Chapter 22 - The Engagement

A Commentator's P.O.V ;)

"Good Afternoon you're tuning in to another exciting matchday of La Liga BBVA. The main event here on Fox Sports One is this afternoon's Madrid Derby. Real Madrid versus Atletico Madrid."

"Ah yes, the Madrid Derby is always entertaining. These two have a rivalry that is etched in greatness and some amount of dirty tactics. And here now the players are lining up in the tunnel.

"Both of these teams are through to the Round of 16 for the Champions League, alongside second place Barcelona."

"You see this Real Madrid side is the best you will ever witness in a long time. I mean they are currently 5 points clear at the top of the table.

"At the back you have a stellar partnership of Pepe and Ramos in the box, with Carvajal and Marcelo commanding the left and right. In midfield we have Isco, Kroos and the always impressive Modric. And upfront we have the BBC, attacking power like no other. The Trio of Gareth Bale, Karim Benzema and Cristiano Ronaldo have racked up a goal count of 93 goals in La Liga so far this season and they have been unstoppable."

"But then there is the Atletico team with magnificent and incredible defensive capabilities. Diego Simone has proven to be a tactical genius with his trusty 4 1 3 2 formation. I don't believe I've ever seen a team that can defend a one goal lead like that. It's going to be interesting tonight to see how both of these teams will try to pick apart each other but right now I'm dubbing this match the Battle of the Defences."

"That's right John I wonder what the end result of this could possibly be."

"We'll just have to see. The away fans have been going through alot since FIFA has restricted how many of them can be admitted into the Bernabeu tonight due to the clashes between supporters that are known to happen,"

"That is true but right now we are here on a cool friday evening in Madrid waiting for the start of this epic matchup,"

"The referee looks at his watch,"

"There goes the whistle,"

"And we're off!"

"Excellent pass by Kroos who intercepted Gabi and here we see some of that speed that Bale possesses."

"A swift cross from Bale to Benzema. Benzema looks up. Ooooh just sends it about a millimetre wide of the post. And Real have the first corner of the game.


"And there goes the start of the second half."

"The first half started off methodical but both teams indeed have been giving it their all. So far Atletico has had 55% of possession and they are playing very high up the pitch."

"Ooh a mistake by Ramos. Griezmann slips past him with ease. He's setting up to strike and he......awww he sends the shot straight at the stands. Good build up play from the young frenchman."

"The way he slipped past Kroos and Ramos was almost magical."

"The young frenchman made quite the scandal after agreeing to what the media reported to be a lucrative move to Atletico."

"Yes but all big players have been plagued with the 'lucrative' move card. I guess it's just the hype around the transfer window. Just look at Ronaldo and Bale."

"Speaking of Ronaldo, here are Real on the counterattack."

"Ronaldo, Bale, Modric, Modric loses it but it won back by Benzema, Benzemaaaa ah what a roulette, straight to James, Ronaldoooooo....Goaaaaalllllllll."

"A stunning golazo for the home side,"

"1 - 0 and the Bernabeu is in an uproar. That backheel from James was majesterial, Ronaldo didn't even look up as he buried it in the top right corner."

"This man has been absolutely spectacular this entire season, 31 league goals, 63 in all competitions. And he doesn't show signs of letting up."

"That all comes with determination, John. Frankly I believe he is one of the most focused players in this game."

"The youngsters can learn a thing or two from him and Benzema. Their work ethic is amazing."


"And it's over folks, Real Madrid have defeated Atletico Madrid 1-0. That Ronaldo strike the only thing separating the two sides and Real Madrid have now gone 8 points clear of Barcelona at the top of the league table."

"Emotions are running high since the last time these two teams met, Real left the Vincente Calderon empty handed."

"Wait what is it we have here?"

"It seems Real Madrid officials are leading persons off of the pitch in a hurry."

"What is that John?"

"It seems that Ronaldo is bringing someone onto the field."

"It's a woman."

"I believe it is his girlfriend. The beautiful Catalina Hernandez who has certainly been a regular face here at the Bernabeu."

