Chapter 15


I upset her but I was so damn angry.

I fucked up.

It was hell trying to get out of the Bernabeu. Reporters swarmed the exits and extra barricades had to be set up in order to control the crowds. So I just gave up even trying to get out and the sick memory just flashed suddenly before my eyes.

They kissed.


I stayed in the locker room almost afraid to even take a step out because with my track record I would probably do something extremely stupid.

"What the fuck was that out there?" Iker yelled, pissed off seven ways to Sunday, storming into the room.

I didn't answer because if anything came out, it wouldn't be pretty.

"Cris, what the hell were you thinking? You were behaving like a real asshole out there." Marcelo said with Karim and Sergio trailing behind him.

"It's not my fault," I said quietly.

Iker whispered "What the fuck is he talking about?" to Sergio who shrugged, equally confused.

"She's really angry with you, she was so worried about you before the conference. When you refused to talk to her you know what she said? HE doesn't deserve this. She was thinking about you even though it was you who made her upset." Marcelo said getting angry with me.

"It's hard for me. Did you see the way he looked at her? Did you see when he KISSED her?" I asked burying my head in my hands in frustration.

The guys let out a big 'OH' of comprehension. Karim patted me solemnly on the back. Iker looked very concerned and Sergio called Neymar something under his breath and I'm pretty sure it wasn't 'friend'.

Sergio really does hate him.

"Did he really kissed her? and would Lina let him kiss her even if? Cris you have to give her the benefit of the doubt. She's not that type of person and you know it."

"But Neymar is." I retorted and Marcelo put his hands up in frustration.

"Cris she loves you. Someone, even someone like Neymar, could never come in between you two."


The drive home was extremely tense for me but the roads were surprisingly clear after all of that chaos. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw the convertible in the garage so at least I knew she was at home.

All the lights in the house were off and that scared me. I entered the house through the kitchen door and was met with the scent of something mouthwatering. Her lasagna sat on the counter, hot and ready to be eaten if Samira or Izabella had come over but it was strangely neglected.

Where the hell is she?

Lucky bounded over to me barking softly. He's really grown to like me these days. I chuckled "Hey buddy, where's your mom?" He perked up his ears but nothing else after that. I sighed as he turned and ran up the hall to his sleeping basket.

I searched all over, getting worried with each empty room, until I came up to the last hall in the house which her art room was.

A faint glow indicated that she was indeed in there and relief instantly washed over me.

Her art room was really a thing beauty.

She is definitely multitalented. Her portaits hung on one side of the room while her paintings, finished and half finished, all equally and hauntingly beautiful. The one I especially loved was her self portrait which was the one with the least effort but held the most emotion which was in her eyes.

She sat in the corner of the room furiously drawing something at her easel.

I know she knew I was in here but she chose to ignore me completely.

"Catalina we need to talk." I said calmly sitting on the window sill. She ignored me and continued to draw with the same fury.

"Catalina," I sighed," Please look at me." She still refused to meet my eye and I was suddenly angry.

"Catalina it's not fair." I said frustratedly and she looked up at me so suddenly it made me jump.

Her eyes were angry and in their anger they turned dark, really dark, almost dark green or black in colour.

"What is not fair?" She said in a quiet yet steady voice.

"All of this. Catalina I saw you kiss him." I strained, almost on the brink of tears.

"For fuck's sake Cristiano," she sighed,"Cris I did not kiss him. He kissed me on the cheek. That's all."

"Really?" I said, heart soaring.

"Yes. It was a simple good bye. I've known Neymar since I was small. He's like family to me." She said in an immensely tired voice.

"But the way he looked at you, something inside me just snapped." I admitted dejectedly. She put down her pencil and studied me with her arms folded.

"Cristiano, what are you doing to yourself? How did he look at me, Cristiano," She asked.

"With lust." I choked out.

"With lust...." She whispered closing her eyes, inhaling and exhaling loudly, trying to process what was going on.

"Catalina you don't know how hard it is."

"How hard what is?" She asked warily, an eyebrow raised.

"To be with someone everyone wants." I admitted.

