Chapter 2


I have never seen a beauty like that in my life before. Her eyes, light hazel with gold and brown accents, her light brown skin and her perfect figure.

It was like she was not even real.

She didn't lose her cool when she saw me, and as clichéd as it sounds, most of the time that's the case. Everybody wants to be with Cristiano Ronaldo to the point where I've been stalked and had my privacy invaded.

As we returned to the house, one hand was holding onto Junior tightly and the other gripped my phone in my pocket waiting for a chance to call Catalina.

Then the flashes began as the paparazzi began to flock me and my little one when we reached the gates of the house. I pulled a hat over his little head and put my shades on to save my eyes from the flashes of the numerous cameras. The gates opened to let us in but closed immediately after that, effectively keeping out the paparazzi.

My mother was in the kitchen when we entered the house. I kissed her on the cheek and set Junior in his high chair.

"The paparazzi with those stupid cameras are getting on my nerves," I confessed to my mom.

"I seriously think those people need to get a restraining order against them," She said with a disapproving frown directed outside of the window.

"Where are Katia and Elma?" I asked taking a water bottle out of the fridge.

"Don't you remember? They had to go back to Portugal today to take care of some business. So its just me, you, Junior and Hugo," Mom said not taking her eyes off the stove.

Oh yeah I forgot about that.

"I honestly forgot all about that, Hugo is going to England next year isn't he?" I asked looking on while Junior played with his favourite action figure.

"Yes he says he wants to take up photography, but I bet he'll be back at my door steps, two - three months top saying,'It just wasn't for me, mom', he never sticks to one thing that boy. " She said rolling her eyes.

"He just doesn't know want he wants to do with his life, but he'll find out eventually," I said trying to contain the laugh that was brewing inside of me.

"He is 25, single, with a college degree and no job. He needs to get out of my house or else I'm going to kick him out. I really think I love my children a little too much," She said with a smirk. I laughed at her remarks and she smiled even wider.

"How was your trip today? Did you two have fun? Did Junior behave? He's been a bit restless these days, I don't know why," Mom asked frowning at Junior who still was playing with his action figure but I knew he was listening. He's such a curious little child, I always wondered where he got that from until Katia told me that I was like that when I was smaller.

"It was nice, we took a bus to Valencia and explored a bit, Had ice cream and visited the beach. He enjoyed himself," I replied.

"That's nice, I meant to take him to the park yesterday but I had to be running around packing stuff for your sisters that it slipped my mind," She answered turning the stove off. I ruffled Junior's hair a bit and he smiled at me. Mom took him from his chair and they went into the living room to probably watch a movie.

I retreated upstairs to the comfort of my room and locked the door because Hugo was due to be home any moment now and I really didn't want to deal with him right now.

Catalina's smiling face swam in my mind, while Irina's smirk clashed furiously with it.


God how I hate that name and the woman who bares it.

She used me.

And I seriously thought I loved her.

Everyone else saw what she was from the get go but I was distracted by her façade.

She was just as shallow as those blue pools she called eyes.

It took me months to figure out why I dated her in the first place but then I realised that I really didn't know much about her.

People warned me day and night but I didn't see that it was affecting the way I played. Real Madrid almost collapsed because of me and I would have never forgiven myself if that had happened.

I crashed onto the bed and closed my eyes, trying to gather my thoughts.

Catalina Hernandez.

The name sounded familiar but I couldn't remember where I'd heard it or seen it before. I quickly grabbed my laptop and hurriedly typed in the name. Instantly a number of articles popped up and I clicked the one at the top.

"Catalina Jimena da Villa Hernandez (born 5th Nov, 1987) is a renown pathologist (known for her extensive work in virology) and medical doctor who works for the World Health. She is also one of the first Goodwill Ambassadors for the United Nations Organization.

Hernandez is an advocate for the Eradication of Sexual Violence in Military Conflict zones, making up a mostly female board that also consists of fellow Goodwill Ambasssador and actress Angelina Jolie, both who are known for travelling and working to and in areas with a heavy military and terrorist presence.

Her extensive studies in the field of Virology has lead her to discover a more effective treatment for HIV-AIDS and for the Tuberculosis virus which saved countless number of lives over the past year, securing for her the WHO Award for the Brightest Mind under 30 Award and the coveted Nobel Peace prize of Science.

Born in the slums of Sao Paulo, she comes from a household consisting of five siblings ( An older brother Javier, four younger siblings Cataleya, Joachim ,Carima and Josep) and parents (Emilia and Juan)."

There were a number of pictures of her addressing forums, working in her lab, receiving medals and awards, visiting sick children and attending to patients in a refugee camp.

It all made sense in a way. I'd seen her picture on the news everyday, because my mother always had on the TV and was running the news constantly whenever I was visiting.

I looked out the window and saw the place had become dark. Night was setting in and the moon coming out. I whipped out my phone and stared at the number she gave me, contemplating whether to call or not.

I decided to take a chance.



I just met Cristiano Ronaldo, a living legend in the football world and I did not freak out

I mean not that he's not a hell of a good looking man but I respect him more than anything. The work he does, the way he plays, how he interacts with children.

Total respect.

My lunch came just after Cristiano left and I was bombarded with questions from Izabella who had seen the whole encounter.

After straying her away from that topic, We talked for a while about her wedding, she asked me to be a bridesmaid, before I finished up my meal and headed to the boardwalk, where I took a light stroll because the breeze helped me to calm my mind down. It was about seven p.m when I reached home and my dog ran a full marathon to greet me as I threw my keys and my sunglasses on the table next to the door

I picked him up and carried him to the kitchen where I got a glass of sparkling cider for myself and a bacon treat for him. I gave it to him and then he went on his merry way.

I started to fix a light dinner for myself. Getting all the neccessary ingredients assembled I began to make a salad

I switched on the TV and was immediately greeted with the daily tabloid news for some reason.

First headline you ask?

Cristiano Ronaldo steps out with son and mystery woman after Irina heartbreak.

Then a picture of us talking quickly flashed across the screen. I chuckled to myself and finished my drink.

Really I'm a mystery woman now?

People do know how to blow things out of proportion. I was almost finished with dinner when my phone blared to life. I quickly glanced at the callers I.D  and smiled.

Well lets see how this goes.

"Hello?" I answered

"Goodnight Catalina," his deep voice emanated through the line,"How are you doing?"

"Ah well you know. Nothing has happened in the last three hours," I replied. He laughed and I savoured the melodious sound.

"That's good to hear," He answered

"How is little Cristiano? Is he ok? Was he hurt or anything?" I asked.

"No, no, no he's fine. Playing with his grandmother right now in the living room," He replied.

"Nice, Nice, he's a lovely little chap," I answered.

"That's my boy," He answered.

"You must be a proud father," 

"I am and nothing could replace that,"

"I'd like to see him again and you of course,"

"Funny, I was thinking I'd like to get to know you better," He replied.

"That would be nice. So what do you have in mind?" I asked

"How about we meet at the cafe?" He offered.

"Not bad?" I asked.

"I'll pick you up on thursday," He replied

"Sure," I replied and gave him directions to my summer home.

"You live there? I love that part of Valencia," He asked.

"Well yes I do." I replied

"Yes, so Thursday?" He answered.

"Yes Thursday, Good night Cristiano." I replied.

"Good night Catalina," He replied and hung up. 

I made my way back into the kitchen dancing my feet off.

I had a date with Cristiano Ronaldo himself. 

