know how you can make it up to me?" Diana leered at him.

"How?" He looked hopeful.

"Let's try this have you told me the entire truth about this incident?" Diana raised her eyebrow, eyes shimmering with unspilt tears.

"No," he shook his head in shame.

"Uh oh," Catalina mumbled under her breath.

Uh oh indeed.

"What haven't you told me?" Diana looked like she just climbed out of hell. Victor moved slowly out of Diana's range incase she tried to lob something at Adam and accidentally missed.

"When I told you that I don't remember sleeping with her," He said quietly,"That wasn't the truth."

"Motherfucker!" Catalina gasped quietly.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Diana's hands clenched and unclenched dangerously.

"I do remember sleeping her and.." Adam could not hold her gaze.

"And?" Diana said in an icy tone that could freeze your heart,"And what?"

"That wasn't the only time....I slept with her three times after that." Adam hung his head.

I immediately felt sick to my stomach while Catalina and Victor shared very shocked but infuriated glances.

Diana just stared at him, her right foot tapping incredibly fast and her left eye twitched dangerously. He looked at her, trying to gauge her reaction but he didn't even see it coming when she lunged across the couch and raked him across the face with her nails.

"FUCK YOU!" Diana screamed like a broken record as she hit him over and over in every part of his body she could reach. She drew blood but he didn't even put his arms up to protect himself. Catalina already sprang foward and had a hand around Diana's waist, bodily hauling her away from Adam.

"LET ME GO!" She screeched at her bestfriend. She almost broke free but Catalina managed to pin both of her arms behind her back and pulled her towards the staircase.

"Diana baby I'm sorry," Adam cried again but didn't make an attempt to step any closer.

"SORRY? YOU'RE SORRY? FUCK YOU, YOU LYING PIECE OF SHIT!" Diana screamed again, struggling to get free of Catalina's hold but kudos to my girl because she was really showing off how strong she is.

"Adam I think you need to leave," Victor said quietly, resting a hand on his shoulder. Adam shrugged off Victor's hand and pushed him away harshly.

"You need to leave!" Victor said sharply, grabbing Adam's collar with both of his hands,"Man I know you want to look after her but you see the state she's in? It's because of you!"

"Yeah you should go before this gets worse," I spoke up, standing infront of Diana and Catalina," Just go Adam."

He stared at Victor with unfriendly hardness but then sighed and ran his hands through his already messed up hair.

"I am not going to let you go," He said before slamming the door on his way out.

Diana dissolved into a heap on the floor, the tears came fast and thick.

"Oh babygirl," Catalina sighed as she held her dearest friend. Victor recovered from his anger as he slowly took off his tie and moved to sit on the floor besides them. He brought his arms around the both of them trying to bring them some comfort as well. I knelt down infront of the three and followed Victor's lead because I knew Diana would need all the support she could get to recover from this.