"You think it's easy being with you? You know how much hate I get on a daily fucking basis?" She asked, her voice laced with anger,"How many times I've been called a whore, a gold digger, worthless, conniving and slut just because they do not like seeing us together?"

"You don't know how many times I've wanted to punch all the men who looked at you in the same way Neymar looked at you. Everyone would be walking around with bruised jaws. It is maddening." I confessed.

"What made you snap against Neymar then?" She asked quietly.

"Because I know he has the power to steal you away from me." I replied sincerely.

"Wow." She said disappointedly,"Then I haven't done a good job."

I looked at her in confusion. " Good job at what?" I asked.

"Look at this," she said.

She turned the canvas to me and the picture caught me by surprise.

"Is that me?" I asked the question I already knew the answer too. She drew me, my sleeping figure to be exact. This was one picture she could only get if she studied me while I slept which melted my heart and made a lump grow in my throat.

"Good job at what Catalina?" I asked coming back to my senses.

"Telling and showing how much I love you. You still doubt my love."
She said hanging her head.

"No no no. Catalina don't say that. Catalina I love you," I said with a pain in my chest.

"Cristiano what do you expect? You snap at every little thing," She asked looking at me with drained eyes. "I need you to realise how much I love you."

She came up to me, pulling my hands, making me stand up. She was only a bit shorter than me but we seem to be eye to eye at the moment.

"I want you to look at me." She said quietly.

She closed the gap between us and slowly pressed her lips onto mine.

Our lips moved in unison while brown and hazel eyes devoured each others soul.

She slowly closed her eyes and the kiss intensified as she wrapped her long, shapely legs around my waist. My hands roamed all over her warm body under her shirt, caressing everything in their wake.  She took off her jacket, quickly discarding it unto the floor before gripping my hair tightly and tugging whenever she liked how we kissed.

I carried her up the stairs to our bedroom, carefully enough not to bump into anything that might have disturbed us.

When we entered the room, I set her gently on the ground and we both looked each other up and down thoroughly.

I brushed a strand of hair aside that fell in front of her face. I cupped her cheek and ran my thumb over it, taking in her radiance.

"So beautiful," I whispered softly making her blush.

I love it when she's shy, it rarely happens.

I pressed my lips unto her forehead before dropping them to her lips. She smiled into my mouth, biting and tugging at my bottom lip aggressively.

We crashed onto the bed making it shake from the force. Catalina straddled me, her hair falling all over the place while I gripped her ass tightly. Taking off my shirt in one fluid motion, she ran her dainty hands over my chest, smirking likely the devil himself and trailing a finger over my abs.

"Now this I like." She said seductively.

I chuckled, removing her vest and leggings quickly, leaving her in her bra and panties alone.

"Eager are we?" She said playfully with the devilish look in her eye.

"I want you," I said hoarsely.

She bit her lip hard trying to contain herself.

We kissed again, she parted her plump lips slightly, letting me slip my tongue into her mouth, making her moan softly.

I moved my lips to her neck and began to nip at her smooth skin. Her moans became louder, making me get harder by the second.

She ran her hands down her back and in an instant her bra was off, exposing her breasts to me. I kissed them each making sure to slide off her panties slowly. I carelessly threw them across the room, hearing them land with a light thud.

She was completely naked before me now, beautiful as a goddess and entirely mine.

"We really need to get rid of these pants." She said.

She slithered down my body with precision and began to unbutton my jeans. She brushed her hand lightly over my bulge, making me shiver with anticipation before moving to tug them roughly off.

"Oh and these too." She said using her nails to tear off my boxers like some sort of animal.

She smiled wickedly at what she saw before her.

"Very impressive," She whispered to herself huskily.

She kissed a trail from my navel straight unto my lips.

She leaned over into my ear

"So what are you gonna do now?" She whispered again sending a shiver of pleasure up my spine.

That was all it took before I flipped her over aggressively, taking her by surprise.

I ran my hand up and down her thigh, making her bite her lip.

Damn, she'll be the death of me.

"I am going to make love to you." I whispered in her ear.