"I wish we could hear what they are saying."

"I guess we have to wait and see."



"What are you doing?" I asked nervously as he lead me on to the pitch when I came to congratulate him.

We walked past the entire Real team who looked excited and the newly defeated Atletico team that looked very curious. The glare of the thousands of stadium lights affected my sight as I tried to keep from stumbling over my feet and embarassing myself infront of the world.

"You'll see," He smiled sweetly. I relaxed immediately at the soft tone in his voice that soothed my nerves.

I looked back at the entrance of the tunnel and saw the rest of Real still there with broad smiles on their faces, with Marcelo's being the widest of course.

The crowd was just as confused as I was. Most of them who stayed behind wore puzzled looks while the rest pulled out their phones to video us.

A million thoughts ran through my mind.

I hope I look okay because the comments can be brutal on any footage of me....

But then again when have I ever cared?

He stopped directly in the middle of the pitch and to face me. He stood there, brown eyes just studying my face. His hand reached up to brush a loose curl away from my face and he took a deep breath.

"Jimena just let me start off by saying that you are beautiful and that I love you and I know you must be wondering what the hell I am doing." He started off.

"Yeah pretty much," I laughed.

"Well...God I'm so nervous. I have been thinking alot these past months. Looking back I admit I used to be somewhat of a selfish person at times before. But since I met you my love, I have truly found myself. It is not easy putting up with me, I know how unbearable I can be at times." He chuckled.

"Sometimes," I giggled and he laughed.

"Thanks for sticking by me, with Junior as well. We both would be empty without you. I certainly would be nothing if you were not here. I wake up each morning and I am set at ease with the thought that you are mine. I thank God everyday that you are here in my life and I pray in earnest that nothing will ever separate us,"

My heartbeat slowed down as well as time as I stared into those chocolate brown orbs that always gave me comfort. Our hands were entwined and pressed up against his chest in such a way I could feel his heartbeat. It was so intriguing that his own seemed to mirror mine.

Suddenly he pulled one hand away and slipped it into the pocket of his trackpants. My eyes never left his until he gestured for me to look down. I heard the stadium do a sharp collective intake of breath as I lowered my gaze to see what he was showing me.

I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I stared down at the ring that was fixed in the small velvet box.

I looked up at him again and a gentle smile was plastered on his face. Slowly he went down on one knee and it felt as if my heart was in my throat. My hands began to tremble as I faintly heard the crowd chant 'Say yes' in the background.

"Catalina Jimena da Villa
Hernandez my love....would you marry me?"

I stared at him.

His eyes weren't showing any emotions of expectancy.

None of lust.

None of desire.

None of longing.

But it held one emotion: love.

And that is exactly what I have for him, what I feel for him, that raw emotion.


And nothing could ever change that.

"Yes," I said, crying tears of absolute joy.

Tears of his own ran down his face as he slid the ring onto my slender finger and kissed my hand gently

The quarter filled stadium erupted in cheers when we kissed and to my utter surprise, confetti started falling everywhere.

He really does not leave any stones unturned.

He wrapped his muscular arms around me and enveloped me into a tight hug full of promise and stability. I buried my head into his chest, taking in his comforting smell and heartbeat once again.

"I love you Cristiano," I said quietly.

"I love you Catalina," He replied softly.

Suddenly I felt arms going around both of us and realised that the team had joined us for a big group hug.

"I knew it," James shouted,"Congratulations you two,"

"She said yes dude, now you can finally sleep," Sergio joked slapping Cris on the back.

"Finally thank god, I thought he would have been too nervous to do it." Karim laughed.

"I am so happy and proud of you two. You are perfect for each other." Marcelo cried.

"Thank you guys so much," Cris managed to get out. I was glad he said something because I think I'm too happy to think.

We just stood there, barely catching the congratulations that were being offered to us. It was like we are wrapped in our own little bubble, free from all the troubles of the world.

In that moment I realised that we are entirely imperfect but we are just right for each other.
